Government responses to committee reports—2007

Number of government responses to committee reports: 45

ASIO, ASIS and DSD—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Review of the listing of four terrorist organisations—Report tabled 5 September 2005 [and] Review of the listing of six terrorist organisations—Report tabled 7 March 2005
    Response tabled 16 August 2007

Australian Crime Commission—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Trafficking of women for sexual servitude—Supplementary report—Report tabled 11 August 2005
    Response tabled 13 September 2007

Community Affairs References Committee

  • Quality and equity in aged care—Report tabled 23 June 2005
    Response tabled 20 September 2007

Community Affairs—Standing Committee

  • Breaking the silence: A national voice for gynaecological cancers—Report tabled 19 October 2006
    Response tabled 27 February 2007

Corporations and Financial Services—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Timeshare: The price of leisure—Report tabled 5 September 2005
    Response presented 30 August 2007, tabled 10 September 2007

Economics—Standing Committee

  • Petrol prices in Australia—Report tabled 7 December 2006
    Response tabled 21 June 2007

Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee

  • Funding and disclosure: Inquiry into disclosure of donations to political parties and candidates—Report presented 31 March 2006, tabled 9 May 2006
    Response presented 3 August 2007, tabled 7 August 2007

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education—Standing Committee

  • Perspectives on the future of the harvest labour force—Report tabled 19 October 2006
    Response tabled 21 June 2007

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee

  • The value of water: Inquiry into Australia's management of urban water—Report tabled 5 December 2002
    Response tabled 10 May 2007
  • Turning back the tide—The invasive species challenge: Report on the regulation, control and management of invasive species and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Invasive Species) Bill 2002—Report tabled 8 December 2004
    Response tabled 13 September 2007

Finance and Public Administration—Standing Committee

  • Superannuation Legislation Amendment Bill 2007—Report presented 27 July 2007, tabled 7 August 2007
    Response tabled 19 September 2007

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • Australia’s defence relations with the United States—Report tabled 13 June 2006
    Response tabled 1 March 2007
  • Australia’s free trade agreements with Singapore, Thailand and the United States: Progress to date and lessons for the future—Report tabled 7 November 2005
    Response tabled 29 March 2007
  • Australia’s relationship with Malaysia—Report tabled 26 March 2007
    Response tabled 13 September 2007
  • Australia’s relationship with the Republic of Korea; and developments on the Korean peninsula—Report tabled 22 June 2006
    Response tabled 29 March 2007
  • Expanding Australia’s trade and investment relations with North Africa—Report tabled 13 June 2006
    Response tabled 14 June 2007
  • Review of Australia-New Zealand trade and investment relations—Report tabled 7 December 2006
    Response tabled 14 June 2007
  • Review of the Defence annual report 2004-05—Report tabled 18 October 2006
    Response tabled 21 June 2007

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • Mr Chen Yonglin’s request for political asylum—Report tabled 12 September 2005
    Response tabled 14 June 2007

Intelligence and Security—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Review of administration and expenditure: Australian intelligence organisations—Number 4: Recruitment and training—Report tabled 14 August 2006
    Response presented 30 August 2007, tabled 10 September 2007
  • Review of the re-listing of Al-Qa’ida and Jemaah Islamiyah as terrorist organisations—Report tabled 16 October 2006
    Response tabled 16 August 2007
  • Review of the re-listing of Ansar al-Sunna, JeM, LeJ, EIJ, IAA, AAA and IMU as terrorist organisations—Report tabled 12 June 2007
    Response tabled 13 September 2007
  • Review of the re-listing of ASG, JuA, GIA and GSPC—Report tabled 26 February 2007
    Response tabled 16 August 2007

Legal and Constitutional Affairs—Standing Committee

  • Crimes Legislation Amendment (National Investigative Powers and Witness Protection) Bill 2006—Report tabled 7 February 2007
    Response tabled 7 August 2007
  • Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Payment Reform) Bill 2007 and 4 related bills—Report tabled 13 August 2007
    Response tabled 16 August 2007

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

  • Provisions of Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2006—Report tabled 27 March 2006
    Response tabled 10 May 2007

Legal and Constitutional References Committee

  • Administration and operation of the Migration Act 1958—Report tabled 2 March 2006
    Response tabled 14 June 2007

Migration—Joint Standing Committee

  • Detention centre contracts: Review of audit report no. 1, 2005-06, Management of the detention centre contracts: Part B—Report tabled 6 December 2005
    Response tabled 14 June 2007

National Capital and External Territories—Joint Standing Committee

  • Antarctica: Australia’s pristine frontier: The adequacy of funding for Australia’s Antarctic Program—Report tabled 23 June 2005
    Response tabled 1 March 2007
  • Current and future governance arrangements for the Indian Ocean territories—Report tabled 13 June 2006
    Response tabled 14 June 2007
  • Norfolk Island electoral matters—Report tabled 26 August 2002
    Response tabled 13 September 2007
  • Norfolk Island financial sustainability: The challenge—Sink or swim—Report tabled 1 December 2005
    Response tabled 13 September 2007
  • Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?: Inquiry into governance on Norfolk Island—Report tabled 3 December 2003
    Response tabled 7 November 2005, revised response tabled 13 September 2007
  • Review of the Griffin Legacy amendments—Report tabled 22 March 2007
    Response tabled 16 August 2007

Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Account—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Operation of native title representative bodies—Report presented 21 March 2006, tabled 27 March 2006
    Response tabled 1 March 2007

Parliamentary Committee Reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 7 December 2006
    Response tabled 21 June 2007

Public Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 372nd report—Corporate governance and accountability arrangements for Commonwealth government business enterprises—Report tabled 16 February 2000
    Response presented 12 April 2007, tabled 9 May 2007

Publications—Joint Standing Committee

  • Distribution of the Parliamentary Paper Series—Report tabled 13 June 2006
    Response tabled 14 June 2007

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

  • Australian forest plantations: A review of Plantations for Australia: The 2020 vision—Report presented 2 September 2004; tabled 16 November 2004
    Response tabled 13 September 2007
  • Rural water resource usage—Report tabled 12 August 2004
    Response presented 23 January 2007, tabled 6 February 2007

Scrutiny of Bills—Standing Committee

  • 3rd report of 2004—The quality of explanatory memoranda accompanying bills—Report tabled 24 March 2004
    Response tabled 29 March 2007

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 66th report—Treaties tabled on 7 December 2004 (4), 15 March and 11 May 2005—Report tabled 18 August 2005
    Response presented 2 August 2007, tabled 7 August 2007
  • 80th report—Treaties tabled on 28 March (4) and 5 September (2) 2006—Report tabled 19 October 2006
    Response tabled 22 March 2007
  • 81st report—Treaties tabled on 8 August 2006 (2)—Report tabled 6 December 2006
    Response tabled 13 September 2007
  • 84th report—Treaties tabled on 6 December 2006—Report tabled 20 June 2007
    Response tabled 13 September 2007

Parliament House Calendar

September 2007

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other