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start of business
social security legislation amendment (fair incentives to work) bill 2012
returned from senate
amendment to standing order 13
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
Jenkins, Harry, MP
Andrews, Kevin, MP
Broadbent, Russell, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
crimes legislation amendment (serious drugs, identity crime and other measures) bill 2012
first reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
second reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
freedom of information amendment (parliamentary budget office) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
regulatory powers (standard provisions) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
social and community services pay equity special account bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Collins, Julie, MP
social and community services pay equity special account (consequential amendments) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Collins, Julie, MP
tax laws amendment (clean building managed investment trust) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Bradbury, David, MP
higher education support amendment (maximum payment amounts and other measures) bill 2012
report from committee
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
second reading
Pyne, Christopher, MP
reference to federation chamber
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
health insurance (extended medicare safety net) amendment determination 2012 (no. 1)
Plibersek, Tanya, MP
law enforcement integrity legislation amendment bill 2012
report from committee
Perrett, Graham, MP
social security and other legislation amendment (further 2012 budget and other measures) bill 2012
report from committee
Perrett, Graham, MP
human rights committee
Jenkins, Harry, MP
intelligence and security committee
Byrne, Anthony, MP
Ruddock, Philip, MP
Byrne, Anthony, MP
reference to federation chamber
Byrne, Anthony, MP
clean energy amendment (international emissions trading and other measures) bill 2012, clean energy (charges—excise) amendment bill 2012, clean energy (charges—customs) amendment bill 2012, excise tariff amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (import levy) amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (manufacture levy) amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, clean energy (unit issue charge—auctions) amendment bill 2012
report from committee
Owens, Julie, MP
Ciobo, Steven, MP
water amendment (long-term average sustainable diversion limit adjustment) bill 2012
report from committee
Windsor, Tony, MP
report and reference to federation chamber
Windsor, Tony, MP
days and hours of meeting
Albanese, Anthony, MP
party office holders
second deputy speaker
Jones, Stephen, MP
Jenkins, Harry, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Washer, Dr Mal, MP
Gillard, Julia, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
Truss, Warren, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Slipper, Peter, MP
higher education support amendment (streamlining and other measures) bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
federal circuit court of australia legislation amendment bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
national health security amendment bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
superannuation legislation amendment (further mysuper and transparency measures) bill 2012
report from committee
O'Neill, Deb, MP
Fletcher, Paul, MP
dental benefits amendment bill 2012
second reading
Hartsuyker, Luke, MP
Livermore, Kirsten, MP
Hunt, Greg, MP
Parke, Melissa, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
statements by members
malala, miss yousafzai
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
chifley electorate: football
Husic, Ed, MP
petition: lakeside community post office
Broadbent, Russell, MP
australia post: agents licensing
dapto greyhound racing club
Jones, Stephen, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
kooyong electorate: balwyn tigers
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
performing arts
Danby, Michael, MP
northern territory news
Griggs, Natasha, MP
bass electorate: launceston benevolent society
Lyons, Geoff, MP
murray-darling basin
Stone, Dr Sharman, MP
questions without notice
carbon pricing (Abbott, Tony, MP)
economy (Symon, Mike, MP)
electricity prices (Southcott, Dr Andrew, MP)
economy (Cheeseman, Darren, MP)
carbon pricing (Markus, Louise, MP)
bushfires (Thomson, Craig, MP)
workplace relations (Rowland, Michelle, MP)
carbon pricing
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
procedural text
distinguished visitors
Burke, Anna, MP
questions without notice
family payments (D'Ath, Yvette, MP)
carbon pricing (Buchholz, Scott, MP)
distinguished visitors
Burke, Anna, MP
questions without notice
wheat exports (Parke, Melissa, MP)
budget (Smith, Tony, MP)
carbon pricing (Saffin, Janelle, MP)
workplace relations (Bishop, Julie, MP)
workplace relations (Bishop, Julie, MP)
mental health (Georganas, Steve, MP)
statements on indulgence
mental health
Dutton, Peter, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
personal explanations
Abbott, Tony, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
dental benefits amendment bill 2012
reference to federation chamber
Albanese, Anthony, MP
selection committee
Burke, Anna, MP
environment protection and biodiversity conservation amendment (independent expert scientific committee on coal seam gas and large coal mining development) bill 2012
consideration of senate message
matters of public importance
Burke, Anna, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
Bradbury, David, MP
Robb, Andrew, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
Owens, Julie, MP
Van Manen, Bert, MP
higher education support amendment (maximum payment amounts and other measures) bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Ripoll, Bernie, MP
Ripoll, Bernie, MP
clean energy amendment (international emissions trading and other measures) bill 2012, clean energy (charges—excise) amendment bill 2012, clean energy (charges—customs) amendment bill 2012, excise tariff amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (import levy) amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (manufacture levy) amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, clean energy (unit issue charge—auctions) amendment bill 2012
second reading
Hunt, Greg, MP
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
Robb, Andrew, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Hartsuyker, Luke, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
King, Catherine, MP
social security and other legislation amendment (further 2012 budget and other measures) bill 2012
second reading
Andrews, Kevin, MP
reference to federation chamber
King, Catherine, MP
clean energy amendment (international emissions trading and other measures) bill 2012, clean energy (charges—excise) amendment bill 2012, clean energy (charges—customs) amendment bill 2012, excise tariff amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (import levy) amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (manufacture levy) amendment (per-tonne carbon price equivalent) bill 2012, clean energy (unit issue charge—auctions) amendment bill 2012
second reading
Kelly, Mike, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
Truss, Warren, MP
Parke, Melissa, MP
Stone, Dr Sharman, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Murphy, John, MP
Baldwin, Bob, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
Roy, Wyatt, MP
Simpkins, Luke, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
Fletcher, Paul, MP
Jones, Ewen, MP
Coulton, Mark, MP
Christensen, George, MP
Jensen, Dennis, MP
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
Combet, Greg, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
settlement and humanitarian services
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
richmond electorate: infrastructure
Elliot, Justine, MP
longman electorate: environment
Roy, Wyatt, MP
wyong shire council
Thomson, Craig, MP
casey electorate: warburton bowls club
Smith, Tony, MP
adelaide football club
Ellis, Kate, MP
bonner electorate: biplane crash
Vasta, Ross, MP
world sight day
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
hypocrisy alerts
Bandt, Adam, MP
shortland electorate: san remo men's shed
Hall, Jill, MP
higher education support amendment (maximum payment amounts and other measures) bill 2012
second reading
Hall, Jill, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Bird, Sharon, MP
dental benefits amendment bill 2012
second reading
Melham, Daryl, MP
Buchholz, Scott, MP
King, Catherine, MP
Ciobo, Steven, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Wyatt, Ken, MP
Kelly, Mike, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
Markus, Louise, MP
Andrews, Karen, MP
Neville, Paul, MP
Van Manen, Bert, MP
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Plibersek, Tanya, MP
questions in writing
australian conservation foundation (question no. 1159) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
australian conservation foundation (question no. 1185) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
royal australian navy (question no. 1216) (Robert, Stuart, MP)
school education, early childhood and youth (question no. 1224) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
school education, early childhood and youth (question no. 1225) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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