Government responses to committee reports—2003

Number of government responses to committee reports:
Tabled or presented in 2003: 39
Presented in 2002, tabled in 2003: 2

ASIO, ASIS and DSD—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Annual Report 2001-02—Report tabled 2 December 2002
    Response tabled 21 August 2003

Economics References Committee

  • Fair Prices and Better Access for All (Petroleum) Bill 1999 and the practice of multi-site franchising by oil companies—Report tabled 8 March 2001
    Response presented 17 December 2002, tabled 5 February 2003

Electoral Matters—Joint Standing Committee

  • Integrity of the electoral roll: Review of ANAO Report no. 42 of 2001-02—Report tabled 11 November 2002
    Response tabled 16 October 2003
  • The 2001 federal election: Inquiry into the conduct of the 2001 federal election and matters related thereto—Report tabled 23 June 2003
    Response tabled 16 October 2003

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education References Committee

  • Education of students with disabilities—Report tabled 10 December 2002
    Response presented 9 July 2003, tabled 11 August 2003
  • Small business employment—Report tabled 6 February 2003
    Response tabled 21 August 2003

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee

  • Commonwealth environment powers—Report tabled 27 May 1999
    Response tabled 15 May 2003
  • Electromagnetic radiation—Report tabled 22 May 2001
    Response tabled 6 February 2003

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

  • A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program—Report tabled 26 June 2003
    Response tabled 27 November 2003
  • Departmental and agency contracts: Report on the first year of the Senate order for the production of lists of departmental and agency contracts—Report tabled 12 December 2002
    Response tabled 19 June 2003
  • Governments information technology outsourcing initiative—Final report—Rebooting the IT agenda in the Australian Public Service—Report tabled 28 August 2001
    Response tabled 19 June 2003

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • 2003 New Zealand parliamentary committee exchange program—Report tabled 23 June 2003
    Response tabled 16 October 2003
  • Australia's role in United Nations reform—Report tabled 25 June 2001
    Response tabled 27 March 2003
  • From Phantom to force: Towards a more efficient and effective Army—Report tabled 4 September 2000
    A model for a new army: Community comments on the From Phantom to Force parliamentary report into the army—Report tabled 24 September 2001
    Response tabled 19 June 2003
  • Review of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Defence annual reports 2000-01—Report tabled 23 September 2002
    Response tabled 27 March 2003
  • Visit to Australian forces deployed in the international coalition against terrorism: Parliament’s brief on the war on terrorism—Report tabled 21 October 2002
    Response tabled 9 October 2003

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • Japan: Politics and society—Report tabled 27 September 2001
    Response tabled 30 October 2003
  • Materiel acquisition and management in Defence—Report tabled 27 March 2003
    Response tabled 9 October 2003
  • Recruitment and retention of ADF personnel—Report tabled 4 October 2001
    Response presented 15 April 2003, tabled 13 May 2003

Legal and Constitutional References Committee

  • Inquiry into the Commonwealth's actions in Ryker (Faulkner) v The Commonwealth and Flint—Report presented 29 April 1996, tabled 30 April 1996
    Response tabled 15 May 2003

Migration—Joint Standing Committee

  • Not the Hilton—Immigration detention centres: Inspection—Report tabled 4 September 2000
    Response presented 27 February 2003, tabled 3 March 2003

National Capital and External Territories—Joint Standing Committee

  • Risky business: Inquiry into the tender process followed in the sale of the Christmas Island casino and resort—Report tabled 20 September 2001
    Response tabled 6 February 2003
  • Striking the right balance: Draft amendment 39, National Capital Plan—Report tabled 21 October 2002
    Response presented 2 June 2003, tabled 16 June 2003

National Crime Authority—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Australian Crime Commission Establishment Bill 2002—Report tabled 11 November 2002
    Response presented 3 February 2003, tabled 5 February 2003
  • The law enforcement implications of new technology—Report tabled 11 November 2002
    Response tabled 27 November 2003

Parliamentary committee reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 12 December 2002
    Response tabled 25 June 2003
  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate 26 June 2003
    Response tabled 3 December 2003

Public Accounts and Audit—Joint Statutory Committee

  • 388th Report—Review of the accrual budget documentation—Report tabled 19 June 2002
    Response presented 6 May 2003, tabled 13 May 2003

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee

  • Australian meat industry consultative structure and quota allocation—Reports tabled 24 September 2002 and 12 December 2002
    Response presented 29 July 2003; tabled 11 August 2003
  • Interim Report on proposed importation of fresh apple fruit from New Zealand—Report tabled 27 June 2002
    Response tabled 20 March 2003
  • Quota management control on Australian beef exports to the United States—Report tabled 26 June 2002
    Response presented 29 July 2003; tabled 11 August 2003

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

  • Airspace 2000 and related issues—Report tabled 5 April 2001
    Response tabled 18 September 2003
  • The incidence of Ovine Johnes disease in the Australian sheep flock—Second report—Report presented 25 July 2001, tabled 6 August 2001
    Response tabled 19 June 2003

Scrutiny of Bills—Standing Committee

  • 4th report of 2000: Entry and search provisions in Commonwealth legislation—Report tabled 6 April 2000
    Response tabled 27 November 2003

Superannuation and Financial Services—Select Committee

  • A reasonable and secure retirement? The benefit design of Commonwealth public sector and defence force unfunded superannuation funds and schemes—Report tabled 4 April 2001
    Response presented 13 December 2002, tabled 5 February 2003
  • Prudential Supervision and Consumer Protection for Superannuation, Banking and Financial Services—Third Report: Auditing of superannuation funds—Report tabled 24 September 2001
    Response tabled 20 March 2003

Superannuation—Select Committee

  • Taxation treatment of overseas superannuation transfers—Report presented 25 July 2002, tabled 19 August 2002
    Response presented 30 September 2003, tabled 7 October 2003

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 17th report—United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child—Report presented 28 August 1998, tabled 10 November 1998
    Response tabled 6 March 2003
  • 48th report—Treaties tabled in August and September 2002—Report tabled 21 October 2002
    Response tabled 19 June 2003
  • 49th report—The Timor Sea Treaty—Report tabled 12 November 2002
    Response tabled 14 August 2003
  • 50th report—Treaties tabled 15 October 2002—Report tabled 10 December 2002
    Response tabled 19 June 2003

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