Government responses to committee reports—2011

Number of government responses to committee reports:
Tabled or presented in 2011: 67
Presented in 2010, tabled in 2011: 3

Agricultural and Related Industries—Select Committee

  • Food production in Australia—Report presented 23 August 2010, tabled 28 September 2010
    Response presented 20 May 2011, tabled 14 June 2011
  • The incidence and severity of bushfires across Australia—Final report—Report presented 13 August 2010, tabled 28 September 2010
    Response tabled 6 July 2011

Christmas Island tragedy of 15 December 2010—Joint Select Committee

  • Report presented 29 June 2011, tabled 4 July 2011
    Response tabled 13 October 2011

Community Affairs Legislation Committee

  • National registration and accreditation scheme for doctors and other health workers—Report presented 6 August 2009, tabled 11 August 2009
    Response tabled 7 November 2011

Community Affairs References Committee

  • Gene patents—Report presented 26 November 2010, tabled 9 February 2011
    Response presented 6 December 2011
  • Hear us: Inquiry into hearing health in Australia—Report tabled 13 May 2010
    Response presented 30 May 2011, tabled 14 June 2011
  • The hidden toll: Suicide in Australia—Report tabled 24 June 2010
    Response tabled 24 November 2010
    Replacement response presented 22 December 2010, tabled 9 February 2011

Community Affairs—Standing Committee

  • Funding and operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement—Report tabled 8 February 2007
    Response presented 21 December 2010, tabled 9 February 2011
  • Towards recovery: Mental health services in Australia—Report tabled 25 September 2008
    Response tabled 25 August 2011

Cyber Safety—Joint Select Committee

  • High wire act – cyber-safety and the young—Interim report—Report tabled 20 June 2011
    Response presented 20 December 2011

Economics Legislation Committee

  • Tax Laws Amendment (Public Benefit Test) Bill 2010—Report presented 7 September 2010, tabled 28 September 2010
    Response presented 11 February 2011, tabled 28 February 2011

Economics References Committee

  • Augmented tax assessments [Inquiry into amendments proposed by Senator Cormann on sheet 7010 to the Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 4) Bill 2010]—Report presented 8 April 2011, tabled 10 May 2011
    Response tabled 15 September 2011
  • Employee share schemes—Report tabled 17 August 2009
    Response presented 7 February 2011, tabled 9 February 2011
  • Foreign investment by state-owned entities—Report tabled 17 September 2009
    Response tabled 23 June 2011
  • GROCERYchoice website—Report tabled 18 November 2009
    Response tabled 22 September 2011
  • Impacts of supermarket price decisions on the dairy industry—Interim report—Report presented 20 April 2011, tabled 10 May 2011
    Response tabled 12 May 2011
  • The regulation, registration and remuneration of insolvency practitioners in Australia: the case for a new framework—Report presented 14 September 2010, tabled 28 September 2010
    Interim response presented 9 June 2011, tabled 14 June 2011

Education, Employment and Workplace Relations References Committee

  • Administration and reporting of NAPLAN testing—Report presented 26 November 2010, tabled 9 February 2011
    Response tabled 13 October 2011
  • Industry Skills Councils—Report tabled 23 March 2011
    Response presented 25 July 2011, tabled 16 August 2011
  • Primary Schools for the 21st Century—Interim report—Report tabled 24 June 2010
    Response tabled 3 March 2011
  • Welfare of international students—Report tabled 26 November 2009
    Response presented 18 November 2011, tabled 21 November 2011

Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee

  • Civics and electoral education—Report tabled 18 June 2007
    Interim response presented 30 October 2008, tabled 10 November 2008
    Response presented 29 August 2011, tabled 12 September 2011
  • Report on the 2007 federal election—Events in the division of Lindsay—Review of penalty provisions in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918—Report tabled 18 March 2010
    Response presented 1 July 2011, tabled 4 July 2011

