Motions agreed to—2009

Number of principal motions agreed to: 99
Subject Notice given Agreed to Journals page
Administration—Australian Security Intelligence Organisation—Headquarters building (Senator Bob Brown) 13/08/09 20/08/09* 2362
Administration—Asylum seeker management—Audit of support (Senator Hanson-Young) 17/11/09 18/11/09* 2764
Administration—Federal Court of Australia—Registry services (Senators Abetz and Bob Brown) 11/08/09 12/08/09 2273
Administration—National Archives of Australia—Office closures (Senators Bob Brown and Hanson-Young) 16/11/09 17/11/09 2738
Administration—Reserve Bank of Australia (Senator Bob Brown) 18/06/09 22/06/09 2132
Animal Welfare—Namibian cape fur seals (Senator Siewert) 24/06/09 25/06/09 2191
Appropriations and Staffing—Standing Committee—Ordinary annual services—Government response (Senator Bob Brown) 15/09/09 16/09/09 2511
Australian National Flag Day and Merchant Navy Day (Senator Ludwig) 19/08/09 20/08/09 2360
Communications—Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Senator Bob Brown) 12/03/09 16/03/09 1716
Communications—Digital broadcasting—Community television (Senator Ludlam) 23/06/09 24/06/09 2175
Communications—Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (Senators Bob Brown and Ludlam) 17/03/09 18/03/09 1771
Death of former Deputy Clerk of the Senate Miss Anne Lynch (Senator Hogg) 12/05/09 13/05/09 1933
Death of Mr Hussein Ali Yousufi (Senator Bob Brown) 09/02/09 10/02/09* 1577
Death of Mr Laurie Short (Senator Hutchins) 12/05/09 13/05/09 1933
Death of Mrs Nancy-Bird Walton (Senator Nash) 03/02/09 04/02/09 1543
Death of Ms Natalya Estemirova (Senator Bob Brown) 12/08/09 18/08/09 2320
Economics—Greenhouse gas emission cuts (Senator Milne) 23/06/09 24/06/09 2174
Education—Australian Technical College Northern Tasmania—Closure (Senators Barnett, Colbeck and Parry) 17/11/09 18/11/09 2764
Education—Building the Education Revolution Program (Senators Mason and Williams) 24/06/09 25/06/09 2189
Education—National School Chaplaincy Program (Senators Barnett and Mason) 24/11/09 25/11/09 2867
Environment—Antarctica—World Cultural and Natural Heritage List (Senator Bob Brown) 15/06/09 16/06/09 2051
Environment—Coal exploration (Senator Joyce) 16/06/09 17/06/09 2089
Environment—Commonwealth disaster plan (Senators Back, Williams and Milne) 24/11/09 25/11/09 2870
Environment—Montara oil spill—Inquiry (Senator Siewert) 16/09/09 17/09/09 2536
Environment—Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Senator Milne) 22/06/09 25/06/09 2187
Environment—New South Wales—Wetlands (Senator bob Brown) 13/05/09 14/05/09 1958
Environment—Phytophthora cinnamomi—Threat abatement plan (Senators Siewert and Macdonald) 19/11/09 23/11/09 2809
Environment—Queensland—Oil spill (Senator Macdonald) 17/03/09 18/03/09 1770
Environment—Queensland—Traveston Crossing Dam (Senator Bob Brown) 15/09/09 16/09/09 2512
Environment—Queensland—Traveston Crossing Dam (Senator Bob Brown) 16/09/09 17/09/09 2537
Environment—Victoria—Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre (Senator Bob Brown) 10/02/09 11/02/09 1593
Environment—Victoria—Mountain ash forests (Senator Bob Brown) 16/06/09 17/06/09 2093
Environment—Snowy Water Licence review (Senator Siewert) 25/11/09 26/11/09 2889
Environment—Wetlands (Senators Siewert and Hanson-Young) 03/02/09 04/02/09 1543
Family and Community Services—National Babies Day (Senator Hanson-Young) 16/09/09 17/09/09 2535
Family and Community Services—National Volunteer Week (Senator Siewert) 12/05/09 13/05/09 1936
Family and Community Services—South Australia—Magill Youth Training Centre (Senator Hanson-Young) 15/09/09 16/09/09 2511
Family and Community Services—Volunteers (Senators Barnett and Fifield) 25/11/09 26/11/09 2890
Foreign Affairs—Burma (Senator Ludlam) 11/03/09 12/03/09* 1697
Foreign Affairs—Burma—Aung San Suu Kyi (Senator Ludlam) 17/06/09 18/06/09* 2109
Foreign Affairs—Burma—Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (Senator Ludlam) 12/08/09 13/08/09 2287
Foreign Affairs—Burma Human Rights Day (Senator Ludlam) 11/03/09 12/03/09 1697
Foreign Affairs—China—Xinjiang Province (Senator Bob Brown) 11/08/09 12/08/09* 2275
Foreign Affairs—Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (Senator Ludlam) 08/09/09 17/09/09 2529
Foreign Affairs—Convention on the Rights of the Child (Senators Birmingham and Barnett) 18/11/09 19/11/09 2779
Foreign Affairs—Death penalty (Senators Moore and Humphries) 16/09/09 17/09/09 2535
Foreign Affairs—Gaza (Senator Hanson Young) 03/02/09 04/02/09* 1544
Foreign Affairs—India—Students (Senators Hanson-Young and Xenophon) 24/06/09 25/06/09* 2187
Foreign Affairs—Iran (Senator Bob Brown) 22/06/09 23/06/09 2154
Foreign Affairs—Iran—Death penalty (Senators Hanson-Young and Humphries) 16/03/09 17/03/09* 1740
