Matters of public importance—2008

Number of matters of public importance discussed: 9
Matter Date Journals page
Economics—Management of the economy
Senator Abetz
15/10/08 1028
Economics—Western Australia
Senator Johnston
02/09/08 783
Senator Mason
16/09/08 854
Envioronment—Murray-Darling Basin System
Senator Bernardi
03/09/08 797
Environment—Murray-Darling Basin System
Senator Fisher
17/09/08 868
Industry—Automotive industry
Senator Abetz
10/11/08 1080
Regional Australia—Health services and road infrastructure
Senator Nash
01/09/08 771
Rudd Government
Senator Mason
24/11/08 1237
Social Issues—Age pensions
Senator Bernardi
24/09/08 940

Parliament House Calendar

January 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
678910 Senate1112
1314151617 Senate1819
20 Senate21 Senate22 Other23 Other24 House of Representatives2526
27 Public holiday28 Other29 Other30 Both31 Senate12
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other