Orders for the production of documents—2009

Number of orders for the production of documents agreed to: 32

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme—Treasury modelling

  • Information relating to the Department of the Treasury modelling of the impact of the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.
  • Order made: 4 February 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 5 February 2009
  • Statements by leave:
  • The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector (Senator Stephens), 5 February 2009, claiming that the documents were commercial-in-confidence and informing that the disclosure of the information would result in commercial harm.
  • The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector (Senator Stephens), 11 February 2009, further claiming that the disclosure of the documents would cause substantial commercial harm.
  • Related document tabled: 17 June 2009, Senator Cormann tabled a letter from the Treasurer (Mr Swan) and attachment, indicating that the Government would not consider this matter further until serious issues of commercial harm were resolved.
  • Motions relating to order: 17 June 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann), 25 June 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • Related document tabled: 11 August 2009, letter from the Treasurer in response to resolution of 25 June 2009.

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme—Treasury modelling

  • Information relating to the Department of the Treasury modelling of the impact of the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme to be provided to the Select Committee on Fuel and Energy.
  • Order made: 11 March 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 13 March 2009
  • Statement by leave: The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion (Senator Stephens), 17 March 2009, claiming that the documents were commercial-in-confidence and informing that the disclosure of the information would result in commercial harm.
  • Related documents tabled:
  • 19 March 2009, Senator Cormann tabled a letter from a university, which participated in the modelling, indicating that the university had no objection to the production of the material.
  • 17 June 2009, Senator Cormann tabled a letter from the Treasurer (Mr Swan) and attachment, indicating that the Government would not consider this matter further until serious issues of commercial harm were resolved.
  • Motions relating to order: 17 June 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann), 25 June 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • Related document tabled: 11 August 2009, letter from the Treasurer in response to resolution of 25 June 2009.

Communications—National Broadband Network

  • Documents relating to the National Broadband Network.
  • Order made: 4 February 2009 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: the day after the day the winning bid is announced

Communictions—National Broadband Network

  • Report from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and from the National Broadband Network Panel of Experts relating to the National Broadband Network process and consideration of any related legislation.
  • Order made: 13 May 2009 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: 13 May 2009
  • Related document tabled: 26 October 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 26 October 2009), statement claiming that the documents contain extensive commercially sensitive information and would not be provided, indicating that the Government had released some of the material that does not contain commercially sensitive or protected information and some material of a non-commercial nature had already been released.
  • Motion relating to order: 29 October 2009

Communications—NBN Co—Appointment

  • Document relating to the appointment of Mr Mike Kaiser as the Principal – Government Relations and External Affairs for NBN Co.
  • Order made: 17 November 2009 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: 18 November 2009
  • Document tabled: 18 November 2009

Economics—Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme—Frontier Economics Report

  • Modelling or analysis commissioned by the Department of the Treasury and/or the Department of Climate Change and all documents prepared by the Department of the Treasury relating to the Frontier Economics report.
  • Order made: 27 October 2009 (moved by Senator Xenophon)
  • For tabling: 4 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 16 November 2009, document summarising the Government's assessment of the Frontier proposal.

Economics—Productivity Commission—Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

  • Documents held by the Productivity Commission relating to the design and economic impacts of the Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.
  • Order made: 25 June 2009 (moved by Senator Xenophon)
  • For tabling: 6 August 2009
  • Documents tabled: 6 August (presented out of sitting; tabled 11 August 2009)

Employment—Employment Services Contract 2009-12

  • Documents relating to the Employment Services Contract 2009-12.
  • Order made: 18 June 2009 (moved by Senator Fifield)
  • For tabling: 22 June 2009
  • Related documents tabled:
  • 22 June 2009, statement by the Minister for Employment Participation (Senator Arbib) indicating that it was not possible for the Government to comply with the order in its present form.
  • 11 August 2009, additional information relating to documents tabled on 22 June 2009.

Environment—Australian Forest Cover—Maps

  • A map of Australian forest cover using the Kyoto definition of 'forest' for each year since 1990.
  • Order made: 16 September 2009 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 26 October 2009
  • Related document tabled: 26 October 2009, statement indicating that the Government was pursuing the matter but were currently unable to comply due to the inter-departmental consultations required.

