Orders for the production of documents—2008

Number of orders for the production of documents agreed to: 9

Defence—Procurement projects

  • Documents relating to defence procurement projects.
  • Order made: 15 May 2008 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: 19 June 2008
  • Document tabled: Letter from the Minister for Defence, 19 June 2008, claiming that the documents were commercial-in-confidence and the Government would not provide the documents

Defence—Procurement projects

  • A statement of the commercial harm that would result from the disclosure of the commercial-in-confidence information relating to documents concerning defence procurement projects.
  • Order made: 25 June 2008 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: 26 June 2008
  • Document tabled: Letter from the Minister for Defence, 26 June 2008, confirming that the documents were commercial-in-confidence and informing that the disclosure of the commercial-in-confidence information would result in commercial harm via the release of sensitive pricing data and intellectual property

Departmental and agency appointments

  • A list of all appointments made by the Government and existing vacancies to statutory authorities, executive agencies, advisory boards, government business enterprises and all other Commonwealth bodies
  • Order made: 24 June 2008 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: By not later than 7 days before the commencement of the budget estimates, supplementary budget estimates and additional estimates hearings
  • Documents tabled: 13, 14, 15 and 16 October and 10 November 2008

Departmental and agency grants

  • A list of all grants approved in each portfolio or agency, including the value of the grant, recipient of the grant and the program from which the grant was made.
  • Order made: 24 June 2008 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: By not later than 7 days before the commencement of the budget estimates, supplementary budget estimates and additional estimates hearings
  • Documents tabled: 13, 14, 15 and 16 October and 10 November 2008

Environment—Coorong and Lower Lakes

  • Advice prepared for the Minister for Climate Change and Water relating to the Coorong and Lower Lakes in South Australia.
  • Order made: 27 August 2008 (moved by Senator Minchin)
  • For tabling: 28 August 2008
  • Statements by leave:
  • The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Health and Ageing (Senator McLucas), 27 August 2008, indicating that advice to government for deliberative processes would not be provided and informing that extensive information had already been provided and that further material may be released.
  • The Minister for Climate Change and Water (Senator Wong), 1 September 2008, indicating that advice to government for deliberative processes would not be provided, informing that extensive information had already been released and that a submission to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee inquiry will be provided

Environment—Strategic Review of Climate Change Policies

  • Report of the Strategic Review of Climate Change Policies.
  • Order made: 3 September 2008 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 4 September 2008
  • Statements by leave:
  • The Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law (Senator Sherry), 4 September 2008 indicating that the Government was considering a response and would provide that response to the Senate on the next day of sitting
  • The Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law (Senator Sherry), 15 September 2008, indicating that advice to government for deliberative processes would not be provided and claiming that it would not be in the public interest to table the document

Industry—Alternative Formula—Emissions-Intensive Companies

  • The 'alternative, more business-friendly formula for providing assistance to trade-exposed, emissions-intensive companies'.
  • Order made: 3 September 2008 (moved by Senator Milne)
  • For tabling: 4 September 2008
  • Statements by leave:
  • The Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law (Senator Sherry), 4 September 2008 indicating that the Government was considering a response and would provide that response to the Senate on the next day of sitting
  • The Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (Senator Carr), 15 September 2008, indicating that the Government does not propose to table documents on the basis that no document or documents have been brought into existence in the form described in the order

Sport—Sports and recreation facilities—Grants

  • A list of commitments made by the Government to provide grants for sports and recreation facilities.
  • Order made: 17 June 2008 (moved by Senator Bernardi)
  • For tabling: 23 June 2008
  • Document tabled: Statement by the Leader of the Government in the Senate, 23 June 2008, listing projects already announced and indicating that the Government would continue to make announcements as the facilities project goes ahead
  • Consideration of document: Motion moved by Senator Bernardi to take note of document tabled on 23 June 2008

Water Act 2007—Critical human water needs—Definitions and criteria

  • Document containing definitions of terms relating to critical human water needs and criteria the Murray-Darling Basin Authority will apply in determining whether the definitions are met.
  • Order made: 3 December 2008 (moved by Senator Fisher)
  • For tabling: 10 March 2009

Documents tabled pursuant to existing orders:

Departmental and agency contracts

  • List of departmental and agency contracts.
  • Order made: 20 June 2001 (Varied 27 September 2001, 18 and 26 June and 4 December 2003)
  • For tabling: not later than 30 September each year
  • Documents tabled: 12 and 14 February, 11, 13 and 19 March, 13 May, 26 and 28 August, 1, 2, 4, 15, 16 and 22 September, 13 October and 10 November 2008

Health Insurance—Anti-competitive health cover practices

  • Assessment reports by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on anti-competitive health cover practices.
  • Order made: 25 March 1999 (Varied 18 September 2002)
  • For tabling: at the end of each period of 12 months ending on or after June 2003
  • Document tabled: 13 March 2008

Indexed lists of departmental and agency files

  • Indexed lists of files of government departments and agencies. Order made: 30 May 1996 (Varied 3 December 1998) For tabling: by the tenth day of the autumn and spring sittings each year or statements of compliance that such indexed lists of files have been placed on the Internet.
  • Documents tabled: 12 February, 11, 13, 18, 19 and 20 March, 13 May, 26 August, 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 22 September, 13 October and 10 November 2008

Unproclaimed legislation—Document—Standing Order 139(2)

  • Documents providing details of all provisions of Acts which come into effect on proclamation and which have not yet been proclaimed, including statements of reasons for their non-proclamation and information relating to the timetable for their operation, as at 31 July 2008.
  • Document tabled: 26 August 2008

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