Orders for the production of documents—2004

Number of orders for the production of documents agreed to:
40th Parliament 19
41st Parliament 2
Total for 2004 21

40th Parliament

Administration—Sale of Comland Limited

  • Documents relating to the sale of Comland Limited to Lend Lease Corporation Limited that relates to the former Australian Defence Industries site at St Marys, New South Wales.
  • Order made: 16 June 2004
  • For tabling: 24 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, 26 June 2004 am, indicating that it had not yet been possible to comply, but the documents would be provided as soon as possible.
  • Documents presented: 1 July 2004—Letter from the Minister for Finance and Administration to the President of the Senate, dated 30 June 2004, claiming that certain documents were commercial-in-confidence, certain documents contained departmental advice and indicating that other documents would be provided.
  • Documents tabled: 3 August 2004

Australian Federal Police Commissioner—Statement

  • Copies of all drafts of the clarifying statement which was negotiated between the Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mr Keelty, and the Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Dr Shergold.
  • Order made: 24 March 2004
  • For tabling: 30 March 2004
  • Statement by leave: Senator McGauran, 30 March 2004, indicating that if any such draft existed it would be a communication between senior office holders and members or representatives of the government and considered confidential and would not be tabled.
  • Censure motion: Senator Faulkner moved a motion to censure the Leader of the Government in the Senate, 30 March 2004, agreed to.

Defence—Missile Defence Program

  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of Australia and the United States of America relating to the program of cooperation on missile defence.
  • Order made: 4 August 2004
  • For tabling: 5 August 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 5 August 2004, claiming that the memorandum of understanding was not a public document and for it to be released would require the mutual agreement of both governments.

Defence—Iraq—Human Rights Abuses

  • The report and documents prepared by the Department of Defence's Iraq Detainees Fact-Finding Team relating to the abuse of detainees held in Iraq.
  • Order made: 22 June 2004
  • For tabling: 23 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Special Minister of State, 23 June 2004, claiming that the documents form part of a brief to the Minister and therefore such departmental advices would not be provided.

Defence—Office of National Assessments Report

  • Documents relating to the Office of National Assessments (ONA) classified document log concerning the requests for, and movements of, the ONA report on the humanitarian impact of the war in Iraq.
  • Order made: 23 June 2004
  • For tabling: 24 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, 24 June 2004, claiming that the documents were classified and would not be provided.

Environment—Bushfire Mitigation and Management

  • Report of the inquiry of the Council of Australian Governments on bushfire mitigation and management.
    Order made: 5 August 2004
  • For tabling: 9 August 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Special Minister of State, 9 August 2004, claiming that not all parties involved agreed to the release of the document and indicating that it would not be released without the support of all parties involved.

Environment—Genetically-modified Organisms

  • Documents relating to information produced as part of the 2000-03 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Biodiversity Division project, 'Ecological Implications of GMOs'.
  • Order made: 30 March 2004
  • For tabling: 1 April 2004
  • Documents tabled: 1 April 2004

Environment—Nuclear Waste Storage

  • Document containing the Commonwealth sites listed as potential sites for the storage of nuclear waste.
  • Order made: 11 August 2004
  • For tabling: 12 August 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for the Environment and Heritage, 12 August 2004, claiming that it would not be in the public interest to table the document.

Environment—Repulse Bay

  • Documents relating to Repulse Bay.
  • Order made: 10 August 2004
  • For tabling: 11 August 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for the Environment and Heritage, 11 August 2004, indicating that it had not been possible to comply by the required date, but the government would respond in due course.

Environment—Videophone Facilities—Installation

  • Documents relating to the installation of videophone facilities.
  • Order made: 24 June 2004
  • For tabling: 30 June 2004

Human Rights—Sexuality Discrimination

  • Documents relating to the Government's formal response to the United Nations Human Rights Committee findings in the case of Young v Australia.
  • Order made: 1 April 2004
  • For tabling: 15 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, 15 June 2004, indicating the Government's response to the views of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in the case of Young v Australia.

Immigration—Ministerial Discretion

  • Documents relating to the exercise of ministerial discretion under sections 351 and 417 of the Migration Act 1958.
  • Order made: 1 April 2004
  • For tabling: 12 May 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, 12 May 2004, claiming significant resource and workload implications and privacy impacts, and indicating that the documents would not be provided.

