Government responses to committee reports—2006

Number of government responses to committee reports:
Tabled or presented in 2006: 28
Presented in 2005, tabled in 2006: 1

ASIO, ASIS and DSD—Joint Statutory Committee

  • ASIO's questioning and detention powers: Review of the operation, effectiveness and implications of Division 3 of Part III of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979—Report tabled 30 November 2005
    Response tabled 30 March 2006
  • Private review of agency security arrangements—Report tabled 13 October 2003
    Response tabled 7 September 2006

Australian Crime Commission—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Cybercrime—Report tabled 24 March 2004
    Response tabled 9 February 2006
  • Examination of the annual report for 2003-04 of the Australian Crime Commission—Report tabled 23 June 2005
    Response tabled 17 August 2006
  • Trafficking of women for sexual servitude—Report tabled 24 June 2004
    Response tabled 9 November 2006

Community Affairs References Committee

  • Poverty and financial hardship—A hand up not a hand out: Renewing our fight against poverty—Report tabled 11 March 2004
    Response presented 7 March 2006, tabled 27 March 2006
  • The cancer journey: Informing choice—The delivery of services and treatment options for persons with cancer—Report tabled 23 June 2005
    Response tabled 22 June 2006

Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee

  • The 2004 federal election: Inquiry into the conduct of the 2004 federal election and matters related thereto—Report tabled 10 October 2005
    Response presented 31 August 2006, tabled 4 September 2006

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee

  • Beyond Cole: The future of the construction industry: Confrontation or co-operation?—Report tabled 21 June 2004
    Response presented 22 December 2005; tabled 7 February 2006
  • Unfair dismissal and small business employment—Report tabled 21 June 2005
    Response tabled 30 March 2006

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

  • Regional Partnerships and Sustainable Regions programs—Report tabled 6 October 2005
    Response tabled 5 December 2006

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • Australia's engagement with the World Trade Organisation—Report presented 2 July 2004, tabled 3 August 2004
    Response tabled 2 March 2006
  • Australia's human rights dialogue process—Report tabled 12 September 2005
    Response tabled 2 March 2006
  • Australia's maritime strategy—Report tabled 21 June 2004
    Response tabled 15 June 2006
  • Review of the Defence annual report 2003-04—Report tabled 11 October 2005
    Response presented 23 March 2006, tabled 27 March 2006

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • Opportunities and Challenges: Australia's relationship with China [and] China's emergence: Implications for Australia—Reports tabled 10 November 2005 and 30 March 2006
    Response presented 2 November 2006, tabled 6 November 2006

Free Trade Agreement—Australia and the United States of America—Select Committee

  • Final report—Report tabled 5 August 2004
    Response presented 2 May 2006, tabled 9 May 2006

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

  • Defence Legislation Amendment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) Bill 2005—Report tabled 7 February 2006
    Response tabled 30 November 2006
  • Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005—Report presented 24 March 2006, tabled 27 March 2006
    Response tabled 11 May 2006

Legal and Constitutional References Committee

  • Legal aid and access to justice—Report presented 8 June 2004, tabled 15 June 2004
    Response presented 3 February 2006; tabled 7 February 2006
  • The real Big Brother: Inquiry into the Privacy Act 1988—Report tabled 23 June 2005
    Response tabled 30 November 2006
  • They still call Australia home: Inquiry into Australian expatriates—Report tabled 8 March 2005
    Response tabled 7 December 2006

Parliamentary Committee Reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate on 8 December 2005
    Response tabled 22 June 2006
  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate on 22 June 2006
    Response tabled 7 December 2006

Public Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 403rd report—Access of Indigenous Australians to law and justice services—Report tabled 22 June 2005
    Response tabled 2 March 2006

Publications—Joint Standing Committee

  • Distribution of the parliamentary paper series—Report tabled 13 June 2006
    Response tabled 9 November 2006

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

  • The operation of the wine-making industry—Report tabled 13 October 2005
    Response tabled 22 June 2006

Superannuation and Financial Services—Select Committee

  • Early access to superannuation benefits—Report presented 31 January 2002, tabled 12 February 2002
    Response presented 16 June 2006, tabled 19 June 2006

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 65th report—Treaties tabled on 7 December 2004 (3) and 8 February 2005—Report tabled 20 June 2005
    Response tabled 10 August 2006

Parliament House Calendar

December 2005

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other