Government responses to committee reports—2002

Number of government responses to committee reports:
Tabled or presented in 2002: 39
Presented in 2001, tabled in 2002: 5

Australian Security Intelligence OrganisationJoint Statutory Committee

A watching brief: The nature, scope and appropriateness of ASIO's public reporting activities—Report tabled 4 September 2000
Response presented 5 October 2001, tabled 12 February 2002

Community Affairs References Committee

Child Migration—Lost innocents: Righting the record—Report tabled 30 August 2001
Response presented 13 May 2002, tabled 14 May 2002

Public hospital funding: Second report—Healing our hospitals: Report on public hospital funding—Report tabled 7 December 2000
Response presented 28 September 2001, tabled 12 February 2002

Corporations and SecuritiesJoint Statutory Committee

Fees on electronic and telephone banking—Report tabled 8 February 2001
Response tabled 20 June 2002

Economics References Committee

Provisions of the Fair Prices and Better Access for All (Petroleum) Bill 1999 and the practice of multi-site franchising by oil companies—Report tabled 8 March 2001
Response presented 17 December 2002

Electoral MattersJoint Standing Committee

User friendly, not abuser friendly: Report into the integrity of the electoral roll—Report tabled 18 June 2001
Response presented 4 October 2001, tabled 12 February 2002

Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education References Committee

Education of gifted children—Report presented 2 October 2001, tabled 12 February 2002
Report presented 6 August 2002, tabled 19 August 2002

Universities in crisis: Report into the capacity of public universities to meet Australia's higher education needs—Report tabled 27 September 2001
Report presented 24 October 2002, tabled 11 November 2002

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee

ABC On-line—Final Report—Report tabled 28 March 2001
Response presented 5 October 2001, tabled 12 February 2002

Above board? Methods of appointment to the ABC Board—Report tabled 25 September 2001
Response tabled 29 August 2002

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

Mechanism for providing accountability to the Senate in relation to government contractsFinal reportCommonwealth contracts: A new framework for accountability—Report tabled 26 September 2001
Response presented 5 June 2002, tabled 18 June 2002

Foreign Affairs, Defence and TradeJoint Standing Committee

Australia's relations with the Middle East—Report tabled 19 September 2001
Response presented 19 September 2002

Conviction with compassion: Freedom of religion and belief—Report tabled 27 November 2000
Response tabled 14 November 2002

Rough Justice? An investigation into allegations of brutality in the Army's parachute battalion—Report presented 10 April 2001, tabled 22 May 2001
Response presented 22 March 2002, tabled 14 May 2002

The link between aid and human rights—Report tabled 19 September 2001
Response tabled 20 June 2002

Visits to immigration detention centres—Report tabled 18 June 2001
Response presented 6 December 2002, tabled 9 December 2002

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

Disposal of Defence properties—Report tabled 27 September 2001
Response tabled 20 June 2002

Information TechnologiesSelect Committee

Privacy in the information society—Report tabled 9 November 2000
Response tabled 16 May 2002

Legal and Constitutional References Committee

Humanity diminished: The crime of genocideInquiry into the Anti-Genocide Bill 1999—Report tabled 29 June 2000
Response tabled 26 September 2002

Human Rights (Mandatory Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders) Bill 1999—Report tabled 13 March 2000
Response tabled 22 August 2002

Order in the law: Management arrangements and adequacy of funding of the Australian Federal Police and the National Crime Authority—Report tabled 28 August 2001
Response tabled 19 September 2002

Outsourcing of the Australian Customs Services information technology—Report tabled 16 May 2002
Response tabled 11 November 2002

Third reportAustralian Legal Aid System—Report tabled 25 June 1998
Response tabled 16 May 2002

Lucas Heights, Inquiry into the contract for a new reactor atSelect Committee

A new research reactor?—Report tabled 23 May 2001
Response presented 27 March 2002, tabled 14 May 2002

MigrationJoint Standing Committee

2001 Review of Migration Regulation 4.31B—Report tabled 18 June 2001
Response presented 6 December 2002, tabled 9 December 2002

New faces, new places: Review of State-specific migration mechanisms—Report tabled 19 September 2001
Response tabled 20 June 2002

Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land FundJoint Statutory Committee

16th Report—CERD and the Native Title Amendment Act 1998—Report tabled 28 June 2000
Response presented 8 October 2001, tabled 12 February 2002

Parliamentary committee reports

Schedule of parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate on 7 December 2000
Response tabled 13 February 2002

Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate on 15 February 2002
Response tabled 26 June 2002

Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports—Tabled by the President of the Senate on 27 June 2002
Response tabled 11 December 2002

Public Accounts and AuditJoint Statutory Committee

379th reportContract management in the Australian Public Service—Report tabled 2 November 2000
Response presented 22 April 2002, tabled 14 May 2002

384th reportReview of Coastwatch—Report tabled 23 August 2001
Response tabled 19 September 2002

386th reportReview of the Auditor-General Act 1997—Report tabled 26 September 2001
Response tabled 19 September 2002

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee

Administration by the Department of Transport and Regional Services of Australian motor vehicle standards under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 and regulations—Report tabled 18 June 2002
Response presented 6 December 2002, tabled 9 December 2002

Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority: Matters relating to ARCAS Airways—Report tabled 11 October 2000
Response tabled 16 May 2002

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

Air safety and cabin air quality in the BAe 146 aircraft—Report tabled 12 October 2000
Response presented 28 June 2002, tabled 19 August 2002

Brisbane Airport Corporations Master Plan—Report tabled 29 June 2000
Response tabled 16 May 2002

Superannuation and Financial ServicesSelect Committee

A 'reasonable and secure' retirement?—The benefit design of Commonwealth public sector and defence force unfunded superannuation funds and schemes—Report tabled 5 April 2001
Response presented 13 December 2002

Enforcement of the Superannuation Guarantee Charge—Report presented 27 April 2001, tabled 22 May 2001
Response tabled 20 June 2002

First reportPrudential supervision and consumer protection for superannuation, banking and financial services—Report tabled 20 August 2001
Response presented 24 October 2002, tabled 11 November 2002

Opportunities and constraints for Australia to become a centre for the provision of global financial services—Report presented 22 March 2001, tabled 26 March 2001
Response tabled 14 November 2002

Second reportPrudential supervision and consumer protection for superannuation, banking and financial services—Report tabled 30 August 2001
Response presented 24 October 2002, tabled 11 November 2002

TreatiesJoint Standing Committee

39th reportPrivileges and immunities of the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea; and the treaties tabled on 27 February and 6 March 2002—Report presented 18 April 2001, tabled 22 May 2001
Response tabled 19 September 2002

42nd reportWho's afraid of the WTO? Australia and the World Trade Organisation—Report tabled 24 September 2001
Response tabled 29 August 2002

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