Orders for the production of documents—2000

Number of orders for the production of documents agreed to: 22

Aged Care—Riverside Nursing Home—Documents—Ordered 3 April 2000

  • All records of communications between the Department of Health and Aged Care and the Minister for Aged Care and/or her office relating to Riverside Nursing Home, from 14 February to 6 March 2000.
  • Tabled 4 April 2000

Australian Taxation Commissioner—Documents—Ordered 20 June 2000

  • Correspondence from the Australian Taxation Commissioner to the Australian Electoral Commissioner of 19 April 2000 and any written response to such correspondence by the Australian Electoral Commission.
  • Tabled 21 and 22 June 2000

Defence—Environment Management Plans—Documents—Ordered 22 June 2000

  • Environment Management Plans for: Puckapunyal; Mangalore and Longlea.
  • Tabled 29 June 2000

Education—SES Scores—Documents—Ordered 17 August 2000

  • Draft guidelines on the method of calculation of schools SES scores as defined in subclause 4(1) of clause 7 of the States Grants (Primary and Secondary Assistance) Bill 2000 and SES scores of the 2 262 schools that participated in the 1998 SES simulation project conducted on behalf of the Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
  • Tabled 28 August 2000

Education—SES Scores—Documents—Ordered 29 August 2000

  • Individual SES scores of the 2 262 schools that participated in the 1998 SES simulation project, identified by the name of each school; the mean SES score for each category, the spread and frequency of SES scores achieved in the Simulation Study and the number of schools in each category.
  • Tabled 30 August 2000

Education—SES Scores—Documents—Ordered 7 September 2000

  • Individual SES scores, enrolment numbers, equivalent education resource index and Commonwealth funding.
  • Tabled 3 October 2000

Employment—Work for the Dole—Documents—Ordered 15 March 2000

  • Governments response and documents relating to the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly report on work for the dole in primary schools and documents in relation to work for the dole projects.
  • Tabled 10 April 2000

Environment—Derby Tidal Energy Project—Document—Ordered 4 October 2000

  • Report by KPMG for the Australian Greenhouse Office on the Derby Tidal Energy Project, dated August 2000.
    Statement by the Special Minister of State 5 October 2000
  • Tabled 7 December 2000

Environment—International Climate Change Negotiations—Documents—Ordered 17 February 2000

  • Documents outlining Australias approach to the international climate change negotiations.
  • Tabled 6 March 2000

Environment—Queensland—Tree Clearing—Documents—Ordered 7 March 2000

  • A report from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics to Environment Australia on estimating the benefits and costs of restrictions on tree clearing in Queensland.
  • Statements by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage 9 and 16 March 2000

Environment—Tasmania—Documents—Ordered 9 November 2000

  • The grant application by Forestry Tasmania and the documentation of the approval of the Dismal Swamp project, held by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

Health—Magnetic Resonance Imaging—Documents—Ordered 21 October 1999—Further Ordered 10 April 2000

  • Documents relating to contracts for magnetic resonance imaging machines.
  • Tabled 29 November 1999, 15 February, 10 April, 10 May 2000

Lucas Heights—Nuclear Reactor Fuel—Documents—Ordered 20 June 2000

  • Documents held by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation relating to the nature of the fuel required in the new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights and the implications of the fuel specification for the type and nature of waste produced by the reactor.
  • Tabled 26 June 2000

Taxation—Documents—Ordered 4 October 2000

  • Various documents relating to Large Business and International and the Aggressive Tax Planning Steering Committee.
  • Statement by the Assistant Treasurer 1 December 2000

Taxation—Opinion Polls—Documents—Ordered 4 December 2000

  • All GST-related public opinion polling commissioned by government departments from 1 January 1999 to 30 September 2000
  • Statements [2] by the Minister for the Environment and Heritage 7 December 2000
  • Presented 22 December 2000 [5]

Taxation—Petrol Pricing—Document—Ordered 27 June 2000

  • A copy of the economic modelling, including the methodology and assumptions, relating to petrol pricing and referred to by the Prime Minister in his interview on the Channel Nine Sunday program on 25 June 2000.
  • Statement by the Assistant Treasurer 29 June 2000

Telstra Corporation—Documents—Ordered 31 August 2000

  • Contracts between Telstra Corporation and Leighton Holdings and its subsidiaries which were the subject of question on notice no. 29.
  • Statement by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts 6 September 2000.
  • Statement by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts 7 September 2000.
  • Tabled 7 September 2000

Transport—ARCAS Airlines—Documents—Ordered 7 June 2000

  • All files, reports and all other materials, including Civil Aviation Safety Authority Board (CASA) and Board Committee agenda papers and minutes held by CASA, that relate to the operation of the Albury-based airline ARCAS, which trades as Air Facilities.
  • Tabled 8 and 22 June 2000

Transport—Heavy Trucks Specifications—Documents—Ordered 6 April 2000

  • A report of an investigation into specifications of heavy trucks and consequential effects on truck dynamics and drivers.
  • Tabled 9 May 2000

Transport—Heavy Trucks Specifications—Documents—Ordered 5 June 2000

  • Response to the final report prepared for the Federal Office of Road Safety by Roaduser International Pty Ltd.
  • Tabled 20 June 2000

Transport—Heavy Trucks Specifications—Documents—Ordered 5 October 2000

  • Various documents from the Federal Office of Road Safety.
  • Statement by Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government 9 October 2000

Transport—Heavy Trucks Specifications—Documents—Ordered 1 November 2000

  • Various documents from the Federal Office of Road Safety
  • Tabled 2 and 27 November 2000

Documents tabled pursuant to existing orders:

Health Insurance—Anti-Competitive Practices—Document—Ordered 25 March 1999

  • Assessment report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on anti-competitive health insurance practices.
  • Tabled 12 April and 8 November 2000

Indexed lists of departmental and agency files—Documents—Ordered 30 May 1996 (Varied 3 December 1998)

  • Indexed lists of files of government departments and agencies.
  • Documents to be tabled by the tenth day of the autumn and spring sittings each year or statements of compliance that such indexed lists of files have been placed on the Internet.
  • Tabled 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 and 16 March, 3 and 6 April, 9 May, 5 June, 14, 17, 28, 30 and 31 August, 4, 5 and 7 September, 3 and 30 October, 27 November 2000

Unproclaimed legislation—Document—Standing Order 139(2)

  • Document providing details of all provisions of Acts which come into effect on proclamation and which have not yet been proclaimed, including statements of reasons for their non-proclamation and information relating to the timetable for their operation, as at 3 August 2000.
  • Tabled 17 August 2000

Parliament House Calendar

May 2007

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