Indigenous Australians—Lands Acquisition Amendment Regulations 2004

  • Documents relating to the Lands Acquisition Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2), as contained in Statutory Rules 2004 No. 82 and made under the Lands Acquisition Act 1989.
  • Order made: 21 June 2004
  • For tabling: 23 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Special Minister of State, 23 June 2004, claiming that it was not in the public interest to table certain documents, but indicating that certain other documents had been identified for tabling.
  • Documents tabled: 23 June 2004

Parliament—Telstra Senior Officers

  • Statement of measures taken by Telstra to ensure that its senior officers are appropriately trained in their obligations to Parliament.
  • Order made: 5 August 2004—Pursuant to recommendation in paragraph 1.30 of the Committee of Privileges 119th report
  • For tabling: 1 March 2005

Science and Technology—Cooperative Research Centre Program

  • Documents relating to funding under the Government's Cooperative Research Centre Program.
    Order made: 15 June 2004
  • For tabling: 17 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Defence, 17 June 2004, claiming that a certain document was prepared for cabinet and would not be provided, and indicating that certain documents would be provided.
  • Documents tabled: 17 June 2004

Science and Technology—Gene Technology

  • Documents relating the commercial release of GE canola.
  • Order made: 23 June 2004
  • For tabling: 24 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, 26 June 2004 am, indicating that a response would be incorporated in Hansard detailing the recommendations made by the Gene Technology Advisory Committee and the Gene Technology Community Consultative Committee and claiming that no submissions were received.
  • Response incorporated: 26 June 2004 am

Science and Technology—Synthetic Aperture Radar

  • Documents relating to the synthetic aperture radar work commissioned or acquired by Geoscience Australia.
  • Order made: 23 June 2004
  • For tabling: 24 June 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, 26 June 2004 am, indicating that it had not yet been possible to comply, but the documents would be provided as soon as possible.

Superannuation—Departing Temporary Residents

  • Document detailing the actual revenue collected during the 2002-03 financial year from the measure, 'allowing departing temporary residents access to their superannuation'.
  • Order made: 24 March 2004
  • For tabling: 24 March 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 24 March 2004, indicating that the Government is not proposing to provide the information being sought.

Trade—Free Trade Agreement

  • The free trade agreement made between the governments of Australia and the United States of America.
  • Order made: 11 February 2004
  • For tabling: 11 February 2004.
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Finance and Administration, 11 February 2004, indicating that the document would be available once it had been through all the legal processes.

Documents tabled pursuant to existing orders:

Agency advertising and public information projects

  • A statement, by each minister in the Senate, in respect of each agency administered by that minister, or by a minister in the House of Representatives represented by that minister, relating to advertising or public information project undertaken by each agency where the cost of the project is estimated or contracted to be $100 000 or more.
  • Order made: 29 October 2003
  • For tabling: within 5 sitting days of the Senate after the project is approved
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Defence, 12 February 2004, indicating that the existing levels of government scrutiny would continue.

Departmental and Agency Contracts

  • List of departmental and agency contracts.
  • Order made: 20 June 2001 (varied 27 September 2001, 18 and 26 June and 4 December 2003)
  • For tabling: not later than 30 September each year
  • Documents tabled: 1, 3, 4 and 9 March, 11 May and 30 August 2004

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee—Report—Materiel Acquisition and Management in Defence

  • Report by the Director of Trials of the Review of Test and Evaluation in Defence.
  • Order made: 14 May 2003
  • For tabling: On completion of report
  • Related documents tabled: 17 June 2003, 15 June 2004
  • Report tabled: Department of Defence—Director of Trials, tabled 4 December 2003

Health-Anti-competitive health cover practices

  • Assessment reports by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on anti-competitive health cover practices.
  • Order made: 25 March 1999 (Varied 18 September 2002)
  • For tabling: at the end of each period of 12months ending on or after June 2003
  • Documents tabled:


  • Documents relating to options for vaccination programs.
  • Order made: 8 October 2003
  • For tabling: next day of sitting
  • Statement by leave: The Special Minister of State, 9 October 2003, claiming that certain documents were confidential and consultations would take place to seek agreement for tabling, certain other documents were considered large in volume and other documents were able to be provided.
  • Documents tabled: 9 October 2003 and 1 March 2004

Health—National Drug Research Strategy

  • The most recent draft of the National Drug Research Strategy, as prepared by the National Drug Research Committee.
  • Order made: 8 October 2003
  • For tabling: next day of sitting
  • Statement by leave: The Special Minister of State, 9 October 2003, claiming that the draft National Drug Research Strategy was a working document and it had not been cleared by all parties involved.
  • Related document tabled: 12 May 2004, letter to the President of the Senate from the Minister for Health and Ageing claiming that not all parties involved agreed to the release of the document and indicating that it would not be released without the support of all parties involved.

