Urgency motions—2006

Number of urgency motions: 7
Matter of urgency Date Journals page
Senator Conroy
Debated and negatived
27/02/06 1881
Indigenous Australians
Senator Bartlett
Debated and agreed to
19/06/06 2286
Environment—Victoria—Bald Hills—Proposed wind farm
Senator Carr
Debated and negatived (division)
08/08/06 2388
Senator Nettle
Debated and negatived (division)
05/09/06 2582
Children—Child protection
Senator Bartlett
Debated and agreed to
12/09/06 2669
Foreign Affairs—North Korea—Nuclear weapons test
Senator Milne
Debated and negatived (division)
11/10/06 2785
Defence—Iraq—Australian troops
Senator Allison
Debated and negatived (division)
06/12/06 3269

Parliament House Calendar

August 2020

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234 Senate5678
9 Senate10 Senate1112 Senate131415
16171819 Other20 Other21 Other22
23 Both24 Both25 Both26 Both27 House of Representatives28 Other29
30 Both31 Both12345
  • Senate
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  • Both
  • Public Holiday
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