Foreign Affairs—Israel-Palestine conflict (Senator Hanson-Young) 18/06/09 22/06/09* 2132
Foreign Affairs—North Korea (Senator Bob Brown) 12/08/09 13/08/09* 2287
Foreign Affairs—Nuclear non-proliferation (Senator Ludlam) 13/05/09 14/05/09 1952
Foreign Affairs—Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (Senator Ludlam) 16/09/09 17/09/09* 2537
Foreign Affairs—Peruvian Amazon—Indigenous peoples (Senator Bob Brown) 15/06/09 16/06/09* 2050
Foreign Affairs—Poland (Senator Humphries) 15/06/09 16/06/09 2049
Foreign Affairs—Poland (Senators Hutchins, Hurley, Furner, Polley, Farrell, Sterle, Feeney, Bilyk, Collins and Bishop) 15/06/09 16/06/09 2049
Foreign Affairs—Sri Lanka (Senator Bob Brown)
Moved again in an amended form
05/02/09 10/02/09
Foreign Affairs—Sri Lanka (Senator Bob Brown) 12/05/09 13/05/09 1934
Foreign Affairs—Sudan (Senator Bob Brown) 23/06/09 24/06/09* 2173
Foreign Affairs—Turkey (Senator Ferguson) 18/03/09 19/03/09 1785
Foreign Affairs—Unitd Nations—International Youth Day (Senator Hanson-Young) 11/08/09 12/08/09 2273
Foreign Affairs—West Papua—International Red Cross (Senator Hanson-Young) 19/08/09 20/08/09 2364
Geneva Conventions (Senator Faulkner) 11/08/09 12/08/09 2272
Health—Global Framework for Action on Water and Sanitation (Senator Siewert) 17/11/09 18/11/09* 2763
Health—Hearing Awareness Week (Senator Siewert) 17/08/09 19/08/09* 2335
Health—Renal health services (Senator Siewert) 16/11/09 17/11/09* 2740
Health—Universal health care (Senator Bob Brown) 16/09/09 17/09/09* 2537
Health—World Alzheimer's Day (Senator Cormann) 16/09/09 17/09/09 2534
Indigenous Australians—National Sorry Day (Senator Crossin) 13/05/09 14/05/09 1954
Industrial Relations—Occupational health and safety laws (Senator Abetz) 03/02/09 04/02/09 1542
Industrial Relations—Unpaid overtime (Senator Siewert) 24/11/09 25/11/09 2871
Industry—Tasmania—Red meat industry (Senator Abetz) 10/03/09 11/03/09 1679
Law and Justice—Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 (Senators Macdonald, Boswell and Fielding) 24/06/09 25/06/09 2192
Law and Justice—Japan—Whaling Program (Senator Siewert) 04/02/09 05/02/09 1559
Law and Justice—Japan—Whaling Program (Senator Siewert) 10/02/09 11/02/09 1593
Law and Justice—Terrorism laws—Independent reviewer (Senator Ludlam) 18/03/09 19/03/09* 1789
National apology to the Forgotten Australians and former child migrants (Senator Evans)   16/11/09# 2701
Parliament—Association of Former Members of the Parliament of Australia (President) 18/03/09 19/03/09 1784
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Installation of additional CCTV cameras in the parliamentary precinct (Senator Wong) 13/08/09 29/10/09 2672
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Parliament Drive one-way road upgrade project (Senator Carr) 11/08/09 13/08/09 2286
Parthenon Marbles (Senator Bob Brown) 23/06/09 24/06/09* 2174
Reserve Bank Amendment (Enhanced Independence) Bill 2008—Consideration (Senator Bushby) 18/03/09 19/03/09 1790
Royal Papua and New Guinea Constabulary—Medals (Senator Humphries) 18/11/09 19/11/09 2779
Science and Technology—Parkes Observatory (Senator Ryan) 24/06/09 25/06/09 2188
Science and Technology—Peer-reviewed research (Senator Milne) 17/11/09 18/11/09 2763
Sisters of Mercy—150th anniversary (Senator Stephens) 27/10/09 28/10/09 2660
Social Issues—Millennium Development Goals (Senators Barnett and Payne) 14/09/09 15/09/09* 2486
Social Issues—Millennium Development Goals—Health funding (Senator Moore) 27/10/09 23/11/09* 2807
Social Issues—Sex and gender diversity project (Senator Hanson-Young) 17/03/09 18/03/09 1770
Social Issues—Suicide prevention initiative (Senators Siewert, Moore and Adams) 24/11/09 25/11/09 2867
Sport—Code of conduct (Senator Hanson-Young) 13/05/09 14/05/09* 1954
Sport—Cycling—2009 Tour Down Under (Senator Hurley) 04/02/09 05/02/09 1557
United Nations International Literacy Day (Senator Hanson-Young) 07/09/09 08/09/09 2411
Victoria Cross—Trooper Mark Donaldson, VC (Senator Evans)   03/02/09# 1482
Women—Equal Pay Day (Senator Hanson-Young) 07/09/09 08/09/09 2412
Women—International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women (Senators Ludlam, O'Brien, Parry, Fielding and Xenophon) 24/11/09 25/11/09 2871
Women—International Women's Day (Senator Hanson-Young) 10/03/09 11/03/09* 1678
World Refugee Day 2009 (Senator Hanson-Young) 17/06/09 18/06/09* 2106

* Moved or agreed to in an amended form
# Motion moved by leave

Parliament House Calendar

December 2022

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1112 Other13 Other14 House of Representatives15 Other16 Other17
18 Other19 Other20 Other21 House of Representatives222324
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