Committee of the whole amendments—2002

Number of bills:
to which amendments were moved in committee of the whole: 49
to which requests were moved in committee of the whole: 5
to which items (etc) were opposed in committee of the whole: 21
Number of amendments:
Moved: 744
Agreed to: 435
Negatived: 285
Withdrawn: 24
Number of requests:
Moved: 6
Agreed to: 2
Negatived: 4
Number of amendments to amendments:
Moved: 44
Number of items (etc) opposed:
Opposed and negatived: 26
Opposed but agreed to: 51
Bill Outcome
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 2002 3 amendments agreed to (Govt)
Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2002-2003 2 requests negatived (AD)
Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2002-2003 2 amendments negatived (AD)
Australian Crime Commission Establishment Bill 2002 6 amendments agreed to (4 Govt; 2 AD)
1 amendment negatived (AD)
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002* 57 amendments agreed to (18 Govt; 38 Opp; 1 AD)
15 amendments negatived (10 Govt; 5 AD)
Opposed/negatived (4 sections)
Amendments moved to amendments:
9 agreed to (7 Opp to Govt; 2 AD to Opp)
4 negatived (1 AD to Govt; 3 AD to Opp)
Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Bill 2002 10 amendments agreed to (8 Opp; 2 AD)
Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Bill 2002—consideration of message no. 204 from the House of Representatives
1 amendment negatived (AD)
Border Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2002 6 amendments agreed to (5 Govt; 1 Opp)
Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002 13 amendments agreed to (1 Opp; 11 AD; 1 AG)
5 amendments negatived (Opp)
Criminal Code Amendment (Anti-hoax and Other Measures) Bill 2002 2 amendments negatived (AD)
Criminal Code Amendment (Espionage and Related Matters) Bill 2002 (previous title: Criminal Code Amendment (Espionage and Related Offences) Bill 2002) 7 amendments negatived (AG)
Customs Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002 Opposed/negatived (3 items)
Diesel Fuel Rebate Scheme Amendment Bill 2002 2 amendments negatived (AD)
Excise Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002 6 amendments negatived (4 AD; 2 Ind (Murphy))
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Australians Working Together and other 2001 Budget Measures) Bill 2002 24 amendments agreed to (Govt)
Opp motion to divide the bill agreed to; bill divided accordingly
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Australians Working Together and other 2001 Budget Measures) Bill 2002—consideration of message no. 206 from the House of Representatives*

