Time spent on consideration of legislation—Spring 2010

28 to 30 September 2010

Bill Time spent
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Identity Crimes and Other Measures) Bill 2010;
Service and Execution of Process Amendment (Interstate Fine Enforcement) Bill 2010;
Aviation Crimes and Policing Legislation Amendment Bill 2010;
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2010;
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Amendment Bill 2010;
National Measurement Amendment Bill 2010
(introduced together then listed separately)
02 mins
Native Title Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2010 01 min
Total time spent on legislation 03 mins
Percentage of business time spent on legislation 0.2%

Parliament House Calendar

March 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
25262728291 Other2
3 Senate4 Other5 Other6 Senate7 Senate89
1011 Other12 Other13 Senate14 Senate15 Other16
17 Both18 Both19 Both20 Both21 Senate22 Other23
24 Both25 Both26 Both27 Senate2829 Senate30
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other