Motions agreed to—2007

Number of principal motions agreed to: 48
Subject Notice given Agreed to Journals page
Administration—Queensland local government (Senator Boswell) 07/08/07 13/08/07 4172
Children—National Child Protection Week (Senator Bartlett) 12/09/07 19/09/07* 4439
Children—Sexual assault and abuse (Senator Bartlett) 19/09/07 20/09/07 4459
Communications—Media—Sexualisation of children (Senators Allison and Coonan) 07/08/07 15/08/07* 4213
Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club (Senator Forshaw) 07/08/07 08/08/07* 4132
Death of Dame Anita Roddick (Senator Bob Brown) 11/09/07 12/09/07 4341
Death of Mayor of Nagasaki—Mr Iccho Itoh (Senator Allison) 08/05/07 09/05/07* 3761
Death of Mr George Burarrawanga (Senator Crossin) 19/06/07 20/06/07 3998
Deathof Mr Mulrunji Doomadgee (Senator Bob Brown) 21/06/07 07/08/07 4073
Death of Mr Murray Chapman (Senator Stephens) 27/02/07 28/02/07 3495
Death of Mr Vincent Serventy (Senator Bob Brown) 19/09/07 20/09/07 4461
Death of Professor Tanya Reinhart (Senator Nettle) 22/03/07 26/03/07 3650
Environment—Macquarie Island (Senator Bob Brown) 28/03/07 29/03/07 3721
Environment—Nuclear power stations (Senator Milne) 28/02/07 01/03/07 3511
Environment—Sustainable fisheries (Senator Siewert) 29/03/07 09/05/07* 3760
Environment—Tasmania—Tarkine wilderness (Senator Bartlett) 10/09/07 13/09/07* 4356
Environment—Wetlands (Senator Siewert) 06/02/07 07/02/07 3382
Family and Community Services—Grandparents—Parenting (Senator Stephens) 09/05/07 10/05/07 3798
Foreign Affairs—Bangladesh—Mr Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury (Senator Stephens) 26/02/07 27/02/07* 3476
Foreign Affairs—Burma (Senator Stott Despoja) 07/08/07 08/08/07 4131
Foreign Affairs—Children—Human rights (Senator Stephens) 18/06/07 19/06/07* 3951
Foreign Affairs—Colombia—Human rights (Senator Stott Despoja) 19/09/07 20/09/07* 4458
Foreign Affairs—Convention on the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (Senator Siewert) 06/02/07 07/02/07 3383
Foreign Affairs—Dalai Lama (Senator Bob Brown) 14/06/07 19/06/07 3951
Foreign Affairs—Democratic Republic of the Congo (Senator Milne) 13/08/07 14/08/07 4191
Foreign Affairs—European Union (Senator Watson) 28/03/07 29/03/07 3722
Foreign Affairs—Japan—Comfort women (Senator Payne) 19/09/07 20/09/07 4459
Foreign Affairs—Montreal Protocol (Senator Milne) 07/08/07 15/08/07* 4213
Foreign Affairs—Mr Alan Johnston (Senator Nettle) 18/06/07 20/06/07* 3998
Foreign Affairs—Norther Ireland (Senator Watson) 27/03/07 28/03/07 3706
Historical Events—Sydney Harbour Bridge—Anniversary (Senators Hutchins, Faulkner, George Campbell, Stephens and Forshaw) 20/03/07 21/03/07 3567
Historical Events—Tasmania—1967 Black Tuesday bushfires (Senators Milne, Parry and Carol Brown) 06/02/07 07/02/07 3383
Indigenous Australians (Senators Bartlett and Siewert) 28/03/07 10/05/07* 3800
Indigenous Australians—Health—Petrol sniffing (Senators Siewert, Adams, Humphries, Moore, Bartlett and Crossin) 27/03/07 28/03/07 3706
Kerang train disaster (Senators Ronaldson, Conroy, Allison, Fielding, Fifield, Kemp, McGauran, Patterson, Troeth, Car, Marshall and Ray) 12/06/07 13/06/07 3863
Law and Justice—Human rights—Slavery (Senator Hutchins) 26/03/07 27/03/07 3667
Law and Justice—Human rights—Slavery (Senator Joyce) 28/03/07 29/03/07 3723
Legal and Constitutional Affairs—Standing Committee—Indigenous stolen wages—Federal, state and territory governments—Responses (Senator Bartlett) 12/06/07 21/06/07* 4022
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Construction of an extension to the National Gallery of Australia (Senator Abetz) 18/06/07 21/06/07 4029
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Design and content of Women Artwork at Reconciliation Place (Senator Brandis) 28/02/07 01/03/07 3509
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Redevelopment of the National Library of Australia forecourt to create the Humanities and Science Campus Square (Senator Colbeck) 11/09/07 13/09/07 4356
Prime Ministers—The Honourable EG Whitlam, AC, QC (Senator Faulkner) 21/03/07 22/03/07 3582
Regional Australia—New South Wales—Destructive flooding (Senators Sandy Macdonald, George Campbell, Coonan, Faulkner, Fierravanti-Wells, Forshaw, Heffernan, Hutchins, Nash, Nettle, Payne and Stephens) 12/06/07 13/06/07* 3862
Science and Technology—Science Meets Parliament (Senator Stott Despoja) 27/03/07 28/03/07 3706
Senate—Senator Watson—Meritorious Service Award (Senator Joyce) 09/05/07 10/05/07 3799
Social Issues—Global poverty (Senators Barnett and Chapman) 08/08/07 09/08/07 4152
Sport—Tasmanian Tigers cricket team—Commonwealth support (Senators Carol Brown, O'Brien, Polley, Sherry, Abetz, Colbeck, Barnett, Calvert, Watson, Parry, Bob Brown and Milne) 26/03/07 27/03/07* 3667
Women—National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Week (Senators Allison, Ferris, Moore, Nettle) 26/02/07 27/02/07 3476

* Moved or agreed to in an amended form
# Motion moved by leave

Parliament House Calendar

January 2019

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678910 Senate1112
1314151617 Senate1819
20 Senate21 Senate22 Other23 Other24 House of Representatives2526
27 Public holiday28 Other29 Other30 Both31 Senate12
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