Origins and outcomes—2008

Introduced in the Senate:
Government bills 17
Private senator's bills 34
Second reading moved again:
Government bills 4
Received from the House of Representatives:
Government bills 165
Restored to the Notice Paper:
Private senator's bills 40
Total 260
Bills passed by the Senate:
Passed by both Houses:
Government bills 159
Still before the House of Representatives:
Government bills 2
Private senator's bill 1
Not yet introduced into the House of Representatives:
Government bill 1
Laid aside by the House of Representatives:
Government bill 1
Bills still before the Senate:
Government bills 11
Private senator's bills 70
Bills negatived in the Senate:
Negatived at second reading:
Government bills 11
Private senator's bill 1
Negatived at third reading:
Government bill 1
Bills discharged from the Notice Paper
Government bill 1
Private senator's bill 1
Total 260
Bills on which there was a disagreement between the Houses:
Total 10
Bills to which amendments and requests were moved during 2008
Bills to which second reading amendments were moved 13
Bills to which second reading amendments were agreed 7
Bills to which amendments were moved in committee of the whole 43
Bills to which amendments were agreed in committee of the whole 30
Bills to which requests were moved in committee of the whole 10
Bills to which requests were agreed in committee of the whole 9
Bills to which items (etc) were opposed and negatived in committee of the whole 14
Bills to which items (etc) were opposed and agreed to in committee of the whole 6
Amendments and requests moved in committee of the whole
Moved by Agreed to Negatived
Government 341 3
Opposition1 189 20
Australian Democrats 2 52
Australian Greens2 12 147
Family First Party 3 11
Independent (Senator Xenophon)3 9 3
Opposition/Australian Greens 11 0
Australian Greens/Independent 6 0
Australian Greens/Senator Joyce/Independent 0 2
Senators Macdonald and Boswell 1 0
Senator Troeth 11 0
Total 585 238
Total amendments, requests moved 833

1 2 amendments withdrawn
2 1 amendments withdrawn
3 7 amendments withdrawn

These figures are broken down in detail under Committee of the Whole

Parliament House Calendar

February 2023

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2930311 Other2 Other3 Other4
5 Both6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Other10 Senate11
12 Both13 Both14 Both15 Both16 Senate17 Other18
19 Other20 Other21 Other22 Senate23 Senate2425
26 Other27 Senate28 Both1234
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other