Bills passed in the Senate—2001

Total number of bills 166
Total number of packages of bills 128
* Amendments made 43 bills
r Requests made 5 bills
s Senate bill 22 bills
  • Abolition of Compulsory Age Retirement (Statutory Officeholders) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 2000 (1 March 2001)
  • s Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (24 May 2001)
  • Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Aircraft Noise Levy Collection Amendment Bill 2001 (8 March 2001)
  • Air Passenger Ticket Levy (Collection) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Air Passenger Ticket Levy (Imposition) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • r Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Account Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2000-2001 (2 April 2001)
  • Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2000-2001 (2 April 2001)
  • Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2001-2002 (27 June 2001)
  • Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2001-2002 (27 June 2001)
  • Appropriation (HIH Assistance) Bill 2001 (27 June 2001)
  • Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 2) 2000-2001 (2 April 2001)
  • Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 1) 2001-2002 (27 June 2001)
  • * s Australia New Zealand Food Authority Amendment Bill 2001 (23 May 2001)
  • Australian Securities and Investments Commission Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • Bankruptcy (Estate Charges) Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Border Protection (Validation and Enforcement Powers) Bill 2001 (26 September 2001)
  • s Broadcasting Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 (1 March 2001)
  • Broadcasting Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • * Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (28 February 2001)
  • Coal Industry Repeal Bill 2000 (5 April 2001)
  • Communications and the Arts Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2000 (1 March 2001)
  • Communications and the Arts Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 (24 May 2001)
  • Compensation (Japanese Internment) Bill 2001 (24 May 2001)
  • Corporations Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • Corporations (Compensation Arrangements Levies) Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • Corporations (Fees) Amendment Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • Corporations (Fees) Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • Corporations (Futures Organisations Levies) Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • Corporations (National Guarantee Fund Levies) Amendment Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • Corporations (National Guarantee Fund Levies) Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • Corporations (Securities Exchanges Levies) Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • Crimes Amendment (Age Determination) Bill 2001 (4 April 2001)
  • * s Crimes Amendment (Forensic Procedures) Bill 2000 [2001] (5 March 2001)
  • Customs Depot Licensing Charges Amendment Bill 2000 (21 June 2001)
  • * Customs Legislation Amendment and Repeal (International Trade Modernisation) Bill 2001 (21 June 2001)
  • Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2000 (26 March 2001)
  • r Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (5 April 2001)
  • Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2001 (20 June 2001)
  • Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 5) 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • * Cybercrime Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • r Dairy Produce Legislation Amendment (Supplementary Assistance) Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • Defence Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of the Reserves and Modernisation) Bill 2000 (7 March 2001)
  • Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Bill 2000 (7 March 2001)
  • Dried Vine Fruits (Rate of Primary Industry (Customs) Charge) Validation Bill 2001 (21 June 2001)
  • Dried Vine Fruits (Rate of Primary Industry (Excise) Levy) Validation Bill 2001 (21 June 2001)
  • Education, Training and Youth Affairs Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • * Electoral and Referendum Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 (4 April 2001)
  • Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * s Environmental Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (6 August 2001)
  • s Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2000 [2001] (8 February 2001)
  • * s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Wildlife Protection) Bill 2001 (20 June 2001)
  • r Excise Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 (5 April 2001)
  • Excise Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (20 June 2001)
  • Excise Tariff Amendment (Crude Oil) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Export Market Development Grants Amendment Bill 2001 (19 June 2001)
  • Family and Community Services and Veterans Affairs Legislation Amendment (Further Assistance for Older Australians) Bill 2001 (24 May 2001)
  • * s Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (New Zealand Citizens) Bill 2001 (8 March 2001)
  • Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (One-off Payment to the Aged) Bill 2001 (24 May 2001)
  • Family and Community Services Legislation (Simplification and Other Measures) Bill 2001 (20 June 2001)
  • s Family Assistance Estimate Tolerance (Transition) Bill 2001 (29 August 2001)
  • Family Law Legislation Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 2000 (18 June 2001)
  • Family Law Legislation Amendment (Superannuation) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Finance and Administration Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • * Financial Sector (Collection of Data—Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • * Financial Services Reform Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • * Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • Foreign Affairs and Trade Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2000 (5 April 2001)
  • Fuel Legislation Amendment (Grant and Rebate Schemes) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * General Insurance Reform Bill 2001 (27 August 2001)
  • Governor-General Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (21 June 2001)
  • * s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Bill 2001 (24 May 2001)
  • Health and Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Health and Other Services (Compensation) Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • * Health Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 (6 March 2001)
  • Health Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (21 June 2001)
  • * Health Legislation Amendment (Medical Practitioners Qualifications and Other Measures) Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • Higher Education Funding Amendment Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • Import Processing Charges Bill 2000 (21 June 2001)
  • Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • s Industry, Science and Resources Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Innovation and Education Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Intelligence Services Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Intelligence Services (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • s Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • * s Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • * International Maritime Conventions Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • International Monetary Agreements Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2000 (8 February 2001)
  • * Jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Service Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • s Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement Bill 2001 (26 March 2001)
  • * s Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2000 [2001] (1 March 2001)
  • * s Measures to Combat Serious and Organised Crime Bill 2001 (27 August 2001)
  • Medicare Levy Amendment (CPI Indexation) Bill (No. 2) 2000 (5 March 2001)
  • Migration Amendment (Excision from Migration Zone) Bill 2001 (26 September 2001)
  • Migration Amendment (Excision from Migration Zone) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2001 (26 September 2001)
  • Migration Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (6 August 2001)
  • * Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 (26 September 2001)
  • Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 5) 2001 (26 September 2001)
  • Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 6) 2001 (26 September 2001)
  • Migration Legislation Amendment (Electronic Transactions and Methods of Notification) Bill 2001 (21 June 2001)
  • Migration Legislation Amendment (Immigration Detainees) Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • Migration Legislation Amendment (Immigration Detainees) Bill (No. 2) 2001 (29 August 2001)
  • Migration Legislation Amendment (Integrity of Regional Migration Schemes) Bill 2000 (3 April 2001)
  • * s Migration Legislation Amendment (Judicial Review) Bill 1998 [2001] (26 September 2001)
  • Motor Vehicle Standards Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * s National Crime Authority Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (8 August 2001)
  • * s National Museum of Australia Amendment Bill 2000 [2001] (8 February 2001)
  • New Business Tax System (Capital Allowances) Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • New Business Tax System (Capital Allowances—Transitional and Consequential) Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • * New Business Tax System (Debt and Equity) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • New Business Tax System (Simplified Tax System) Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • * New Business Tax System (Thin Capitalisation) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Olympic Insignia Protection Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Amendment Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • Parliamentary Service Amendment Bill 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • * Patents Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (5 April 2001)
  • Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Registration Fees) Amendment Bill 2000 (5 April 2001)
  • * Pig Industry Bill 2000 (26 March 2001)
  • Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Amendment Bill 2001 (18 June 2001)
  • s Prime Minister and Cabinet Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (24 May 2001)
  • Reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2000 (29 March 2001)
  • * Royal Commissions and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 (29 August 2001)
  • Social Security and Veterans' Entitlements Legislation Amendment (Retirement Assistance for Farmers) Bill 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • * s Social Security Legislation Amendment (Concession Cards) Bill 2000 [2001] (5 April 2001)
  • Space Activities Amendment (Bilateral Agreement) Bill 2001 (20 August 2001)
  • States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Bill 2001 (23 August 2001)
  • r States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (27 September 2001) (request for an amendment not made by House - bill therefore passed by Senate but not read a third time)
  • Superannuation Contributions Taxes and Termination Payments Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (8 August 2001)
  • Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Indexation) Bill 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Post-retirement Commutations) Bill 2000 (6 August 2001)
  • Sydney Airport Demand Management Amendment Bill 2001 (23 May 2001)
  • * Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 5) 1999 (28 June 2001)
  • * Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (28 June 2001)
  • Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2001 (27 June 2001)
  • Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 5) 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 6) 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * Taxation Laws Amendment (Changes for Senior Australians) Bill 2001 (24 May 2001)
  • Taxation Laws Amendment (Excise Arrangements) Bill 2000 (28 March 2001)
  • * Taxation Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • * Taxation Laws Amendment (Superannuation Contributions) Bill 2000 (8 February 2001)
  • s Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2000 [2001] (5 March 2001)
  • Trade Marks and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (9 August 2001)
  • * Trade Practices Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2000 (8 March 2001)
  • Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Bill 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • Transport and Regional Services Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (27 September 2001)
  • Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 (26 March 2001)
  • * Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill (No. 2) 2001 (20 September 2001)
  • Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill (No. 3) 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (2001 Budget Measures) Bill 2001 (20 August 2001)
  • Veteran's Affairs Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2000 (8 March 2001)
  • Vocational Education and Training Funding Amendment Bill 2001 (27 June 2001)
  • Wool International Amendment Bill 2001 (30 August 2001)
  • * Workplace Relations Amendment (Tallies) Bill 2000 (5 March 2001)
  • * Workplace Relations Amendment (Termination of Employment) Bill 2000 (8 August 2001)

Parliament House Calendar

August 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
234 Senate5678
9 Senate10 Senate1112 Senate131415
16171819 Other20 Other21 Other22
23 Both24 Both25 Both26 Both27 House of Representatives28 Other29
30 Both31 Both12345
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other