Motions agreed to—2010

Number of principal motions agreed to:
42nd Parliament 44
43rd Parliament 29
Total for 2010 73
42nd Parliament
Subject Notice given Agreed to Journals page
Administration—Australian Taxation Office—Change Program (Senator Xenophon) 11/05/10 13/05/10* 3493
Administration—South Australia—State elections (Senator Bob Brown) 16/03/10 17/03/10 3364
Appropriations and Staffing—Standing Committee—Ordinary annual services of the Government (Senator Ludwig) 17/06/10 22/06/10 3642
Culture and the Arts—Victoria Cross medals—National tour (Senators Barnett and Williams) 09/03/10 10/03/10* 3278
Death of Dr Paul Collker (Senators Fifield and Bernardi) 17/03/10 18/03/10 3381
Economics—Renewable energy target legislation (Senator Barnett) 23/02/10 24/02/10* 3200
Enrol to Vote Week 2010 (Senator Hanson-Young) 12/05/10 13/05/10 3488
Environment—Energy efficiency (Senator Milne) 16/06/10 21/06/10 3626
Environment—Green Loans Program (Senator Birmingham) 23/06/10 24/06/10 3765
Environment—Green Loan Program—Home sustainability assessors (Senator Milne) 02/02/10 03/02/10 3116
Environment—Koala population (Senator Bob Brown) 22/06/10 23/06/10 3689
Environment—Mobile phone chargers (Senator Bob Brown) 22/06/10 23/06/10* 3688
Environment—Murray-Darling Basin (Senator Farrell) 17/03/10 18/03/10 3381
Environment—Renewable energy (Senators Barnett and Fisher) 15/03/10 16/03/10* 3332
Environment—Renewable Energy Certificates (Senator Milne) 02/02/10 03/02/10 3115
Environment—Whale shark research—Dr Brad Norman (Senator Siewert) 03/02/10 04/02/10 3128
Environment—World Water Day (Senator Siewert) 17/03/10 18/03/10* 3380
Foreign Affairs—Burma—Human Rights (Senator Ludlam) 16/03/10 17/03/10* 3365
Foreign Affairs—China and Taiwan (Senator Hutchins) 23/06/10 24/06/10* 3764
Foreign Affairs—India—Women (Senator Hanson-Young) 15/03/10 16/03/10* 3333
Foreign Affairs—Sri Lanka (Senator Hanson-Young) 15/06/10 24/06/10* 3763
Health—Minimum price for alcohol (Senator Siewert) 23/06/10 24/06/10 3766
Health—Motor neurone disease Global Day (Senator Barnett) 21/06/10 22/06/10 3658
Health—Plastics—Bisphenol A (Senator Siewert) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3465
Health—Renal health services (Senator Siewert) 09/03/10 10/03/10 3275
Health—World Kidney Day (Senator Siewert) 10/03/10 11/03/10 3290
Health—World Tuberculosis Day (Senators Barnett and Crossin) 17/03/10 18/03/10 3381
Historical Events—Rabaul and the New Guinea Islands (Senators McEwen and Trood) 13/05/10 21/06/10 3626
Historical Events—Victoria—Windsor Hotel (Senator Bob Brown) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3470
Immigration—Asylum seekers and refugees (Senator Hanson-Young) 21/06/10 22/06/10* 3656
Immigration—Child migrants—Apology (Senators Siewert, Moore and Humphries) 09/03/10 10/03/10 3280
Indigenous Australians—Deaths in custody (Senator Siewert) 17/03/10 18/03/10* 3382
Indigenous Australians—Human rights (Senator Siewert) 23/06/10 24/06/10 3767
Indigenous Australians—National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day (Senator Siewert) 22/06/10 23/06/10 3688
Indigenous Australians—Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (Senator Scullion) 12/05/10 13/05/10 3486
Industrial Relations—Occupational health and safety laws (Senator Siewert) 09/03/10 11/03/10 3290
National Volunteer Week (Senator Stephens) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3462
Parliament—Opening of Parliament—'Welcome to Country' ceremony (Senator Evans) 22/06/10 23/06/10 3671
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Construction of a vehicle storage facility near the Parliament House loading dock (Senator Faulkner) 16/03/10 18/03/10 3379
