Time spent on consideration of legislation—Budget 2006

9 to 11 May 2006 

Bill Time spent
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Amendment Bill 2005 [2006] 55 mins
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment Bill 2006 4 hrs 04 mins
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005 [2006] 43 mins
Defence Housing Authority Amendment Bill 2006 16 mins
General Insurance Supervisory Levy Imposition Amendment Bill 2006;
Health and Other Services (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2006;
OHS and SRC Legislation Amendment Bill 2006
(introduced together then listed separately)
02 mins
Health and Other Services (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2006 01 min
Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Maritime Security Guards and Other Measures) Bill 2005 [2006] 18 mins
National Health and Medical Research Council Amendment Bill 2006 2 hrs 03 mins
Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Amendment Bill 2006;
Defence Housing Authority Amendment Bill 2006
(introduced together then listed separately)
01 min
Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Amendment Bill 2006 12 mins
Social Security and Veterans Entitlements Legislation Amendment (One-off Payments to Increase Assistance for Older Australians and Carers and Other Measures) Bill 2006 03 mins
Student Assistance Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 1 hr 12 mins
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Trustee Board and Other Measures) Bill 2006;
Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2004
45 mins
Total time spent on legislation 10 hrs 35 mins
Percentage of business time spent on legislation 43.4%

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