Environment, and Communications Legislation Committee

  • Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Bill 2011, Carbon Credits (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011 and Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Bill 2011—Report presented 27 May 2011, tabled 14 June 2011
    Response tabled 16 August 2011

Environment, Communications and the Arts Legislation Committee

  • Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Bill 2010—Report tabled 12 May 2010
    Response tabled 10 November 2011

Environment, Communications and the Arts References Committee

  • Australia Post's treatment of injured and ill workers—Report tabled 24 June 2010
    Response presented 22 December 2010, tabled 9 February 2011
  • Forestry and mining operations on the Tiwi Islands—Report tabled 29 October 2009
    Response presented 19 December 2011

Environment, Communications and the Arts—Standing Committee

  • The operation of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999—First report—Report presented 30 April 2009, tabled 12 May 2009; and Second and final report—Report presented 30 April 2009, tabled 12 May 2009
    Response tabled 22 September 2011
  • The reporting of sports news and the emergence of digital media—Report tabled 14 May 2009
    Response presented 25 February 2011, tabled 28 February 2011

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

  • Government advertising and accountability—Report tabled 6 December 2005
    Response presented 8 September 2011, tabled 12 September 2011
  • Superannuation claims of former and current Commonwealth public service employees—Report presented 30 June 2011, tabled 4 July 2011
    Response tabled 13 October 2011

Finance and Public Administration—Standing Committee

  • Examination of annual reports no. 1 of 2009—Report tabled 19 March 2009
    Response tabled 12 May 2011
  • Residential and community aged care in Australia—Report presented 29 April 2009, tabled 12 May 2009
    Response presented 17 February 2011, tabled 28 February 2011

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • Review of the Defence annual report 2008-09—Report presented 2 July 2010, tabled 28 September 2010
    Response presented 28 June 2011, tabled 4 July 2011

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee

  • Australian Civilian Corps Bill 2010—Report tbled 17 November 2010
    Response presented 10 March 2011, tabled 21 March 2011

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • Economic and security challenges facing Papua New Guinea and the island states of the south west Pacific (Volumes 1 and 2)—Reports tabled 19 November 2009 and 25 February 2010
    Response presented 4 May 2011, tabled 10 May 2011
  • Equity and diversity health check in the Royal Australian Navy—HMAS Success—Report on parliamentary privilege—Possible interference in the work of the committee—Report tabled 18 March 2010
    Response tabled 12 May 2011

Intelligence and Security—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Annual report of committee activities 2008-09—Report tabled 28 October 2009
    Response tabled 12 May 2011
  • Review of administration and expenditure No. 8—Australian intelligence agencies—Report tabled 22 June 2010
    Response tabled 22 September 2011

Law Enforcement—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Inquiry into the adequacy of aviation and maritime security measures to combat serious and organised crime—Report tabled 16 June 2011
    Response tabled 7 November 2011

Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee

  • Australian Law Reform Commission—Report presented 8 April 2011, tabled 10 May 2011
    Response presented 8 July 2011, tabled 16 August 2011
  • Review of government compensation payments—Report presented 6 December 2010, tabled 9 February 2011
    Response presented 29 November 2011

Migration—Joint Standing Committee

  • Negotiating the maze: Review of arrangements for overseas skills recognition, upgrading and licensing—Report tabled 11 September 2006
    Response tabled 23 June 2011

Ministerial Discretion in Migration Matters—Select Committee

  • Report tabled 31 March 2004
    Response presented 30 June 2011, tabled 4 July 2011

National Capital and External Territories—Joint Standing Committee

  • Inquiry into the changing economic environment in the Indian Ocean Territories—Report presented 1 April 2010, tabled 11 May 2010
    Response tabled 7 November 2011

Parliamentary Budget Office

  • Inquiry into the proposed Parliamentary Budget Office—Report tabled 23 March 2011
    Response presented 1 August 2011, tabled 16 August 2011

Parliamentary Committee reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 9 February 2011
    Response tabled 6 July 2011

