Motions agreed to—2010

Number of principal motions agreed to:
42nd Parliament 44
43rd Parliament 29
Total for 2010 73
42nd Parliament
Subject Notice given Agreed to Journals page
Administration—Australian Taxation Office—Change Program (Senator Xenophon) 11/05/10 13/05/10* 3493
Administration—South Australia—State elections (Senator Bob Brown) 16/03/10 17/03/10 3364
Appropriations and Staffing—Standing Committee—Ordinary annual services of the Government (Senator Ludwig) 17/06/10 22/06/10 3642
Culture and the Arts—Victoria Cross medals—National tour (Senators Barnett and Williams) 09/03/10 10/03/10* 3278
Death of Dr Paul Collker (Senators Fifield and Bernardi) 17/03/10 18/03/10 3381
Economics—Renewable energy target legislation (Senator Barnett) 23/02/10 24/02/10* 3200
Enrol to Vote Week 2010 (Senator Hanson-Young) 12/05/10 13/05/10 3488
Environment—Energy efficiency (Senator Milne) 16/06/10 21/06/10 3626
Environment—Green Loans Program (Senator Birmingham) 23/06/10 24/06/10 3765
Environment—Green Loan Program—Home sustainability assessors (Senator Milne) 02/02/10 03/02/10 3116
Environment—Koala population (Senator Bob Brown) 22/06/10 23/06/10 3689
Environment—Mobile phone chargers (Senator Bob Brown) 22/06/10 23/06/10* 3688
Environment—Murray-Darling Basin (Senator Farrell) 17/03/10 18/03/10 3381
Environment—Renewable energy (Senators Barnett and Fisher) 15/03/10 16/03/10* 3332
Environment—Renewable Energy Certificates (Senator Milne) 02/02/10 03/02/10 3115
Environment—Whale shark research—Dr Brad Norman (Senator Siewert) 03/02/10 04/02/10 3128
Environment—World Water Day (Senator Siewert) 17/03/10 18/03/10* 3380
Foreign Affairs—Burma—Human Rights (Senator Ludlam) 16/03/10 17/03/10* 3365
Foreign Affairs—China and Taiwan (Senator Hutchins) 23/06/10 24/06/10* 3764
Foreign Affairs—India—Women (Senator Hanson-Young) 15/03/10 16/03/10* 3333
Foreign Affairs—Sri Lanka (Senator Hanson-Young) 15/06/10 24/06/10* 3763
Health—Minimum price for alcohol (Senator Siewert) 23/06/10 24/06/10 3766
Health—Motor neurone disease Global Day (Senator Barnett) 21/06/10 22/06/10 3658
Health—Plastics—Bisphenol A (Senator Siewert) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3465
Health—Renal health services (Senator Siewert) 09/03/10 10/03/10 3275
Health—World Kidney Day (Senator Siewert) 10/03/10 11/03/10 3290
Health—World Tuberculosis Day (Senators Barnett and Crossin) 17/03/10 18/03/10 3381
Historical Events—Rabaul and the New Guinea Islands (Senators McEwen and Trood) 13/05/10 21/06/10 3626
Historical Events—Victoria—Windsor Hotel (Senator Bob Brown) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3470
Immigration—Asylum seekers and refugees (Senator Hanson-Young) 21/06/10 22/06/10* 3656
Immigration—Child migrants—Apology (Senators Siewert, Moore and Humphries) 09/03/10 10/03/10 3280
Indigenous Australians—Deaths in custody (Senator Siewert) 17/03/10 18/03/10* 3382
Indigenous Australians—Human rights (Senator Siewert) 23/06/10 24/06/10 3767
Indigenous Australians—National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day (Senator Siewert) 22/06/10 23/06/10 3688
Indigenous Australians—Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (Senator Scullion) 12/05/10 13/05/10 3486
Industrial Relations—Occupational health and safety laws (Senator Siewert) 09/03/10 11/03/10 3290
National Volunteer Week (Senator Stephens) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3462
Parliament—Opening of Parliament—'Welcome to Country' ceremony (Senator Evans) 22/06/10 23/06/10 3671
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Construction of a vehicle storage facility near the Parliament House loading dock (Senator Faulkner) 16/03/10 18/03/10 3379