Immigration—Management of detention centres

  • Documents relating to the management of detention centres.
  • Order made: 13 October 2003
  • For tabling: 16 October 2003
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, 16 October 2003, claiming that certain documents contain security concerns therefore these documents will not be made public and a certain other document would be provided.
  • Documents tabled: 16 October 2003, 15 June 2004

Indexed lists of departmental and agency files

  • Indexed lists of files of government departments and agencies.
  • Order made: 30 May 1996 (varied 3 December 1998)
  • For tabling: by the tenth day of the autumn and spring sittings each year or statements of compliance that such indexed lists of files have been placed on the Internet.
  • Documents tabled: 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 22 and 24 March, 11 and 12 May, 12 and 30 August 2004

Science and Technology—Assisted reproductive technology

  • Reports relating to assisted reproductive technology embryos.
  • Order made: 28 October 2003
  • For tabling: 29 October 2003
  • Statements by leave:
  • The Minister for Defence, 29 October 2003, indicating that the documents requested can not be released without the agreement of the Commonwealth, the states and the territories and that the Government is seeking views on the release of the documents and will advise as soon as possible.
  • Senator Harradine, 3 December 2003, inquiring into the status of the documents sought by the order.
  • The Minister for Defence, 3 December 2003, responding to Senator Harradine and indicating that the matter would be referred to the Prime Minister to seek further advice.
  • Senator Harradine, 10 February 2004, inquiring into the status of the document sought by the order.
  • The Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, 10 February 2004, responding to Senator Harradine and indicating that the minister is still continuing to pursue the matter.
  • Suspension of standing orders: To give precedence to a motion relating to the order, 10 February 2004.
  • Motion moved: 10 February 2004, insisting that the documents be provided by 12 February 2004.

Taxation—First home owners, 'Bracket Creep' and Intergenerational Report

  • Documents prepared by the Department of the Treasury relating to first home owners.
  • Order made: 1 December 2003
  • For tabling: 4 December 2003
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer, 4 December 2003, indicating that it would not be possible to comply with the order by the date required.
  • Documents presented: 17 August 2004, letter from the Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer to the President of the Senate claiming that a final position had not yet been reached in response to the order and indicating that certain documents would be provided in response to the order. The minister would respond when further decisions had been made regarding the tabling of any remaining documents in response to the order.
  • Documents tabled: 30 August 2004


  • Documents relating a proposed ethanol excise and production subsidy.
  • Order made: 16 October 2002 (moved by Senator O'Brien)
  • For tabling: 21 October 2002
  • Statement by leave: The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, 21 October 2002, indicating that it had not yet been possible to comply, but the documents would be provided as soon as possible.
  • Motion moved: 11 December 2002, calling on the Government to comply with the order by 11 December 2002.
  • Statements by leave:
  • The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, 13 December 2002 am, indicating that the documents would be tabled out of session by 17 December 2002.
  • The Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, 5 February 2003, indicating that it had not yet been possible to comply, but the documents would be provided as soon as possible.
  • Motion moved: 4 March 2003, calling on the Government to comply with the order by 6 March 2003.
  • Motion moved: 26 March 2003, calling on the Government to comply with the order by 27 March 2003.
  • Second reading amendment: 12 August 2003, moving that further consideration of the Customs Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2003 and the Excise Tariff Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2003 be postponed till after the Government fully complies with the order.
  • Motion moved: 31 March 2004, allowing for the further consideration of the bills to be called on immediately, agreed to 1 April 2004.
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and Conservation, 1 April 2004, advising that certain documents would be tabled and indicating that further documents would be tabled by the next parliamentary sittings.
  • Documents tabled: 1 April and 13 May 2004

Unproclaimed legislation—Document—Standing Order 139(2)

  • Documents providing details of all provisions of Acts which come into effect on proclamation and which have not yet been proclaimed, including statements of reasons for their non-proclamation and information relating to the timetable for their operation, as at 31 July 2004.
  • Document tabled: 30 August 2004

41st Parliament

Orders for the production of documents:

Air Passenger Ticket Levy (Collection) Act—Determinations

  • Determinations made under subsections 22(1) and (2) of the Air Passenger Ticket Levy (Collection) Act 2001.
  • Order made: 2 December 2004
  • For tabling: 6 December 2004
  • Documents tabled: 6 December 2004

Trade—Free Trade Agreement

  • Documents exchanged between the governments of Australia and the United States (US) of America to finalise the free trade agreement between Australia and the US.
  • Order made: 2 December 2004
  • For tabling: 7 December 2004
  • Statement by leave: The Minister for Justice and Customs, 7 December 2004, indicating that the documents had been placed on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade web site.

Documents tabled pursuant to existing orders:

Departmental and Agency Contracts

  • List of departmental and agency contracts.
  • Order made: 20 June 2001 (varied 27 September 2001, 18 and 26 June and 4 December 2003)
  • For tabling: not later than 30 September each year
  • Documents tabled: 16 November 2004

Health Insurance—Anti-competitive practices

  • Assessment reports by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on anti-competitive health cover practices.
  • Order made: 25 March 1999 (Varied 18 September 2002)
  • For tabling: at the end of each period of 12 months ending on or after June 2003
  • Document tabled: 8 December 2004

Indexed lists of departmental and agency files

  • Indexed lists of files of government departments and agencies.
  • Order made: 30 May 1996 (varied 3 December 1998)
  • For tabling: by the tenth day of the autumn and spring sittings each year or statements of compliance that such indexed lists of files have been placed on the Internet.
  • Documents tabled: 16, 17 and 29 November 2004

Parliament House Calendar

July 1999

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other