Government responses to committee reports—2008

Number of government responses to committee reports: 21

Community Affairs References Committee

  • Workplace exposure to toxic dust—Report presented 31 May 2006; tabled 13 June 2006
    Response tabled 25 September 2008

Community Affairs—Standing Committee

  • A decent quality of life: Inquiry into the cost of living pressures on older Australians—Report tabled 20 March 2008
    Response presented 5 September 2008; tabled 15 September 2008
  • A matter relating to the PET review of 2000—Report tabled 26 June 2008
    Response tabled 13 November 2008

Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee

  • Civics and electoral education—Report tabled 18 June 2007
    Interim response tabled 10 November 2008
  • Review of certain aspects of the administration of the Australian Electoral Commission—Report tabled 17 September 2007
    Response tabled 25 September 2008

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee

  • Workplace agreements—Report presented 31 October 2005; tabled 7 November 2005
    Response presented 20 June 2008; tabled 23 June 2008

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts—Standing Committee

  • Indigenous art: Securing the future—Australia’s Indigenous visual arts and craft sector—Report tabled 20 June 2007
    Response presented 8 August 2008; tabled 26 August 2008

Finance and Public Administration—Standing Committee

  • Departmental and agency contracts: Second report on the operation of the Senate order for the production of lists of departmental and agency contracts (2003-06)—Report tabled 27 February 2007
    Response presented 21 August 2008; tabled 26 August 2008

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • Australia’s aid program in the Pacific—Report tabled 20 September 2007
    Response tabled 27 November 2008
  • Australia’s trade with Mexico and the region—Report tabled 12 September 2007
    Response tabled 18 September 2008
  • Review of the Defence annual report 2005-06—Report tabled 16 June 2008
    Response tabled 13 November 2008
  • The removal, search for and discovery of Ms Vivian Solon—Final report—Report tabled 8 December 2005
    Response tabled 27 November 2008

Intelligence and Security—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Review of security and counter terrorism legislation—Report tabled 4 December 2006
    Response presented 23 December 2008
  • Inquiry into the proscription of 'terrorist organisations' under the Australian Criminal Code—Report tabled 20 September 2007
    Response presented 23 December 2008
  • Review of the re-listing of Hizballah’s External Security Organisation (ESO)—Report tabled 15 August 2007
    Review of the re-listing of three terrorist organisations—Report presented 27 September 2007; tabled 12 February 2008
    Review of the re-listing of Tanzim Qa’idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (the al-Zarqawi network) as a terrorist organisation—Report tabled 9 May 2007
    Response tabled 26 June 2008

National Capital and External Territories—Joint Standing Committee

  • The way forward: Inquiry into the role of the National Capital Authority—Report presented 16 July 2008; tabled 26 August 2008
    Response presented 11 December 2008

Parliamentary Committee Reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 26 June 2008
    Response presented 16 December 2008 

Public Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 410th report—Tax administration—Report tabled 26 June 2008
    Response tabled 13 November 2008

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee

  • An appropriate level of protection? The importation of salmon products: A case study of the administration of Australian Quarantine and the impact of international trade arrangements—Report tabled 5 June 2000
    Biosecurity Australia’s import risk analysis for pig meat—Report tabled 13 May 2004
    Administration of Biosecurity Australia: Revised draft import risk analysis for bananas from the Philippines—Report tabled 17 March 2005
    Administration of Biosecurity Australia: Revised draft import risk analysis for apples from New Zealand—Report tabled 17 March 2005
    The administration by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of the citrus canker outbreak—Report tabled 20 June 2006
    Response tabled 25 September 2008

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport—Standing Committee

  • Options for additional water supplies for South East Queensland—Report tabled 16 August 2007
    Response tabled 4 December 2008

Scrutiny of Bills—Standing Committee

  • 12th report of 2006—Entry, search and seizure provisions in Commonwealth legislation—Report tabled 4 December 2006
    Response tabled 26 June 2008

Parliament House Calendar

January 2008

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other