Environment—Australian Forest Cover—Maps

  • A map of Australian forest cover using the Kyoto definition of 'forest' for each year since 1990.
  • Order made: 18 November 2009 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 19 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 19 November 2009, statement indicating that the Government intends to provide the material requested, but as previously advised were unable to comply by the date due to the inter-departmental consultations which have not yet concluded.

Environment—Australian Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment 2008

  • The Australian Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment 2008 and all documents used in its preparation, including drafts.
  • Order made: 17 August 2009 (moved by Senator Siewert)
  • For tabling: 20 August 2009
  • Statement by leave: The Special Minister of State (Senator Ludwig), 17 August 2009, indicating that the draft report had been considered and was currently being revised and that the report was due to be made available to the public in October 2009.
  • Documents tabled: 20 August 2009

Environment—Geoscience Australia—Carbon Dioxide Storage Sites

  • Assessment by Geoscience Australia reportedly identifying prospective sites for underground carbon dioxide storage sites.
  • Order made: 17 November 2009 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 18 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 18 November 2009, statement claiming that there was no document in the precise form requested and indicating that a related report would be released at the time the grants under the program were announced.

Environment—Geoscience Australia—Carbon Dioxide Storage Sites

  • Assessment by Geoscience Australia reportedly identifying prospective sites for underground carbon dioxide storage sites.
  • Order made: 25 November 2009 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 25 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 26 November 2009, statement indicating again that a related report would be released at the time the grants under the program were announced.

Environment—Montara Oil Spill

  • Report of the marine survey of the environmental impacts of the Montara oil spill and all documents used in its preparation, including drafts.
  • Order made: 29 October 2009 (moved by Senator Siewert)
  • For tabling: 16 November 2009
  • Related documents tabled: 16 November 2009, document and statement indicating that working drafts would not be released.

Environment—Northern Victorian Irrigation Renewal Project

  • Letter to the Victorian Minister for Water relating to funding approval for stage 2 of the Northern Victorian Irrigation Renewal Project.
  • Order made: 27 October 2009 (moved by Senator Birmingham)
  • For tabling: 29 October 2009
  • Statement by leave: The Special Minister of State (Senator Ludwig), 27 October 2009, indicating that the Government does not intend to table the document.

Finance—Future Fund—Telstra Shares

  • Reports by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and the Future Fund Board of Guardians relating to Telstra shares.
  • Order made: 26 October 2009 (moved by Senator Fielding)
  • For tabling: 16 November 2009
  • Documents tabled: 16 November 2009

Health—Aged Care Providers—General Purpose Accounts

  • Documents relating to national de-identified data from the audited General Purpose Accounts of aged care providers.
  • Order made: 19 August 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 20 August 2009
  • Related documents tabled:
  • 20 August 2009, letter from the Minister for Ageing (Ms Elliot) indicating that the documents identified in the order were references to a number of files of the Department of Health and Ageing and that the contents of the files were currently being examined and a response would be provided as soon as possible.
  • 21 September 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 26 October 2009), letter from the Minister for Ageing (Ms Elliot) claiming a range of reasons for not complying, including not in the public interest to provide misleading information, documents not in possession and documents not complete.

Health—Aged Care Providers—General Purpose Accounts

  • Documents relating to the national de-identified data from the audited General Purpose Accounts of aged care providers.
  • Order made: 17 November 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 18 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 18 November 2009, statement indicating that it was not possible to provide certain dataset and claiming that it was not in the public interest to release reports on the data as these were the subject of ongoing Cabinet deliberations.

Health—Cataract Surgery Times—Data

  • Documents relating to cataract surgery.
  • Order made: 19 November 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 20 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 20 November 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 23 November 2009), statement indicating that it would not be possible to comply by the required date.

