Committee of the whole amendments—2001

Number of bills:
to which amendments were moved in committee of the whole: 70
to which requests were moved in committee of the whole: 7
to which items (etc) were opposed in committee of the whole: 17
to which a motion to divide was agreed: 2
Number of amendments:
Moved: 1267
Agreed to: 1006
Negatived: 260
Withdrawn: 1
Number of requests:
Moved: 22
Agreed to: 7
Negatived: 15
Number of items (etc) opposed:
Opposed and negatived: 75
Opposed but agreed to: 9
Number of amendments to amendments:
Moved: 29
Bill Outcome
Air Passenger Ticket Levy (Collection) Bill 2001 1 AD amendment negatived
Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Account Bill 2001 1 AD request agreed to
1 Opp request negatived
3 Opp amendments negatived
Australia New Zealand Food Authority Amendment Bill 2001 36 Opp amendments agreed to
6 AD amendments agreed to
2 AD amendments negatived
2 AG amendments negatived
Amendments moved to amendments:
6 Opp to AD agreed to
2 Govt to AD negatived
1 AG to AD negatived
1 PHON to Opp negatived
Australian Research Council Bill 2000—consideration of message no. 617 from the House of Representatives 1 Opp amendment agreed to
Australian Research Council Bill 2000—consideration of message no. 646 from the House of Representatives*

