Government responses to committee reports—2005

Number of government responses to committee reports: 40

ASIO, ASIS and DSD—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Review of administration and expenditure for ASIO, ASIS and DSD—Number 3—Report tabled 14 March 2005
    Response tabled 10 November 2005

Community Affairs References Committee

  • First report—Forgotten Australians: A report on Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children—Report tabled 30 August 2004
    Response tabled 10 November 2005
  • Hepatitis C and the blood supply in Australia—Report tabled 17 June 2004
    Response presented 4 April 2005, tabled 11 May 2005
  • Nursing: The patient profession: Time for action—Report tabled 26 June 2002
    Response tabled 10 November 2005
  • Second report—Protecting vulnerable children: A national challenge: Inquiry into Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care—Report tabled 17 March 2005
    Response tabled 10 November 2005

Corporations and Financial Services—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Australian Accounting Standards tabled in compliance with the Corporations Act 2001 on 30 August and 16 November 2004—Report tabled 16 June 2005
    Response tabled 1 December 2005
  • CLERP (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Bill 2003: Parts 1 and 2—Reports tabled 15 June 2004
    Response tabled 10 March 2005
  • Corporate insolvency laws: A stocktake—Report presented 30 June 2004, tabled 3 August 2004
    Response tabled 13 October 2005
  • Inquiry into the exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2005—Report tabled 10 February 2005
    Response tabled 8 December 2005

Economics References Committee

  • Public liability and professional indemnity insurance—Report tabled 22 October 2002
    Response tabled 10 March 2005
  • The structure and distributive effects of the Australian taxation system—Report tabled 24 June 2004
    Response presented 27 April 2005, tabled 11 May 2005

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee

  • Beyond Cole: The future of the construction industry: Confrontation or co-operation?—Report tabled 21 June 2004
    Response presented 22 December 2005
  • Commonwealth funding for schools—Report tabled 11 August 2004
    Response tabled 16 June 2005
  • Office of the Chief Scientist—Report tabled 5 August 2004
    Response tabled 10 November 2005

Finance and Public Administrative Legislation Committee

  • Annual reports referred to legislation committees—Report No. 1 of 2005—Report tabled 10 May 2005
    Response tabled 11 August 2005

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

  • Administrative review of veteran and military compensation and income support—Report tabled 4 December 2003
    Response tabled 16 June 2005
  • Recruitment and training in the Australian Public Service—Report tabled 18 September 2003
    Response tabled 10 March 2005

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • Expanding Australia's trade and investment relations with the Gulf States—Report tabled 7 March 2005
    Response tabled 1 December 2005
  • Human rights and good governance education in the Asia Pacific Region—Report tabled 24 June 2004
    Response tabled 15 September 2005
  • Near neighbours - Good neighbours: An inquiry into Australia's relationship with Indonesia—Report tabled 15 June 2004
    Response tabled 8 September 2005
  • Review of the Defence annual report 2002-03—Report tabled 11 August 2004
    Response tabled 16 June 2005

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • A Pacific engaged: Australia's relations with Papua New Guinea and the island states of the south-west Pacific—Report tabled 12 August 2003
    Response presented 24 June 2005, tabled 10 August 2005
  • Duties of Australian personnel in Iraq—Report tabled 18 August 2005
    Response presented 16 November 2005, tabled 28 November 2005
  • Inquiry into the effectiveness of Australia’s military justice system—Report tabled 16 June 2005
    Response tabled 5 October 2005
  • Taking stock: Current health preparation arrangements for the deployment of Australian Defence Forces overseas—Report tabled 12 August 2004
    Response presented 4 November 2005, tabled 7 November 2005
  • Voting on trade: The General Agreement on Trade in Services and an Australia-US Free Trade Agreement—Report tabled 27 November 2003
    Response tabled 8 September 2005

Migration—Joint Standing Committee

  • To make a contribution: Review of skilled labour migration programs 2004—Report tabled 29 March 2004
    Response tabled 1 December 2005

National Capital and External Territories—Joint Standing Committee

  • A national capital, a place to live: Inquiry into the role of the National Capital Authority—Report presented 2 July 2004, tabled 3 August 2004
    Response tabled 16 June 2005
  • Indian Ocean territories: Review of the annual reports of the Department of Transport and Regional Services and the Department of the Environment and Heritage—Report presented 31 August 2004, tabled 16 November 2004
    Response tabled 5 September 2005
  • Norfolk Island: Review of the annual reports of the Department of Transport and Regional Services and the Department of the Environment and Heritage—Report presented 2 July 2004, tabled 3 August 2004
    Response tabled 11 August 2005
  • Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?: Inquiry into governance on Norfolk Island—Report tabled 3 December 2003
    Response presented 27 October 2005, tabled 7 November 2005
  • Role of the National Capital Authority in determining the extent of redevelopment of the Pierces Creek Settlement in the ACT—Report presented 31 August 2004, tabled 16 November 2004
    Response tabled 15 September 2005

Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 19th report—Native Title Act 1993—Inquiry under section 206(d)—Second interim report: Indigenous land use agreements—Report tabled 26 September 2001
    Response tabled 10 November 2005
  • Effectiveness of the National Native Title Tribunal in fulfilment of the Committee’s duties pursuant to subparagraph 206(d)(i) of the Native Title Act 1993—Report tabled 4 December 2003
    Response tabled 10 November 2005

Parliamentary Committee Reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 9 December 2004
    Response tabled 23 June 2005
  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 23 June 2005
    Response tabled 7 December 2005

Public Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 391st Report—Review of independent auditing by registered company auditors—Report tabled 18 September 2002
    Response tabled 10 March 2005

Superannuation—Select Committee

  • Planning for retirement—Report presented 29 July 2003, tabled 11 August 2003
    Response tabled 1 December 2005
  • Superannuation and standards of living in retirement: The adequacy of the tax arrangements for superannuation and related policy—Report tabled 12 December 2002
    Response tabled 10 February 2005

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 57th Report—Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code—Report tabled 4 December 2003
    Response tabled 16 June 2005

Parliament House Calendar

February 2023

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