Health—Chemotherapy Treatment—Budget Cuts

  • Documents, advice and modelling relating to Budget cuts for chemotherapy treatment.
  • Order made: 18 August 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 19 August 2009
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (Senator Evans), 19 August 2009, indicating that the documents identified in the order were references to a number of files of the Department of Health and Ageing and that the contents of the files were currently being examined and a response would be provided as soon as possible.
  • Related documents tabled:
  • 21 September 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 26 October 2009), 24 September 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 26 October 2009), statement indicating that files had been examined and that certain documents were being released and also indicating that further documents may be provided no later than 16 October 2009.
  • 16 October 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 26 October 2009)

Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill 2009 and Related Bills—Draft Rules and Regulations

  • Copies of current draft rules and regulations relating to the Health Legislation Amendment (Midwives and Nurse Practitioners) Bill 2009, the Midwife Professional Indemnity (Run-off Cover Support Payment) Bill 2009 and the Midwife Professional Indemnity (Commonwealth Contribution) Scheme Bill 2009.
  • Order made: 25 November 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 26 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 26 November 2009, statement indicating that no draft rules or regulations had been prepared.

Health—Macular Degeneration—Answers to questions on notice

  • Answers to questions on notice nos 2043 and 2044.
  • Order made: 26 October 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 27 October 2009
  • Documents tabled: 27 October 2009

Health—National Preventative Health Taskforce

  • Report of the Government's National Preventative Health Taskforce.
  • Order made: 19 August 2009 (moved by Senators Cormann and Barnett)
  • For tabling: 20 August 2009
  • Related documents tabled: 20 August 2009, letter from the Minister for Health and Ageing (Ms Roxon) indicating that the Government intends to comply with the order.
  • Document tabled: 7 September 2009.

Health—National Preventative Health Taskforce Report

  • Copy of the Government's response to all of the recommendations set out in the National Preventative Health Taskforce report, National Preventative Health Strategy.
  • Order made: 26 November 2009 (moved by Senators Cormann and Barnett)
  • For tabling: 4 December 2009
  • Related document tabled: 7 December 2009 (presented out of sitting), statement indicating that the Government was still considering and consulting on its response.

Health—Private Health Insurance—Reforms

  • Documents relating to private health insurance reforms.
  • Order made: 11 March 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 16 March 2009
  • Related documents tabled: 16 March 2009, indicating that the documents were currently being examined and a response would be provided as soon as possible.
  • Documents tabled: 23 April and 1 May 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 12 May 2009)

Industrial Relations—Australian Building and Construction Commissioner

  • Documents provided to the Government by the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner.
  • Order made: 23 June 2009 (moved by Senator Fisher)
  • For tabling: 24 June 2009
  • Documents tabled: 24 June 2009

Parliament—Health Insurance Amendment (Revival of Table Items) Bill 2009—Legal Advice

  • Copy of the legal advice referred to by the Minister on 29 October 2009, indicating that the Health Insurance Amendment (Revival of Table Items) Bill 2009 was unconstitutional.
  • Order made: 17 November 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 17 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 18 November 2009, statement indicating that it was not in the public interest to table the advice.

Parliament—Health Insurance Amendment (Revival of Table Items) Bill 2009—Legal Advice

  • Copy of the legal advice referred to by the Minister on 29 October 2009, indicating that the Health Insurance Amendment (Revival of Table Items) Bill 2009 was unconstitutional.
  • Order made: 23 November 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 24 November 2009
  • Related document tabled: 24 November 2009, statement indicating that it was not in the public interest to table the advice.

Science and Technology—Research Paper—Dr Clive Spash

  • Copy of Dr Clive Spash's uncensored and unamended research paper, The brave new world of carbon trading.
  • Order made: 26 November 2009 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 26 November 2009
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (Senator Carr), 26 November 2009, claiming that the Government has no role in the discussions between CSIRO and Dr Clive Spash about the research paper.
  • Documents tabled: 26 November 2009


  • Documents relating to taxation and alcohol.
  • Order made: 4 February 2009 (moved by Senator Cormann)
  • For tabling: 5 February 2009—paragraph (c); 23 February 2009—paragraph (d)
  • Documents tabled: 5 February 2009, answers to questions on notice—Question sbt 3 (Treasury portfolio), 23 March 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 12 May 2009)