Division of bill not insisted on,
bill as amended further considered
71 further amendments agreed to (55 Opp; 16 AD)
21 amendments negatived (AD)
2 amendments withdrawn (AD)
Opposed/agreed to (2 Schedules)
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Special Benefit Activity Test) Bill 2002 4 amendments agreed to (2 Opp; 2 AD)
Family Law Legislation Amendment (Superannuation) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2002 4 amendments agreed to (Govt)
Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2002 2 amendments agreed to (Govt)
Health Insurance Amendment (Professional Services Review and Other Matters) Bill 2002 1 request agreed to (Opp)
Higher Education Funding Amendment Bill 2002* 16 amendments agreed to (Opp)
Opposed/agreed to (1 Part; 1 item)
Inspector-General of Taxation Bill 2002 9 amendments agreed to (AD)
3 amendments negatived (AD)
Marriage Amendment Bill 2002 3 amendments negatived (AD)
Members of Parliament (Life Gold Pass) Bill 2002* 1 request agreed to (Opp)
7 amendments negatived (3 AD; 4 AG)
Opposed/agreed to (1 Schedule; 33 clauses)
Migration Legislation Amendment (Procedural Fairness) Bill 2002 1 amendment negatived (AD)
Migration Legislation Amendment (Transitional Movement) Bill 2002 1 amendment agreed to (Govt)
3 amendments negatived (AD)
Ministers of State Amendment Bill 2002 1 amendment negatived (AD)
New Business Tax System (Consolidation) Bill (No. 1) 2002 1 amendment agreed to (Govt)
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Bill 2002 1 amendment negatived (AD)
Plant Breeder's Rights Amendment Bill 2002 4 amendments agreed to (3 Opp; 1 AD)
18 amendments negatived (AD)
Proceeds of Crime Bill 2002 4 amendments negatived (AD)
Prohibition of Human Cloning Bill 2002 2 amendments agreed to (1 Senators McLucas and Stott Despoja; 1 Senator Murphy)
24 amendments negatived (16 Senator Abetz; 1 Senator Bishop; 7 Senator Harradine)
6 amendments withdrawn (Senator Harradine)
Opposed/agreed to (1 Schedule)
Quarantine Amendment Bill 2002 1 amendment agreed to (Opp)
2 amendments negatived (AG)
Regional Forest Agreements Bill 2002 2 amendments agreed to (Opp)
22 amendments negatived (2 Opp; 4 AD; 15 AG; 1 Ind (Murphy))
Opposed/agreed to (1 clause; 2 items; 1 schedule)
Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2002 2 amendments agreed to (Opp)
11 amendments negatived (1 Opp; 5 AD; 5 AG)
Opposed/agreed to (1 item)
Research Involving Human Embryos Bill 2002 (previous title: Research Involving Embryos Bill 2002) 14 amendments agreed to (5 Senator Barnett; 2 Senator Bishop; 3 Senator Collins; 1 Senator Harradine; 1 Senator Hogg; 1 Senators McLucas and Stott Despoja; 1 Senator Murphy)
41 amendments negatived (7 Senator Barnett; 2 Senator Bishop; 2 Senator Boswell; 7 Senator Nettle; 2 Senator Collins; 14 Senator Harradine; 5 Senator Hogg; 2 Senator Murphy)
15 amendments withdrawn (1 Senator Barnett; 1 Senator Bishop; 12 Senator Harradine; 1 Senator Hogg)
Opposed/agreed to (1 clause, 1 Division)
Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002 [No. 2] 21 amendments agreed to (19 Govt; 2 Opp)
13 amendments negatived (6 AD; 7 AG)
1 amendment withdrawn (Opp)
Opposed/negatived (1 section)
Opposed/agreed to (1 section; 1 Division)
Amendments moved to amendments:
Agreed to (9 Opp to Govt)
Negatived (7 AD to Govt; 13 AG to Govt)
Social Security and Veterans Entitlements Legislation Amendment (Disposal of Assets—Integrity of Means Testing) Bill 2002 9 amendments agreed to (AD)
Space Activities Amendment Bill 2002 7 amendments negatived (AD)
States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Bill 2002* 1 request negatived (AD)
10 amendments agreed to (6 Opp; 4 AD)
5 amendments negatived (2 AD; 3 AG)
Opposed/agreed to (1 item)
States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2002 1 request negatived (AD)
Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Bill 2002 20 amendments agreed to (19 Govt; 1 Opp)
11 amendments negatived (2 AD; 9 AG)
Opposed/negatived (1 Part)
Taxation Laws Amendment (Baby Bonus) Bill 2002* 1 amendment agreed to (AD)
8 amendments negatived (AD)
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002 3 amendments agreed to (Opp)
3 amendments negatived (1 AD; 2 AG)
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2002 Opposed/negatived (1 Schedule)
Taxation Laws Amendment (Structured Settlements and Structured Orders) Bill 2002 (previous title: Taxation Laws Amendment (Structured Settlements) Bill 2002)* 63 amendments agreed to (61 Govt; 1 Opp; 1 AD)
3 amendments negatived (AD)
Opposed/negatived (2 items)
Taxation Laws Amendment (Superannuation) Bill (No. 2) 2002 1 amendment agreed to (1 Govt)
4 amendments negatived (1 Opp; 3 AD)
Opposed/negatived (1 item; 1 Schedule)
Telecommunications Competition Bill 2002 27 amendments agreed to (16 Govt; 6 Opp; 5 AD)
3 amendments negatived (2 Opp; 1 AD)
Opposed/negatived (1 Part; 1 Schedule)
Telecommunications Interception Legislation Amendment Bill 2002 3 amendments agreed to (Govt)
1 amendment negatived (AD)
Opposed/negatived (1 item)
Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002 3 amendments agreed to (Opp)
4 amendments negatived (AD)
Trade Practices Amendment (Liability for Recreational Services) Bill 2002* 5 amendments agreed to (Opp)
4 amendments negatived (AD)
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Dismissal) Bill 2002* 5 amendments agreed to (Opp)
5 amendments negatived (Opp)
Opposed/negatived (3 items)
Amendments moved to amendments:
Agreed to (1 AD to Opp)
Negatived (1 Ind (Murphy) to Opp)
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Termination) Bill 2002 5 amendments agreed to (2 Opp; 3 AD)
Opposed/agreed to (1 Schedule)
Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Bill 2002* 5 amendments agreed to (1 Opp; 4 AD)
2 amendments negatived (2 Opp)
Opposed/agreed to (1 item)
Opposed/negatived (1 Schedule; 1 item)
Workplace Relations Amendment (Prohibition of Compulsory Union Fees) Bill 2002* 2 amendments agreed to (AD)
8 amendments negatived (ON)
Opposed/negatived (4 items)
Workplace Relations Amendment (Secret Ballots for Protected Action) Bill 2002 4 amendments negatived (AD)
  * See also Amendments and requests—Disagreements

Parliament House Calendar

March 2024

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24 Both25 Both26 Both27 Senate2829 Senate30
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