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start of business
public works committee
Jenkins, Harry, MP
social security amendment (student income support reforms) bill 2011
first reading
second reading
Garrett, Peter, MP
higher education support amendment bill (no. 2) 2011
first reading
second reading
Garrett, Peter, MP
migration legislation amendment (offshore processing and other measures) bill 2011
first reading
second reading
Bowen, Chris, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage amendment (significant incident directions) bill 2011
first reading
second reading
Crean, Simon, MP
consumer credit and corporations legislation amendment (enhancements) bill 2011
first reading
second reading
Shorten, Bill, MP
tax laws amendment (2011 measures no. 7) bill 2011
first reading
second reading
Shorten, Bill, MP
ministerial statements
antidumping reforms
O'Connor, Brendan, MP
Mirabella, Sophie, MP
clean energy bill 2011, clean energy (consequential amendments) bill 2011, clean energy (income tax rates amendments) bill 2011, clean energy (household assistance amendments) bill 2011, clean energy (tax laws amendments) bill 2011, clean energy (fuel tax legislation amendment) bill 2011, clean energy (customs tariff amendment) bill 2011, clean energy (excise tariff legislation amendment) bill 2011, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (import levy) amendment bill 2011, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (manufacture levy) amendment bill 2011, clean energy (unit shortfall charge—general) bill 2011, clean energy (unit issue charge—auctions) bill 2011, clean energy (unit issue charge—fixed charge) bill 2011, clean energy (international unit surrender charge) bill 2011, clean energy (charges—customs) bill 2011, clean energy (charges—excise) bill 2011, clean energy regulator bill 2011, climate change authority bill 2011, steel transformation plan bill 2011
second reading
Andrews, Kevin, MP
Vamvakinou, Maria, MP
Roy, Wyatt, MP
Ellis, Kate, MP
Wyatt, Ken, MP
Champion, Nick, MP
Vasta, Ross, MP
Melham, Daryl, MP
Slipper, Peter, MP
Parke, Melissa, MP
Scott, Bruce, MP
Saffin, Janelle, MP
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Murphy, John, MP
statements by members
queensland natural disasters
Prentice, Jane, MP
finance minister of the year award
D'Ath, Yvette, MP
beaudesert show society
Buchholz, Scott, MP
global fund to fight aids, tuberculosis and malaria
Leigh, Andrew, MP
national rural health alliance
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
queensland natural disasters
Rowland, Michelle, MP
disability, small businesses
Billson, Bruce, MP
south adelaide football club
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
carbon pricing
Chester, Darren, MP
f1 in schools program
Lyons, Geoff, MP
report from main committee
questions without notice
asylum seekers (Abbott, Tony, MP)
distinguished visitors
Jenkins, Harry, MP
questions without notice
global economy (Burke, Anna, MP)
asylum seekers (Bishop, Julie, MP)
economy (Smyth, Laura, MP)
asylum seekers (Morrison, Scott, MP)
carbon pricing (Ripoll, Bernie, MP)
asylum seekers (Van Manen, Bert, MP)
mount isa: social problems (Katter, Bob, MP)
national security (Danby, Michael, MP)
asylum seekers (Jones, Ewen, MP)
defence (Champion, Nick, MP)
distinguished visitors
Jenkins, Harry, MP
questions without notice
australian labor party (Pyne, Christopher, MP)
australian public service (Brodtmann, Gai, MP)
budget (Hockey, Joe, MP)
economy (Murphy, John, MP)
distinguished visitors
Jenkins, Harry, MP
questions without notice
carbon pricing (Hockey, Joe, MP)
fair work australia (Adams, Dick, MP)
statements on indulgence
rudd, hon. kevin
Bishop, Julie, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
matters of public importance
Jenkins, Harry, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Truss, Warren, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
ministerial statements
tax reform and our patchwork economy
Swan, Wayne, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
personal explanations
Hockey, Joe, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
Ruddock, Philip, MP
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
Fletcher, Paul, MP
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
Slipper, Peter, MP
boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign
Hawke, Alex, MP
defence procurement
Danby, Michael, MP
Neville, Paul, MP
dementia awareness week
Grierson, Sharon, MP
procedural text
wright electorate: young liberal-national party
Buchholz, Scott, MP
chifley electorate: pricing discrimination
Husic, Ed, MP
housing affordability
Alexander, John, MP
sapper jacob moerland memorial skate park
Griffin, Alan, MP
grey electorate: mouse plague
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
national dementia awareness week
Burke, Anna, MP
asylum seekers
Keenan, Michael, MP
youth allowance
Crook, Tony, MP
main committee
start of business
constituency statements
papua new guinea: hiv-aids
Alexander, John, MP
page electorate: awards
Saffin, Janelle, MP
hasluck electorate: luke adams foundation
Wyatt, Ken, MP
australian public service
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
regional development australia
Coulton, Mark, MP
gippsland electorate: gippsland lakes and catchments
Chester, Darren, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
scoresby football and social club
Tudge, Alan, MP
corio electorate: northern futures
Marles, Richard, MP
melbourne ports electorate: caulfield village
Danby, Michael, MP
jull, hon. david francis
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
Truss, Warren, MP
Macfarlane, Ian, MP
Vasta, Ross, MP
Baldwin, Bob, MP
Scott, Bruce, MP
Laming, Andrew, MP
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
Van Manen, Bert, MP
Slipper, Peter, MP
Broadbent, Russell, MP
Neville, Paul, MP
Entsch, Warren, MP
Jones, Ewen, MP
statements on indulgence
evans, mr cadel
Jones, Ewen, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Alexander, John, MP
Simpkins, Luke, MP
Tehan, Dan, MP
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
procedural text
stosur, ms samantha
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Andrews, Karen, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
questions in writing
broadband (question no. 389) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
emergency services and alerts systems (question no. 445) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
dawson electorate: alligator creek phone coverage (question no. 448) (Christensen, George, MP)
broadband (question no. 451) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
tourism australia: board of directors (question no. 476) (Baldwin, Bob, MP)
tourism australia: membership (question no. 479) (Baldwin, Bob, MP)
broadband, communications and the digital economy: senior executive service (question no. 561) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
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