Questions 1991–2011

Graph showing questions placed on notice from 1991-2011. Data for this graph can be found in the table below.

Graph showing questions without notice from 1991-2011. Data for this graph can be found in the table below.

  Number of questions placed on notice Number of questions without notice+ Question time held on (number of sitting days) Average daily number of questions without notice
1991 1221 1900 83 22.9
1992 896 1713 76 22.6
1993* 957 1181 53 22
1994 970 1702 80 21.3
1995 783 1464 75 19.5
1996* 373 1469 62 23.7
1997 641 1757 74 23.7
1998* 568 1176 52 22.6
1999 1434 1671 72 23.2
2000 1392 1572 69 22.8
2001* 675 1050 49 21.4
2002 1054 1236 54 22.9
2003 1439 1333 58 23
2004* 1000 1030 47 21.9
2005 1149 1069 53 20.2
2006 1497 1111 56 19.8
2007* 527 737 38 19.4
2008 1210 1050# 51 20.6
2009 1304 1368 48 28.5
2010* 837 1052 37 28.4
2011 1132 1453 53 27.4

* Indicates an election year
+ Includes supplementary questions
# On 24 November 2008 the format of question time was changed to allow 2 supplementaries per question

A graph depicting questions without notice by party between the years 2001 and 2011 
  Australian Democrats Australian Greens Australian Labor Party Coalition Democratic Labour Party Family First One Nation Senator Harradine Senator Lees/Australian Progressive Alliance Senator Murphy Senator Xenophon Total
2001* 186 24 598 201 16 25 0 1050
2002 203 35 719 206 –  20 24 10 19 1236
2003 191 50 765 238 16 27 24 22 1333
2004* 154 44 594 172 12 18 20 16 1030
2005 118 73 603 227 16 10 6 10 6 1069
2006 98 98 600 287 28 1111
2007* 66 64 390 195 22 737
2008 34 104 249 617 30 16 1050#
2009 144 426 721 38 39 1368
2010* 112 332 551 33 24 1052
2011 201 427 739 27 17 42 1453

* Indicates an election year
+ Includes supplementary questions
# On 24 November 2008 the format of question time was changed to allow 2 supplementaries per question

Parliament House Calendar

August 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
234 Senate5678
9 Senate10 Senate1112 Senate131415
16171819 Other20 Other21 Other22
23 Both24 Both25 Both26 Both27 House of Representatives28 Other29
30 Both31 Both12345
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Both
  • Public Holiday
  • Other