Government responses to committee reports—2000

Number of government responses to committee reports: 35

Community Affairs References Committee

  • Access to medical records
    Response tabled 30 November 2000
  • Rocking the cradle: A report into childbirth procedures
    Response tabled 31 August 2000

Corporations and Securities-Joint Statutory Committee

  • Mandatory bid rule
    Response tabled 9 November 2000
  • Report on matters arising from the Company Law Review Act 1998
    Response presented 15 December 2000

Economics References Committee

  • A new nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights
    Response tabled 6 April 2000

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee

  • Australian content standard for television and paragraph 160(d) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992
    Response tabled 13 April 2000

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee

  • ABC on-line: Interim report
    Response tabled 14 August 2000
  • Access to heritage: User charges in museums, art galleries and national parks
    Response tabled 8 June 2000
  • Jabiluka: The undermining of process-Inquiry into the Jabiluka mine uranium project
    Response tabled 12 October 2000

Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee

  • Format of the portfolio budget statements: Second report
    Response tabled 6 April 2000

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade—Joint Standing Committee

  • Bougainville: The peace process and beyond
    Response tabled 2 November 2000
  • Defence Sub-committee: Visit to Defence establishments in northern Australia, 26 to 29 July 1999
    Response tabled 5 October 2000
  • Defence sub-committee visit to Sydney Harbour foreshores defence properties, 14 November 1997
    Response tabled 13 March 2000
  • Loss of the HMAS Sydney
    Response tabled 29 June 2000
  • World debt: Report on proceedings of a seminar, Canberra, 27 August 1999
    Response tabled 7 September 2000

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee

  • The 1998 Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests
    Response tabled 13 April 2000
  • Sale of ADI Limited
    Response tabled 5 October 2000

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

  • Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999
    Response tabled 5 December 2000

Migration—Joint Standing Committee

  • Deportation of non-citizen criminals
    Response tabled 14 August 2000
  • Going for gold: Immigration entry arrangements for the Olympic and Paralympic Games
    Response tabled 11 May 2000
  • Review of Migration Regulation 4.31B
    Response tabled 15 February 2000

National Competition Policy—Select Committee

  • Riding the waves of change
    Response tabled 14 August 2000

National Crime Authority—Joint Statutory Committee

  • Third evaluation of the National Crime Authority
    Response tabled 7 December 2000

Parliamentary Committee Reports

  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports tabled by the Deputy President of the Senate on 8 December 1999
    Response tabled 28 June 2000
  • Schedule of government responses outstanding to parliamentary committee reports tabled by the President of the Senate on 29 June 2000
    Response tabled 6 December 2000

Retailing Sector—Joint Select Committee

  • Fair market or market failure? A review of Australia's retailing sector
    Response tabled 8 June 2000

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee

  • Northern Prawn Fishery Amendment Management Plan 1999
    Response tabled 5 December 2000

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee

  • The effect of pricing and slot management arrangements at Kingsford Smith Airport on regional airlines and communities
    Response tabled 13 April 2000

Treaties—Joint Standing Committee

  • 15th Report
    Response tabled 29 June 2000
  • 23rd Report—Amendments proposed to the International Whaling Commission
    Response tabled 17 August 2000
  • 25th Report—Eight treaties tabled on 11 August 1999
    Response tabled 5 October 2000
  • 26th Report—An Agreement to extend the period of operation of the Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap
    Response tabled 22 June 2000
  • 27th Report—Termination of Social Security Agreement with the United Kingdom and International Plant Protection Convention
    Response tabled 29 June 2000
  • 29th Report—Singapore's use of Shoalwater Bay, development cooperation with PNG and protection of new varieties of plants
    Response tabled 5 October 2000
  • 30th Report
    Response tabled 5 December 2000

Parliament House Calendar

January 2025

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