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Improvement of exterior lighting within the Parliament House precinct (Senator Wong) 15/03/10 13/05/10 3486
Senate—Rotation of senators (Senator Ronaldson) 21/06/10 22/06/10 3652
Social Issues—Millennium Development Goals (Senator Barnett) 21/06/10 22/06/10 3652
Social Issues—Poverty (Senator Pratt) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3465
Trade—Australian apple and pear industry (Senators Colbeck, Xenophon, Milne and Fielding) 15/06/10 16/06/10* 3578
43rd Parliament
Subject Notice given Agreed to Journals page
Administration—Information Commissioner—Provision of information (Senator Cormann) 18/11/10 22/11/10 367
Death of Dr Roberta 'Bobbi' Sykes (Senator Siewert) 16/11/10 17/11/10 321
Death of Professor Frank Fenner, AC, CMG, MBE, FAA, FRS (Senators Carr, Mason, Milne and Siewert) 23/11/10 24/11/10 415
Defence—Exercise Hamel (Senator Macdonald) 22/11/10 23/11/10 398
Education—Insight Education Centre for the Blind and Vision Impaired (Senator Fifield) 17/11//10 18/11/10 338
Environment—Climate change (Senator Milne) 18/11/10 22/11/10 366
Environment—Coal seam gas projects (Senator Bob Brown) 26/10/10 28/10/10* 237
Family and Community Services—Aged care services (Senator Siewert) 28/10/10 15/11/10 269
Family and Community Services—Palliative care (Senator Boyce) 23/11/10 24/11/10 420
Family and Community Services—Volunteers (Senators Barnett and Fifield) 23/11/10 24/11/10 419
Family and Community Services—World Volunteer Managers Day (Senator Stephens) 28/10/10 15/11/10 269
Finance—Credit card surcharge (Senator Milne) 16/11/10 17/11/10* 322
Foreign Affairs—Burma—Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (Senator Ludlam) 16/11/10 17/11/10 322
Foreign Affairs—Iran—Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani (Senators Barnett and Bernardi) 23/11/10 24/11/10* 420
Foreign Affairs—Philippines (Senator Wortley) 23/11/10 24/11/10 421
Health—Global framework for acction on water and sanitation (Senator Siewert) 16/11/10 18/11/10 337
Health—Mental illness (Senator Fierravanti-Wells) 25/10/10 26/10/10 209
Health—National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (Senators Siewert and Adams) 18/11/10 22/11/10 368
Health—Tobacco advertising (Senator Siewert) 30/09/10 25/10/10 173
Immigration—Afghan nationals—Asylum claims (Senator Hanson-Young) 28/09/10 29/09/10 101
Immigration—Afghan nationals—Asylum claims (Senator Cash) 29/09/10 30/09/10* 120
Industrial Relations—Unpaid overtime (Senator Siewert) 22/11/10 23/11/10* 399
Law and Justice—Anti-discrimination laws (Senator Hanson-Young) 15/11/10 16/11/10* 304
Law and Justice—Human rights—Human trafficking and slavery (Senator Barnett) 23/11/10 24/11/10 418
Migration—Joint Standing Committee—Immigration reports—Government response (Senator Hanson-Young) 28/09/10 29/09/10 102
National Carers Week (Senator Siewert) 28/09/10 29/09/10 92
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposals—Approval—Construction of a new access road to the National Archives of Australia and the installation of outdoor exhibits at Questacon (Senator Feeney) 26/10/10 28/10/10 239
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposals—Approval—Expansion to the Abacus childcare centre at the Treasury building (Senator Farrell) 22/11/10 26/11/10 474
Women—International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (Senator Cash) 23/11/10 24/11/10 417

* Moved or agreed to in an amended form
# Motion moved by leave

Parliament House Calendar

January 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
78 Senate91011 Senate1213
14151617 House of Representatives18 Senate1920
21 Senate22 Other23 Other24252627
28 Other29 Other30 Other31 Senate123
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other