Trade—Illegal Timber Imports

  • Documents or advice relating to legal and policy issues surrounding illegal timber imports and options for addressing such imports.
  • Order made: 25 June 2009 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 11 August 2009
  • Documents tabled: 11 August 2009

Workplace Relations—Fair Work Amendment (State Referrals and Other Measures) Bill 2009—Bilateral Intergovernmental Agreements

  • Copies of bilateral intergovernmental agreements relating to the Fair Work Amendment (State Referrals and Other Measures) Bill 2009.
  • Order made: 18 November 2009 (moved by Senator Fisher)
  • For tabling: 19 November 2009—part (1) (parts (2) and (3) ongoing)
  • Related document tabled: 19 November 2009, statement indicating that the Government will provide documents to parts (2) and (3) and claiming that at present there are no documents relating to part (1).

Documents tabled pursuant to existing orders:

Departmental and agency appointments and vacancies

  • A list of all appointments made by the Government and existing vacancies to statutory authorities, executive agencies, advisory boards, government business enterprises and all other Commonwealth bodies
  • Order made: 24 June 2008 (moved by Senator Minchin) (varied 12 May 2009)
  • For tabling: By not later than 7 days before the commencement of the budget estimates, supplementary budget estimates and additional estimates hearings
  • Documents tabled: 3 and 10 February, 10 March, 13 and 14 May, 15 and 24 June, 26 and 29 October 2009

Departmental and agency contracts

  • List of departmental and agency contracts.
  • Order made: 20 June 2001 (Varied 27 September 2001, 18 and 26 June and 4 December 2003)
  • For tabling: not later than 30 September each year
  • Documents tabled: 3 and 11 February, 10 March, 12 May, 15 June, 11, 13, 17, 19 and 20 August, 7 and 10 September 2009

Departmental and agency grants

  • A list of all grants approved in each portfolio or agency, including the value of the grant, recipient of the grant and the program from which the grant was made.
  • Order made: 24 June 2008 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: By not later than 7 days before the commencement of the budget estimates, supplementary budget estimates and additional estimates hearings
  • Documents tabled: 3, 10, 11 and 12 February, 10 March, 13 and 14 May, 15 June, 26 and 29 October 2009

Environment—Strategic Review of Climate Change Policies

  • Report of the Strategic Review of Climate Change Policies.
  • Order made: 3 September 2008 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 4 September 2008
  • Statements by leave:
  • The Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law (Senator Sherry), 4 September 2008 indicating that the Government was considering a response and would provide that response to the Senate on the next day of sitting
  • The Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law (Senator Sherry), 15 September 2008, indicating that advice to government for deliberative processes would not be provided and claiming that it would not be in the public interest to table the document
  • Document tabled: 28 September 2009 (presented out of sitting; tabled 26 October 2009)

Health Insurance—Anti-competitive health cover practices

  • Assessment reports by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on anti-competitive health cover practices.
  • Order made: 25 March 1999 (Varied 18 September 2002)
  • For tabling: at the end of each period of 12 months ending on or after June 2003
  • Document tabled: 11 February 2009

Indexed lists of departmental and agency files

  • Indexed lists of files of government departments and agencies. Order made: 30 May 1996 (Varied 3 December 1998) For tabling: by the tenth day of the autumn and spring sittings each year or statements of compliance that such indexed lists of files have been placed on the Internet.
  • Documents tabled: 3 February, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17 and 18 March, 12 May, 15 June, 11, 17 and 19 August, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 17 September and 26 October 2009

Unproclaimed legislation—Document—Standing Order 139(2)

  • Documents providing details of all provisions of Acts which come into effect on proclamation and which have not yet been proclaimed, including statements of reasons for their non-proclamation and information relating to the timetable for their operation, as at 31 July 2008.
  • Document tabled: 17 August 2009

Water Act 2007—Critical Human Water Needs—Definitions and Criteria

  • Document containing definitions of terms relating to critical human water needs and criteria the Murray-Darling Basin Authority will apply in determining whether the definitions are met.
  • Order made: 3 December 2008 (moved by Senator Fisher)
  • For tabling: 10 March 2009
  • Document tabled: 12 March 2009

Parliament House Calendar

February 1967

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  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other