Government responses to committee reports—2000

Number of government responses to committee reports: 35

Community Affairs References Committee

  • Access to medical records
    Response tabled 30 November 2000
  • Rocking the cradle: A report into childbirth procedures
    Response tabled 31 August 2000

Corporations and Securities-Joint Statutory Committee

  • Mandatory bid rule
    Response tabled 9 November 2000
  • Report on matters arising from the Company Law Review Act 1998
    Response presented 15 December 2000

Economics References Committee

  • A new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights
    Response tabled 6 April 2000

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee

  • Australian content standard for television and paragraph 160(d) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992
    Response tabled 13 April 2000

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee

  • ABC on-line: Interim report
    Response tabled 14 August 2000
  • Access to heritage: User charges in museums, art galleries and national parks
    Response tabled 8 June 2000
  • Jabiluka: The undermining of process-Inquiry into the Jabiluka mine uranium project
    Response tabled 12 October 2000

Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee

  • Format of the portfolio budget statements: Second report
    Response tabled 6 April 2000

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • Bougainville: The peace process and beyond
    Response tabled 2 November 2000
  • Defence Sub-committee: Visit to Defence establishments in northern Australia, 26 to 29 July 1999
    Response tabled 5 October 2000
  • Defence sub-committee visit to Sydney Harbour foreshores defence properties, 14 November 1997
    Response tabled 13 March 2000
  • Loss of the HMAS Sydney
    Response tabled 29 June 2000
  • World debt: Report on proceedings of a seminar, Canberra, 27 August 1999
    Response tabled 7 September 2000

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • The 1998 Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests
    Response tabled 13 April 2000
  • Sale of ADI Limited
    Response tabled 5 October 2000

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

  • Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999
    Response tabled 5 December 2000

Migration—Joint Standing Committee

  • Deportation of non-citizen criminals
    Response tabled 14 August 2000
  • Going for gold: Immigration entry arrangements for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
    Response tabled 11 May 2000
  • Review of Migration Regulation 4.31B
    Response tabled 15 February 2000

National Competition Policy—Select Committee

  • Riding the waves of change
    Response tabled 14 August 2000

National Crime Authority—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Third evaluation of the National Crime Authority
    Response tabled 7 December 2000

Parliamentary Committee Reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports tabled by the Deputy President of the Senate on 8 December 1999
    Response tabled 28 June 2000
  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports tabled by the President of the Senate on 29 June 2000
    Response tabled 6 December 2000

Retailing Sector—Joint Select Committee

  • Fair market or market failure? A review of Australia's retailing sector
    Response tabled 8 June 2000

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee

  • Northern Prawn Fishery Amendment Management Plan 1999
    Response tabled 5 December 2000

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

  • The effect of pricing and slot management arrangements at Kingsford Smith Airport on regional airlines and communities
    Response tabled 13 April 2000

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 15th Report
    Response tabled 29 June 2000
  • 23rd Report—Amendments proposed to the International Whaling Commission
    Response tabled 17 August 2000
  • 25th Report—Eight treaties tabled on 11 August 1999
    Response tabled 5 October 2000
  • 26th Report—An Agreement to extend the period of operation of the Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap
    Response tabled 22 June 2000
  • 27th Report—Termination of Social Security Agreement with the United Kingdom and International Plant Protection Convention
    Response tabled 29 June 2000
  • 29th Report—Singapore's use of Shoalwater Bay, development cooperation with PNG and protection of new varieties of plants
    Response tabled 5 October 2000
  • 30th Report
    Response tabled 5 December 2000

Parliament House Calendar

January 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
78 Senate91011 Senate1213
14151617 House of Representatives18 Senate1920
21 Senate22 Other23 Other24252627
28 Other29 Other30 Other31 Senate123
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other