Ministerial statements—2005

Number of ministerial statements: 4
Statement Date
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for th eEnvironment and Heritage
Australia's Development Cooperation Program
Senator Colbeck
(for the Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Defence—Australian Defence Force Military Justice System
Senator Hill
Minister for Defence
Defence—Australian task group deployment—Iraq
Senator Hill
(Minister for Defence)

Parliament House Calendar

March 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
25262728291 Other2
3 Senate4 Other5 Other6 Senate7 Senate89
1011 Other12 Other13 Senate14 Senate15 Other16
17 Both18 Both19 Both20 Both21 Both22 Other23
24 Both25 Both26 Both27 Senate2829 Senate30
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other