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Improvement of exterior lighting within the Parliament House precinct (Senator Wong) 15/03/10 13/05/10 3486
Senate—Rotation of senators (Senator Ronaldson) 21/06/10 22/06/10 3652
Social Issues—Millennium Development Goals (Senator Barnett) 21/06/10 22/06/10 3652
Social Issues—Poverty (Senator Pratt) 11/05/10 12/05/10 3465
Trade—Australian apple and pear industry (Senators Colbeck, Xenophon, Milne and Fielding) 15/06/10 16/06/10* 3578
43rd Parliament
Subject Notice given Agreed to Journals page
Administration—Information Commissioner—Provision of information (Senator Cormann) 18/11/10 22/11/10 367
Death of Dr Roberta 'Bobbi' Sykes (Senator Siewert) 16/11/10 17/11/10 321
Death of Professor Frank Fenner, AC, CMG, MBE, FAA, FRS (Senators Carr, Mason, Milne and Siewert) 23/11/10 24/11/10 415
Defence—Exercise Hamel (Senator Macdonald) 22/11/10 23/11/10 398
Education—Insight Education Centre for the Blind and Vision Impaired (Senator Fifield) 17/11//10 18/11/10 338
Environment—Climate change (Senator Milne) 18/11/10 22/11/10 366
Environment—Coal seam gas projects (Senator Bob Brown) 26/10/10 28/10/10* 237
Family and Community Services—Aged care services (Senator Siewert) 28/10/10 15/11/10 269
Family and Community Services—Palliative care (Senator Boyce) 23/11/10 24/11/10 420
Family and Community Services—Volunteers (Senators Barnett and Fifield) 23/11/10 24/11/10 419
Family and Community Services—World Volunteer Managers Day (Senator Stephens) 28/10/10 15/11/10 269
Finance—Credit card surcharge (Senator Milne) 16/11/10 17/11/10* 322
Foreign Affairs—Burma—Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (Senator Ludlam) 16/11/10 17/11/10 322
Foreign Affairs—Iran—Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani (Senators Barnett and Bernardi) 23/11/10 24/11/10* 420
Foreign Affairs—Philippines (Senator Wortley) 23/11/10 24/11/10 421
Health—Global framework for acction on water and sanitation (Senator Siewert) 16/11/10 18/11/10 337
Health—Mental illness (Senator Fierravanti-Wells) 25/10/10 26/10/10 209
Health—National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (Senators Siewert and Adams) 18/11/10 22/11/10 368
Health—Tobacco advertising (Senator Siewert) 30/09/10 25/10/10 173
Immigration—Afghan nationals—Asylum claims (Senator Hanson-Young) 28/09/10 29/09/10 101
Immigration—Afghan nationals—Asylum claims (Senator Cash) 29/09/10 30/09/10* 120
Industrial Relations—Unpaid overtime (Senator Siewert) 22/11/10 23/11/10* 399
Law and Justice—Anti-discrimination laws (Senator Hanson-Young) 15/11/10 16/11/10* 304
Law and Justice—Human rights—Human trafficking and slavery (Senator Barnett) 23/11/10 24/11/10 418
Migration—Joint Standing Committee—Immigration reports—Government response (Senator Hanson-Young) 28/09/10 29/09/10 102
National Carers Week (Senator Siewert) 28/09/10 29/09/10 92
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposals—Approval—Construction of a new access road to the National Archives of Australia and the installation of outdoor exhibits at Questacon (Senator Feeney) 26/10/10 28/10/10 239
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposals—Approval—Expansion to the Abacus childcare centre at the Treasury building (Senator Farrell) 22/11/10 26/11/10 474
Women—International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (Senator Cash) 23/11/10 24/11/10 417

* Moved or agreed to in an amended form
# Motion moved by leave

Parliament House Calendar

December 2022

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
272829301 Other2 Other3
4 Other5 Other6 Other7 Other8 Other9 Senate10
1112 Other13 Other14 House of Representatives15 Other16 Other17
18 Other19 Other20 Other21 House of Representatives222324
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other