Government responses to committee reports—2009

Number of government responses to committee reports:
Tabled or presented in 2009: 38
Presented in 2008, tabled in 2009: 4

Community Affairs Legislation Committee

  • Compliance audits on Medicare benefits—Report tabled 17 June 2009
    Response tabled 29 October 2009

Community Affairs References Committee

  • Lost innocents and forgotten Australians revisited: Report on the progress with the implementation of the recommendations of the lost innocents and forgotten Australians reports—Report tabled 25 June 2009
    Response tabled 26 November 2009

Community Affairs—Standing Committee

  • Building trust: Supporting families through disability trusts—Report tabled 16 October 2008
    Response tabled 14 May 2009

Corporations and Financial Services—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Opportunity not opportunism: Improving conduct in Australian franchising—Report tabled 2 December 2008
    Response presented 5 November 2009; tabled 16 November 2009
  • Aspects of the regulation of proprietary companies—Report tabled 8 March 2001
    Response presented 16 July 2009; tabled 11 August 2009

Economics—Standing Committee

  • Disclosure regimes for charities and not-for-profit organisations—Report tabled 4 December 2008
    Response tabled 22 June 2009
  • Lost in Space? Setting a new direction for Australia’s space science and industry sector—Report tabled 12 November 2008
    Response tabled 19 November 2009
  • Matters relating to the gas explosion at Varanus Island, Western Australia—Report tabled 3 December 2008
    Response tabled 19 November 2009
  • The need, scope and content of a definition of unconscionable conduct for the purposes of Part IVA of the Trade Practices Act 1974—Report tabled 3 December 2008
    Response presented 5 November 2009; tabled 16 November 2009

Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee

  • 2007 federal election electronic voting trials—Inquiry into the conduct of the 2007 election and matters related thereto—Report tabled 23 June 2009
    Response tabled 17 September 2009

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee

  • Bridging the skills divide—Report presented 6 November 2003; tabled 24 November 2003
    Response presented 17 April 2009; tabled 12 May 2009

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education—Standing Committee

  • Workforce challenges in the transport industry—Report tabled 9 August 2007
    Response tabled 19 November 2009

Environment, Communications and the Arts—Standing Committee

  • Sexualisation of children in the contemporary media—Report tabled 26 June 2008
    Response tabled 20 August 2009
  • The effectiveness of the broadcasting codes of practice—Report tabled 19 June 2008
    Response tabled 20 August 2009

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

  • Matters relating to the Gallipoli Peninsula—Report tabled 13 October 2005
    Response tabled 19 November 2009

Finance and Public Administration—Standing Committee

  • Additional estimates 2008-09—Report tabled 17 March 2009
    Response tabled 20 August 2009
  • Knock, knock who’s there? The Lobbying Code of Conduct—Report tabled 3 September 2008
    Response presented 15 January 2009; tabled 3 February 2009
  • Transparency and accountability of Commonwealth public funding and expenditure—Report tabled 1 March 2007
    Interim response presented 23 February 2009; tabled 10 March 2009

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Standing Committee

  • Australia’s public diplomacy: building our image—Report tabled 16 August 2007
    Response tabled 5 February 2009
  • Reforms to Australia's military justice system: Fourth progress report—Report tabled 24 September 2008
    Response tabled 20 August 2009

Housing Affordability in Australia—Select Committee

  • A good house is hard to find: Housing Affordability in Australia—Report tabled 16 June 2008
    Response presented 14 October 2009; tabled 26 October 2009

Intelligence and Security—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Inquiry into the proscription of ‘terrorist organisations’ under the Australian Criminal Code—Report tabled 20 September 2007
    Response presented 23 December 2008; tabled 3 February 2009
  • Review of security and counter terrorism legislation—Report tabled 4 December 2006
    Response presented 23 December 2008; tabled 3 February 2009
  • Review of the re-listing of Abu Sayyaf Group, Jamiat ul-Ansar and Al-Qa'ida in Iraq as terrorist organisations—Report tabled 12 February 2009
    Response tabled 15 June 2009
  • Review of the re-listing of Al-Qa'ida, Jemaah Islamiyah and Al'Qa'ida in the Lands of Islamic Maghreb—Report tabled 14 October 2008
    Response tabled 15 June 2009
  • Review of the re-listing of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)—Report tabled 25 June 2008
    Reaponse tabled 15 June 2009

Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

  • Pesonal Property Securities Bill 2009—Report tabled 20 August 2009
    Response presented 21 October 2009; tabled 26 October 2009

Legal and Constitutional Affairs—Standing Committee

  • Exposure draft of the Personal Property Securities Bill 2008—Report tabled 19 March 2009
    Response tabled 18 June 2009

Migration—Joint Standing Committee

  • Temporary visas ... permanent benefits: Ensuring the effectiveness, fairness and integrity of the temporary business visa program—Report tabled 12 September 2007
    Response tabled 10 September 2009

National Capital and External Territories—Joint Standing Committee

  • The way forward: Inquiry into the role of the National Capital Authority—Report presented 16 July 2008; tabled 26 August 2008
    Response presented 11 December 2008; tabled 3 February 2009

Parliamentary Committee Reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 26 June 2008
    Response presented 16 December 2008; tabled 3 February 2009
  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 4 December 2008
    Response tabled 24 June 2009
  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 25 June 2009
    Response tabled 26 November 2009

Pubic Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 411th report—Progress on equipment acquisition and financial reporting in Defence—Report tabled 1 September 2008
    Response presented 27 January 2009; tabled 3 February 2009
  • 412th report—Audit reports reviewed during the 41st Parliament—Report tabled 1 September 2008
    Response to recommendations 11 and 12 tabled 15 June 2009
  • 412th report—Audit reports reviewed during the 41st Parliament—Report tabled 1 September 2008
    Response to recommendation 18 tabled 25 June 2009

Publications—Joint Standing Committee

  • Printing standards for documents presented to Parliament—Report tabled 20 September 2007
    Response tabled 10 September 2009

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport—Standing Committee

  • Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and related matters—Report tabled 18 September 2008
    Response tabled 10 September 2009
  • Implementation, operation and administration of the legislation underpinning carbon sink forests—Report tabled 23 September 2008
    Response tabled 18 June 2009

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 91st report—Treaties tabled on 12 March 2008—Report tabled 26 June 2008
    Response presented 17 December 2009
  • 93rd report—Treaties tabled on 12 March and 14 May 2008—Report tabled 4 September 2008
    Response tabled 19 March 2009
  • 95th report—Treaties tabled on 4 June, 17 June, 25 June and 26 August 2008—Report tabled 16 October 2008
    Response tabled 29 October 2009

Parliament House Calendar

February 2023

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2930311 Other2 Other3 Other4
5 Both6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Other10 Senate11
12 Both13 Both14 Both15 Both16 Senate17 Other18
19 Other20 Other21 Other22 Senate23 Senate2425
26 Other27 Senate28 Both1234
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other