Motions agreed to—2006

Number of principal motions agreed to: 74
Subject Notice given Agreed to Journals page
Administration—Role of local government (Senator Ian Campbell) 06/09/06 07/09/06 2615
Children—Child protection (Senators Murray and Heffernan) 16/10/06 18/10/06* 2924
Children—Child Protection Week (Senator Bartlett) 04/09/06 07/09/06* 2623
Children—Sexual assault (Senator Bartlett) 29/11/05 30/03/06* 2071
Culture and the Arts—Australian Book Industry Awards—Australian literature (Senator Allison 08/08/06 09/08/06 2432
Culture and the Arts—Australian Book Industry Awards—Books Alive initiative (Senator Stott Despoja) 08/08/06 09/08/06* 2436
Cyclone Larry (Senators Ludwig, Boswell, Santoro, Bartlett, Brandis, Hogg, Ian Macdonald, McLucas, Mason, Moore and Trood) 27/03/06 28/03/06* 2004
Death of Mr Charles Haughey (Senator Stephens) 21/06/06 22/06/06 2340
Death or Mr Colin Thiele (Senators Stott Despoja and Kemp) 05/09/06 06/09/06 2605
Death of Mr Grant McLennan (Senators Bartlett and Stott Despoja) 09/05/06 11/05/06* 2170
Death or Mr Hakim Taniwal (Senator Stephens)   14/09/06# 2712
Death of Mr Kevin Charles (Pro) Hart, MBE (Senators Coonan and Kemp) 28/03/06 29/03/06 2031
Death of Mr Wally Foreman (Senators Webber, Evans, Ian Campbell, Bishop, Ellison, Siewert, Murray, Eggleston, Sterle, Adams, Johnston and Lightfoot) 06/11/06 07/11/06 3005
Death of Mr Willem Zonggonau (Senator Nettle) 09/10/06 12/10/06 2797
Death of Ms Doris Owens (Senator Nettle) 14/09/06 09/10/06 2737
Death penalty (Senator Bob Brown) 07/09/06 12/09/06* 2667
Death penalty (Senators Stott Despoja, Humphries, Nettle and Payne) 08/08/06 09/08/06 2432
Employment—Tasmania—Forestry contracts (Senator Watson) 02/03/06 27/03/06 1973
Environment—Climate change (Senator Bob Brown) 06/11/06 07/11/06* 3005
Environment—Climate change (Senator Milne) 05/12/06 06/12/06 3267
Environment—Diesel hybrid vehicles (Senator Allison) 09/05/06 10/05/06 2152
Environment—Government initiatives (Senator Watson) 06/11/06 07/11/06 3003
Environment—Gwydir Wetlands (Senator Siewert) 29/11/06 30/11/06* 3139
Environment—National Weedbuster Week (Senator Milne) 11/10/06 12/10/06* 2797
Environment—Tasmania—Forestry industry (Senator Watson) 04/09/06 05/09/06 2581
Environment—Tasmania—Forestry industry (Senator O'Brien) 05/09/06 06/09/06* 2599
Family and Community Services—Aged care (Senator Allison) 28/02/06 01/03/06* 1935
Family and Community Services—Australian Council of Social Service (Senator Siewert) 27/11/06 28/11/06 3106
Family and Community Services—Carers Week (Senators Siewert, Humphries, McLucas and Bartlett) 12/10/06 16/10/06* 2886
Family and Community Services—Foster Care Week (Senators Bartlett, Siewert and McLucas) 11/09/06 13/09/06* 2687
Family and Community Services—World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (Senator Nettle) 14/06/06 15/06/06 2247
Foreign Affairs—Afghanistan (Senator Allison) 04/09/06 13/09/06* 2688
Foreign Affairs—Burma (Senators Stott Despoja and Payne) 08/08/06 09/08/06* 2437
Foreign Affairs—Burma—Aung San Suu Kyi (Senator Stott Despoja) 15/06/06 19/06/06 2286
Foreign Affairs—Chornobyl—Nuclear reactor accident (Senator Humphries) 11/05/06 13/06/06* 2196
Foreign Affairs—Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (Senator Allison) 06/12/06 07/12/06 3287
Foreign Affairs—Geneva Convention (Senator Bob Brown) 06/09/06 07/09/06 2616
Foreign Affairs—Hungary (Senators Ian Macdonald and Ferguson) 17/10/06 18/10/06 2923
Foreign Affairs—International Day of Peace (Senators Moore and Allison) 16/08/06 17/08/06 2526
Foreign Affairs—Iran—Bahá'í community (Senator Humphries) 13/06/06 14/06/06 2237
Foreign Affairs—Japan—Whaling (Senator Bob Brown) 09/02/06 28/02/06 1906
