Disagreements between the Houses—2010

Bills on which there were disagreements between the Houses:
42nd Parliament 5
43rd Parliament 0
Total for 2010 5

42nd Parliament

Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Re-registration of Providers and Other Measures) Bill 2009

The Senate made 3 amendments to the bill.

The House agreed to 1 amendment and disagreed to 2 amendments made by the Senate (11 February 2010).

The Senate did not insist on its amendments (22 February 2010).

Bill passed both Houses.

Health Insurance Amendment (Compliance) Bill 2009

The Senate made 9 amendments to the bill and negatived 1 subsection.

The House agreed to 8 amendments and disagreed to 2 amendments made by the Senate (24 November 2009).

The Senate insisted on its amendments (26 November 2009).

The House reported the message from the Senate (26 November 2009).

The House insisted on disagreeing to the amendments and made an amendment (24 February 2010).

The Senate reported the message from the House (25 February 2010).

Paid Parental Leave Bill 2010

The Senate made 17 amendments to the bill, negatived 2 subclauses, 4r clauses and 2 Parts, and requested the House to make 4 amendments.

The House made the amendments requested by the Senate, agreed to 3 amendments, and disagreed to 20 amendments (17 June 2010).

The Senate did not insist on its amendments (17 June 2010).

Bill passed both Houses.

Paid Parental Leave (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2010

The Senate negatived 1 Part.

The House did not agree to the amendment made by the Senate (17 June 2010).

The Senate did not insist on its amendment (17 June 2010).

Bill passed both Houses.

Tax Laws Amendment (Political Contributions and Gifts) Bill 2008

The Senate made 17 amendments to the bill and negatived 6 items.

The House disagreed to the amendments made by the Senate and made 5 Government amendments in their place (18 June 2009).

The Senate reported the message from the House (22 June 2009).

The Senate did not insist on its amendments and agreed to the replacement amendments made by the House (25 February 2010).

Bill passed both Houses.

Parliament House Calendar

December 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2829301 Both2 Other3 Other4
5 Other6 Other7 Other8 Other9 Other10 Other11
121314 Senate15 Other16 Senate1718
1920 Other21 Other22 Other232425
26 Public holiday27 Public holiday2829 Both30 Senate311
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other