Mr Terry Young MP

Mr Terry Young MP

Member for Longman

Liberal National Party of Queensland
House of Representatives

Seating Plan

Seating map

Electorate Office

(Principal Office)

Unit A (Level 1)
69 King Street
Caboolture, QLD, 4510

Postal address

PO Box 42
Caboolture, QLD, 4510

(07) 5432 3177

Parliament Office

PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

(02) 6277 4030


Parliamentary service
  • Elected to the House of Representatives for Longman, Queensland, 2019. Re-elected 2022.
Parliamentary positions
  • Member of the Speaker's Panel from 2.8.2022.
Committee service
  • House of Representatives Standing: Employment, Education and Training served from 4.7.2019 to 11.4.2022; Indigenous Affairs served from 4.7.2019 to 11.4.2022; Tax and Revenue served from 4.7.2019 to 11.4.2022; Procedure served from 1.8.2022 to present; Employment, Education and Training served as Deputy Chair from 11.8.2022 to present
  • Joint Select: Australia's Family Law System served from 6.10.2020 to 22.11.2021
  • Joint Standing: Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade served from 1.8.2022 to present
Parliamentary party positions
  • Liberal Party of Australia. Served: 18.05.2019 to present
  • Born: 20.2.1968, Brisbane, Australia
  • Gender: Male
  • Marital Status: Married
Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
  • Garage Attendant, Ampol Redcliffe, 1984.
  • Factory hand, James Saddlery, Brendale, 1984. .
  • Storeperson/Sales Assistant, Glenfords Power Tools from 1984 to 1986.
  • Sales Assistant, Errol Stewarts, Strathpine from 1986 to 1988.
  • Sales Assistant, Chandlers, Kawana Waters from 1988 to 1989.
  • Assistant Manager, Chandlers, Kawana Waters from 1989 to 1991.
  • Store Manager, Chandlers, Caboolture from 1991 to 1995.
  • Account Manager, Philips Electronics from 1996 to 1997.
  • State Manager, Philips Car Audio from 1997 to 1998.
  • Account Manager, Philips DAP from 1998 to 2000.
  • Joint Venture Partner, The Good Guys, Morayfield from 2001 to 2006.
  • Franchisee, Drummond Golf, Lawnton from 2007 to 2012.
  • Franchisee, Drummond Golf, Gosford from 2016 to 2019.
  • Franchisee, Drummond Golf, Maroochydore from 2018 to 2019.
  • Name: Longman
  • Location: The Division of Longman consists of: part of the Moreton Bay Regional Council, part of the Somerset Regional Council, and part of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.
  • Area: 1,237 Sq km
  • Electors enrolled: 114,718 (at 10.6.2019)
  • Industries: Tourism, light industry, beef cattle, horse studs, prawn farming, poultry farms, pig farming, and various crops including grains, pineapples, fruit and flower farms.

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