Ministerial statements—2000

Number of ministerial statements: 8
Statement Date
Census of population and housing 2000-01
Senator Ellison
(for the Minister for Financial Services and Regulations)
Defence 2000: Our future defence force—Defence White Paper 2000
Senator Ian Campbell
(for the Prime Minister)
Environment—National Greenhouse Strategy—2000 progress report
Senator Ian Campbell
Environment—Natural Heritage Trust
Senator Hill
(Minister for the Environment and Heritage)
Foreign Affairs—Australia's development cooperation program—Tenth annual statement to Parliament
Senator Ian Campbell
(for the Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Foreign Affairs—Solomon Islands
Senator Alston
(Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts)
Trade policy
Senator Ian Campbell
(for the Minister for Trade)
Trade—Trade mission to the Gulf
Senator Ian Campbell
(for the Minister for Trade)

Parliament House Calendar

February 2023

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2930311 Other2 Other3 Other4
5 Both6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Other10 Senate11
12 Both13 Both14 Both15 Both16 Senate17 Other18
19 Senate20 Other21 Other22 Senate23 Senate2425
26 Other27 Senate28 Both1234
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other