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start of business
broadcasting services amendment (digital television) bill 2012, telecommunications interception and other legislation amendment (state bodies) bill 2012
reference to federation chamber
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
equal opportunity for women in the workplace amendment bill 2012
second reading
Ley, Sussan, MP
Neumann, Shayne, MP
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
O'Neill, Deb, MP
Stone, Dr Sharman, MP
Livermore, Kirsten, MP
Markus, Louise, MP
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
questions without notice
carbon pricing (Abbott, Tony, MP)
carbon pricing (Smyth, Laura, MP)
distinguished visitors
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
questions without notice
carbon pricing (Hockey, Joe, MP)
economy (Symon, Mike, MP)
distinguished visitors
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
questions without notice
pensions and benefits (Andrews, Kevin, MP)
employment (Katter, Bob, MP)
carbon pricing (Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP)
member for dobell (Pyne, Christopher, MP)
carbon pricing (Saffin, Janelle, MP)
member for dobell (Pyne, Christopher, MP)
pensions and benefits (Livermore, Kirsten, MP)
enterprise migration agreements (Ruddock, Philip, MP)
veterans (Brodtmann, Gai, MP)
enterprise migration agreements (Abbott, Tony, MP)
education (Cheeseman, Darren, MP)
enterprise migration agreements (Morrison, Scott, MP)
small business (Thomson, Kelvin, MP)
enterprise migration agreements (Abbott, Tony, MP)
murray-darling basin (Rishworth, Amanda, MP)
questions without notice: additional answers
carbon pricing
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Truss, Warren, MP
auditor-general's reports
report no. 35 of 2011-12
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Albanese, Anthony, MP
matters of public importance
enterprise migration agreements
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Morrison, Scott, MP
Bowen, Chris, MP
Macfarlane, Ian, MP
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
Randall, Don, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
Owens, Julie, MP
corporations amendment (phoenixing and other measures) bill 2012, family assistance and other legislation amendment bill 2012, family assistance and other legislation amendment (schoolkids bonus budget measures) bill 2012, social security and other legislation amendment (disability support pension participation reforms) bill 2012, social security and other legislation amendment (income support and other measures) bill 2012
Elliot, Justine, MP
environment protection and biodiversity conservation amendment (independent expert scientific committee on coal seam gas and large coal mining development) bill 2012
second reading
Cobb, John, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
Scott, Bruce, MP
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
consideration in detail
Macfarlane, Ian, MP
Windsor, Tony, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Windsor, Tony, MP
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
third reading
Burke, Tony, MP
telecommunications interception and other legislation amendment (state bodies) bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Shorten, Bill, MP
social security and other legislation amendment (2012 budget and other measures) bill 2012
second reading
Andrews, Kevin, MP
Neumann, Shayne, MP
Macklin, Jenny, MP
third reading
Macklin, Jenny, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
clean energy finance corporation bill 2012, clean energy legislation amendment bill 2012, clean energy (customs tariff amendment) bill 2012, clean energy (excise tariff legislation amendment) bill 2012
second reading
Hunt, Greg, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Robb, Andrew, MP
Thomson, Kelvin, MP
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
Kelly, Mike, MP
Fletcher, Paul, MP
Smyth, Laura, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
Parke, Melissa, MP
Briggs, Jamie, MP
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
earl, mr don
Broadbent, Russell, MP
national reconciliation week
Saffin, Janelle, MP
swan electorate: swan river infrastructure
Irons, Steve, MP
robertson electorate: peninsula links day
O'Neill, Deb, MP
wright electorate
Buchholz, Scott, MP
mcewen electorate: local sporting champions program, mcewen electorate: national broadband network
Mitchell, Rob, MP
Jensen, Dennis, MP
holt electorate: volunteers
Byrne, Anthony, MP
aged care
Cobb, John, MP
supported accommodation innovation fund
Symon, Mike, MP
carbon pricing
Tehan, Dan, MP
live animal exports
Parke, Melissa, MP
killen, hon. richard weir
McCormack, Michael, MP
main committee
start of business
appropriation bill (no. 1) 2012-2013, appropriation bill (no. 2) 2012-2013, appropriation (parliamentary departments) bill (no. 1) 2012-2013, appropriation bill (no. 5) 2011-2012, appropriation bill (no. 6) 2011-2012
second reading
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
Hawke, Alex, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
Marles, Richard, MP
Matheson, Russell, MP
Fletcher, Paul, MP
telecommunications interception and other legislation amendment (state bodies) bill 2012
second reading
Keenan, Michael, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Simpkins, Luke, MP
Sidebottom, Sid, MP
consideration in detail
Sidebottom, Sid, MP
appropriation bill (no. 1) 2012-2013, appropriation bill (no. 2) 2012-2013, appropriation (parliamentary departments) bill (no. 1) 2012-2013, appropriation bill (no. 5) 2011-2012, appropriation bill (no. 6) 2011-2012
second reading
Scott, Bruce (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Van Manen, Bert, MP
Irons, Steve, MP
Ley, Sussan, MP
Billson, Bruce, MP
Briggs, Jamie, MP
Turnbull, Malcolm, MP
Thomson, Craig, MP
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
Haase, Barry, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Entsch, Warren, MP
Randall, Don, MP
Cobb, John, MP
Broadbent, Russell, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
Washer, Dr Mal, MP
Crook, Tony, MP
Southcott, Dr Andrew, MP
Secker, Patrick, MP
Smyth, Laura, MP
broadcasting services amendment (digital television) bill 2012
second reading
Hartsuyker, Luke, MP
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
Truss, Warren, MP
Champion, Nick, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Questioner :
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