Second reading amendments 1991–2011

Graph of showing the number of second reading amendments moved and the number of second reading amendments agreed to from 1991-2011. Data for this graph can be found in the table below.

  Bills, or packages of bills,to which second reading amendments were moved Number of second reading amendments moved Number of second reading amendments agreed to
1991 45 48 13
1992 44 45 16
1993* 35 40 14
1994 28 28 8
1995 18 18 9
1996* 17 20 8
1997 29 33 11
1998* 17 25 6
1999 39 44 13
2000 33 36 15
2001* 27 28 12
2002 35 45 27
2003 30 36 18
2004* 31 35 21
2005 31 37 10
2006 35 38 0
2007* 38 46 0
2008 13 14 7
2009 19 21 5
2010* 15 17 5
2011 17 21 6

* Indicates an election year

Parliament House Calendar

December 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29301 Both2 Both3 Other4 Other5
6 Both7 Both8 Both9 Both10 Senate1112
1314 Senate15 Other16 Other171819
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other