Public Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 419th report—Inquiry into the Auditor-General Act 1997—Report tabled 9 February 2011
    Response tabled 13 September 2011
  • 421st report—The role of the Auditor-General in scrutinising government advertising—Report tabled 3 March 2011
    Response presented 9 September 2011, tabled 12 September 2011

Publications—Joint Standing Committee

  • Inquiry into the development of a digital repository and electronic distribution of the Parliamentary Papers Series: Recommendation 5—Report tabled 24 June 2010
    Response tabled 15 September 2011

Reform of the Australian Federation—Select Committee

  • Australia’s federation: An agenda for reform—Report presented 30 June 2011, tabled 4 July 2011
    Response presented 18 November 2011, tabled 21 November 2011

Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities—Select Committee

  • Second report—Report presented 25 June 2009, tabled 11 August 2009
    Response presented 6 April 2011, tabled 10 May 2011
  • Third report—Report tabled 26 November 2009
    Response presented 6 April 2011, tabled 10 May 2011
  • Fourth report 2010—Report tabled 13 May 2010
    Response tabled 25 August 2011

Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee

  • Exposure draft and explanatory memorandum of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill 2011—Report presented 23 June 2011
    Response presented 25 November 2011

Rural Affairs and Transport References Committee

  • Australian horse industry and an emergency animal disease response agreement—Report presented 26 November 2010, tabled 9 February 2011
    Response presented 5 May 2011, tabled 10 May 2011
  • Pilot training and airline safety; and consideration of the Transport Safety Investigation Amendment (Incident Reports) Bill 2010—Report tabled 23 June 2011
    Response tabled 22 November 2011
  • Science underpinning the inability to eradicate the Asian honey bee—Interim report—Report presented 7 April 2011, tabled 10 May 2011; and Final report—Report tabled 23 June 2011
    Response presented 15 November 2011, tabled 21 November 2011
  • Import risk analysis (IRA) for the importation of Cavendish bananas from the Philippines—Report presented 25 June 2009, tabled 11 August 2009
    Response tabled 12 May 2011
  • Management of the removal of the rebate for AQIS export certification functions—Report tabled 14 September 2009
    Response tabled 10 February 2011
  • Meat marketing—Report presented 30 June 2009, tabled 11 August 2009
    Response presented 20 May 2011, tabled 14 June 2011
  • Natural resource management and conservation challenges—Report tabled 4 February 2010
    Response tabled 3 March 2011
  • The effectiveness of Airservices Australia's management of aircraft noise—Report presented 2 July 2010, tabled 28 September 2010
    Response presented 22 February 2011, tabled 28 February 2011

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport—Standing Committee

  • Climate change and the Australian agricultural sector—Report tabled 4 December 2008
    Response presented 15 November 2011, tabled 21 November 2011
  • Meat marketing—Interim report—Report tabled 14 September 2008
    Response presented 20 May 2011, tabled 14 June 2011

Scrutiny of New Taxes—Select Committee

  • The student amenities fee – Another tax by another name—Report tabled 28 February 2011
    Response tabled 15 September 2011

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 99th Report—Treaties tabled on 3 December 2008 and 3 February 2009—Report tabled 16 March 2009
    Response tabled 10 February 2011
  • 107th Report—Treaties tabled 20 August (2) and 15 September 2009—Report tabled 17 November 2009
    Response tabled 12 May 2011
  • 111th Report—Treaties tabled on 25 November 2009 (3), and 4 and 24 February 2010—Report tabled 22 June 2010
    Response tabled 12 May 2011
  • 116th report—Review into Treaties tabled on 24 and 25 November 2010, 9 February and 1 March 2011 and Treaties referred on 16 November 2010 (Part 3)—Report tabled 11 May 2011
    Response tabled 22 September 2011

Parliament House Calendar

February 2023

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26 Other27 Senate28 Both1234
  • Senate
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