Mr Dan Repacholi MP

Mr Dan Repacholi MP

Member for Hunter

Australian Labor Party
House of Representatives

Seating Plan

Seating map

Electorate Office

(Principal Office)

3 Edward Street
Cessnock, NSW, 2325

Postal address

PO Box 526
Cessnock, NSW, 2325

(02) 4991 1022

Parliament Office

PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

(02) 6277 4930


Parliamentary service
  • Elected to the House of Representatives for Hunter, New South Wales, 2022.
Committee service
  • House of Representatives Select: Nuclear Energy served as Chair from 10.10.2024 to present; Nuclear Energy served from 10.10.2024 to 10.10.2024
  • House of Representatives Standing: Industry, Science and Resources served from 28.7.2022 to present; Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water served from 28.7.2022 to present
  • Joint Statutory: Law Enforcement served from 28.7.2022 to present
Parliamentary party positions
  • Australian Labor Party. Served: 21.05.2022 to present
  • Born: 15.12.1982, Carlton, Australia
  • Gender: Male
  • Marital Status: Married
Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
  • Certificate III in Engineering.
  • Fitter from 1997 to 2009.
  • Coal miner from 2009 to December 2017.
  • Manager from December 2017 to December 2021.
  • Name: Hunter
  • Location: Hunter includes the Muswellbrook Shire Council, Singleton Council, Cessnock City Council (part) and Lake Macquarie City Council (part). The main towns include Broke, Cessnock, Denman, Mulbring, Muswellbrook, Paxton, Putty, Singleton, Widden and Wyee.
  • Area: 10,640 Sq km
  • Electors enrolled: 121,436 (at 7.6.2019)
  • Industries: Agriculture, coal-mining, dairy farming, engineering, farming, forestry, fruit and vegetables, horse studs and racing, timber milling, tourism, wine grapes, wineries and wool. Liddell and Bayswater Power Stations are also in the division.
  • 5 x Olympian, 3 x Commonwealth Gold & Bronze medalist.

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