AD amendments agreed to
Govt amendments agreed to

Australian Research Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2000 [2001]—consideration of message no. 647 from the House of Representatives* 1 AD amendment agreed to
Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 1 Opp amendment agreed to
2 AD amendments agreed to
1 Opp amendment negatived
Border Protection (Validation and Enforcement Powers) Bill 2001 5 AD amendments negatived
3 AG amendments negatived
Broadcasting Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 AD motion instructing committee of the whole to divide the bill agreed to; bill divided accordingly
6 Govt amendments agreed to
1 Opp amendment agreed to
7 Opp amendments negatived
Child Support Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000—consideration of message no. 692 from the House of Representatives amendments moved to House amendments* 4 Opp amendments agreed to
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 1 AD amendment agreed to
17 AD amendments negatived
1 item opposed/agreed to
Crimes Amendment (Forensic Procedures) Bill 2001 23 Govt amendments agreed to
3 AD amendments negatived
Amendments moved to amendments:
1 AD to Govt agreed to
Customs Legislation Amendment and Repeal (International Trade Modernisation) Bill 2001 2 Govt amendments agreed to
8 Opp amendments agreed to
10 AD amendments agreed to
23 Opp amendments negatived
Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 2 Govt requests agreed to
Cybercrime Bill 2001 16 Govt amendments agreed to
2 Opp amendments agreed to
Dairy Produce Legislation Amendment (Supplementary Assistance) Bill 2001* 1 Opp request agreed to
11 AD requests negatived
1 PHON request negatived
1 AD amendment negatived
1 PHON amendment negatived
Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of the Reserves and Modernisation) Bill 2000 1 AG amendment negatived
Electoral and Referendum Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 1 item opposed/negatived
Environmental Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 2 AD amendments agreed to
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Wildlife Protection) Bill 2001 2 Govt amendments agreed to
87 AD amendments agreed to
8 AD amendments negatived
3 AG amendments negatived
1 section opposed/negatived
Excise Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 2 Govt requests agreed to
Export Market Development Grants Amendment Bill 2001 2 AD amendments negatived
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 1 Govt amendment agreed to
9 items opposed/negatived
Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (New Zealand Citizens) Bill 2001 2 AD amendments negatived
Family and Community Services Legislation (Simplification and Other Measures) Bill 2001 1 AD request negatived
Family Assistance Estimate Tolerance (Transition) Bill 2001 1 AD amendment negatived
Family Law Legislation Amendment (Superannuation) Bill 2001 8 PHON amendments negatived
Financial Sector (Collection of Data—Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2001 1 Govt amendment agreed to
Financial Services Reform Bill 2001 157 Govt amendments agreed to
13 Opp amendments agreed to
6 AD amendments agreed to
1 part opposed/agreed to
2 divisions opposed/negatived
Amendments moved to amendments:
1 Opp to Govt agreed to
2 Opp to AD agreed to
Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2001 22 Govt amendments agreed to
1 item opposed/negatived
Fuel Legislation Amendment (Grant and Rebate Schemes) Bill 2001 24 AD amendments negatived
General Insurance Reform Bill 2001 2 Opp amendments agreed to
1 Opp amendment negatived
Governor-General Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 3 AD amendments negatived
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Bill 2001 1 AD amendment agreed to
1 AG amendment negatived
Health Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 2 Govt amendments agreed to
Amendments moved to amendments:
1 Opp to Govt agreed to
Health Legislation Amendment (Medical Practitioners Qualifications and Other Measures) Bill 2001 3 AD amendments agreed to
8 Opp amendments negatived
Innovation and Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 Opp motion instructing committee of the whole to divide the bill agreed to; bill divided accordingly
Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 31 Govt amendments agreed to
2 AD amendments agreed to
8 AG amendments agreed to
18 AG amendments negatived
5 Ind amendments negatived
1 PHON amendment negatived
1 clause opposed/negatived
Amendments moved to amendments:
3 AD to Govt agreed to
3 AG to Govt negatived
3 PHON to Govt negatived
International Maritime Conventions Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 10 AD amendments agreed to
Jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Service Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 8 Govt amendments agreed to
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 2 Govt amendments agreed to
Measures to Combat Serious and Organised Crime Bill 2001 59 Govt amendments agreed to
38 Opp amendments agreed to
2 Opp amendments negatived
12 items opposed/negatived
Amendments moved to amendments:
1 Opp to Govt agreed to
Medicare Levy Amendment (CPI Indexation) Bill (No. 2) 2000 4 AD amendments negatived
Migration Amendment (Excision from Migration Zone) Bill 2001 1 AD amendment negatived
2 AG amendments negatived
Migration Amendment (Excision from Migration Zone) (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2001 7 AD amendments negatived
4 items opposed/agreed to
1 clause opposed/agreed to
Migration Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill 2001 1 AD amendment negatived
Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2001 3 Govt amendments agreed to
2 AD amendments negatived
Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 5) 2001 1 AD amendment negatived
Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 6) 2001 18 AD amendments negatived
Migration Legislation Amendment (Judicial Review) Bill 1998 [2001] 17 Govt amendments agreed to
1 AD amendment negatived
Motor Vehicle Standards Amendment Bill 2001 8 AD amendments negatived
National Crime Authority Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 34 Govt amendments agreed to
2 Opp amendments agreed to
1 Govt amendment negatived
4 Opp amendments negatived
2 AD amendments negatived
2 Parts opposed/negatived
1 Schedule opposed/negatived
11 items opposed/negatived
National Museum of Australia Amendment Bill 2001 1 Govt amendment agreed to
New Business Tax System (Debt and Equity) Bill 2001 68 Govt amendments agreed to
1 item opposed/negatived
New Business Tax System (Thin Capitalisation) Bill 2001 70 Govt amendments agreed to
Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Amendment Bill 2001 5 AD amendments negatived
1 AG amendment negatived
Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill 2001 1 AD request negatived
Patents Amendment Bill 2001 3 AD amendments agreed to
1 AD amendment negatived
2 items opposed/negatived
Pig Industry Bill 2000 3 Opp amendments agreed to
Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Amendment Bill 2001 1 AG amendment negatived
Royal Commissions and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 7 Govt amendments agreed to
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 129 Govt amendments agreed to
1 Opp amendment agreed to
3 Opp amendments negatived
1 Part opposed/agreed to
2 Parts opposed/negatived
4 items opposed/negatived
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Concession Cards) Bill 2000 [2001] 1 AD amendment agreed to
States Grants (Primary and Secondary Education Assistance) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001* 1 Opp request agreed to
Superannuation Legislation Amendment (Post-retirement Commutations) Bill 2000 12 AD amendments negatived
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Bill 2000 [2001]consideration of message no. 612 from the House of Representatives* 22 Govt amendments agreed to
8 Opp amendments agreed to
1 AD amendment agreed to
13 Opp amendments negatived
1 clause opposed/agreed to
1 clause opposed/negatived
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 1 Opp amendment agreed to
1 AD amendment negatived
Amendments moved to amendments:
1 AG to Opp agreed to
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001consideration of message no. 788 from the House of Representatives*
Govt amendments agreed to
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2001 1 AG amendment negatived
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 5) 1999 1 AG amendment withdrawn
1 schedule opposed/negatived
Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 6) 2001* 1 Opp amendment agreed to
1 AD amendment agreed to
Taxation Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill 2001* 12 Govt amendments agreed to
5 AD amendments agreed to
2 Parts opposed/negatived
Taxation Laws Amendment (Superannuation Contributions) Bill 2000* 1 AD amendment agreed to
1 Opp amendment negatived
Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2000 [2001] 2 AD amendments negatived
Trade Practices Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2000* 2 Opp amendments agreed to
1 AD amendment negatived
Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Bill (No. 2) 2001 2 Govt amendments agreed to
1 AD amendment negatived
Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (2001 Budget Measures) Bill 2001 8 PHON amendments negatived
Workplace Relations Amendment (Tallies) Bill 2000 5 AD amendments agreed to
Amendments moved to amendments:
2 Opp to AD agreed to
1 Opp to AD negatived
Workplace Relations Amendment (Termination of Employment) Bill 2000 3 Govt amendments agreed to
18 AD amendments agreed to
20 items opposed/negatived
1 section opposed/negatived
* See also Amendments and requests—Disagreements

Parliament House Calendar

July 2019

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301 Both2 Both3 Both45 Senate6
78910 Senate111213
14 Senate15161718 Senate1920 Other
21 Both22 Both23 Both24 Both25 Senate2627
28 Both29 Both30 Both31 Both123
  • Senate
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