Foreign Affairs—Papua New Guinea—Violence against women (Senator Allison) 10/10/06 11/10/06 2784
Foreign Affairs—Japan—Whaling (Senator Siewert) 13/06/06 14/06/06* 2237
Foreign Affairs—United States—Military commissions (Senator Joyce) 07/11/06 09/11/06* 3042
Foreign Affairs—Vietnam (Senator Humphries) 29/11/06 30/11/06 3136
Foreign Affairs—Women—Migration (Senators Allison, Moore and Nettle) 05/09/06 06/09/06 2603
Former Deputy Clerk of the Senate—Miss Anne Lynch, AM (all senators) 20/06/06 21/06/06 2326
Health—Medical students (Senator Boswell) 01/03/06 02/03/06 1953
Health—National Mental Health Week (Senator Stephens) 10/10/06 11/10/06 2783
Health—World AIDS Day (Senators Stott Despoja and Payne) 29/11/06 30/11/06 3138
Health—World Sight Day (Senator Crossin) 11/10/06 12/10/06 2795
Indigenous Australians—Artworks (Senator Crossin) 20/06/06 21/06/06 2325
Indigenous Australians—Indigenous Governance Awards (Senator Bartlett) 10/10/06 16/10/06 2885
Indigenous Australians—National Indigenous art awards (Senators Siewert, Kemp, Evans and Bartlett) 14/08/06 15/08/06* 2495
International Day of People with Disability (Senators McLucas and Bartlett) 29/11/06 30/11/06 3136
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Construction of the National Portrait Gallery (Senator Ellison) 28/03/06 30/03/06 2073
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Design of artworks and post mounted light at Reconciliation Place (Senator Santoro) 06/11/06 09/11/06 3037
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Directional and interpretive signage in the Parliamentary Zone (Senator Colbeck) 29/11/06 30/11/06 3139
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Refurbishment of the podium that surrounds the National Library of Australia, and resurfacing the temporary carpark on section 55, Parkes (Senator Abetz) 18/10/06 19/10/06 2950
Parliamentary Zone—Capital works proposal—Approval—Temporary installation of two sculptures at Questacon, Parkes Place, and improvements to the existing Lobby Cafe (Senator Sandy Macdonald) 13/06/06 15/06/06 2247
Primary Industries—High seas bottom trawling—Fishing practices (Senator Siewert) 10/10/06 11/10/06* 2784
Regional Australia—Managed investment schemes (Senator Bob Brown) 14/09/06 10/10/06* 2765
Science and Technology—Stem cell research (Senator Stott Despoja) 21/06/06 22/06/06 2340
Season's greetings (Senator Bob Brown) 06/12/06 07/12/06 3291
Snowy Hydro Company—Commonwealth shares (Senator Minchin) 28/03/06 29/03/06 2022
Social Issues—Global poverty (Senator Siewert) 17/10/06 18/10/06* 2925
Social Issues—Religious intolerance and racial discrimination (Senators Stephens and Mason) 11/09/06 13/09/06* 2687
Social Issues—World Day Against the Death Penalty (Senator Allison) 09/10/06 10/10/06* 2764
Sport—Australian Commonwealth Games Team—Commonwealth support (Senators Kemp and Lundy) 09/05/06 10/05/06 2148
Sport—Australian football—Commonwealth support (Senators Kemp and Lundy) 08/08/06 09/08/06 2431
Sport—Australian Winter Olympic Team—Commonwealth support (Senators Kemp and Lundy) 28/02/06 01/03/06 1923
Sport—Winter Paralympics—Australian Paralympic Team—Commonwealth support (Senators Kemp and Lundy) 09/05/06 10/05/06 2149
Tasmania—Beaconsfield Gold Mine accident (Senators Barnett, Polley and Bob Brown) 10/05/06 11/05/06# 2173
Trade—Importation of illegal timber products (Senator Bartlett) 14/08/06 07/09/06* 2620

* Moved or agreed to in an amended form
# Motion moved by leave

Parliament House Calendar

January 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
678910 Senate1112
1314151617 Senate1819
20 Senate21 Senate22 Other23 Other24 House of Representatives2526
27 Public holiday28 Other29 Other30 Both31 Senate12
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other