Censure motions—2004

Number of censure motions proposed:
40th Parliament 2
41st Parliament 0
Total for 2004 2
40th Parliament
Subject Date Journals page
Senator Hill
Failure to comply with an order of the Senate for the production of documents concerning the clarifying statement issued by the Australian Police Commissioner, Mr Keelty
Debated and agreed to (division)
30/03/04 3276
Senator Hill
Failure to respond adequately to reports of abuse of Iraqi prisoners by United States of America personnel
Debated and agreed to (division)
21/06/04 3574

Parliament House Calendar

December 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29301 Both2 Both3 Other4 Other5
6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Both10 Senate1112
1314 Senate15 Other16 Other171819
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other