Urgency motions—2005

Number of urgency motions: 6
Matter of urgency Date Journals page
Immigration—Ms Cornelia Rau
Senator Ludwig
Debated and agreed to
08/02/05 320
Senator Bartlett
Debated and agreed to
12/05/05 636
Indigenous Australians—Health—Petrol sniffing
Senator Bob Brown
Debated and agreed to
16/08/05 947
Senator Bartlett
Debated and agreed to
17/08/05 969
Senator Murray
Debated and negatived (division)
05/09/05 1002
Australian electoral system
Senator Carr
Debated and agreed to
06/10/05 1202

Parliament House Calendar

February 2023

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2930311 Other2 Other3 Other4
5 Both6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Other10 Senate11
12 Both13 Both14 Both15 Both16 Senate17 Other18
19 Senate20 Other21 Other22 Senate23 Senate2425
26 Other27 Senate28 Both1234
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other