Matters of public importance—2008

Number of matters of public importance discussed: 9
Matter Date Journals page
Economics—Management of the economy
Senator Abetz
15/10/08 1028
Economics—Western Australia
Senator Johnston
02/09/08 783
Senator Mason
16/09/08 854
Envioronment—Murray-Darling Basin System
Senator Bernardi
03/09/08 797
Environment—Murray-Darling Basin System
Senator Fisher
17/09/08 868
Industry—Automotive industry
Senator Abetz
10/11/08 1080
Regional Australia—Health services and road infrastructure
Senator Nash
01/09/08 771
Rudd Government
Senator Mason
24/11/08 1237
Social Issues—Age pensions
Senator Bernardi
24/09/08 940

Parliament House Calendar

December 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29301 Both2 Both3 Other4 Other5
6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Both10 Senate1112
1314 Senate15 Other16 Other171819
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other