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start of business
fair work (registered organisations) amendment bill 2012, social security and other legislation amendment (2012 budget and other measures) bill 2012, water efficiency labelling and standards amendment (scheme enhancements) bill 2012
returned from senate
maritime legislation amendment bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Albanese, Anthony, MP
transport safety investigation amendment bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Albanese, Anthony, MP
customs amendment (smuggled tobacco) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Roxon, Nicola, MP
customs amendment (anti-dumping improvements) bill (no. 3) 2012
first reading
second reading
Clare, Jason, MP
health insurance amendment (extended medicare safety net) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Plibersek, Tanya, MP
commonwealth government securities legislation amendment (retail trading) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Bradbury, David, MP
veterans' affairs legislation amendment bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Snowdon, Warren, MP
fisheries legislation amendment bill (no. 1) 2012
first reading
second reading
Sidebottom, Sid, MP
electoral and referendum amendment (improving electoral procedure) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Gray, Gary, MP
public works committee
approval of work
Gray, Gary, MP
approval of work
Gray, Gary, MP
approval of work
Gray, Gary, MP
ministerial statements
national road safety strategy
King, Catherine, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
statute stocktake (appropriations) bill (no. 1) 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Kelly, Mike, MP
treaties committee
Thomson, Kelvin, MP
Parke, Melissa, MP
higher education support amendment (student contribution amounts and other measures) bill 2012
second reading
Andrews, Karen, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Laming, Andrew, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Scott, Bruce, MP
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
Tudge, Alan, MP
Bird, Sharon, MP
third reading
Bird, Sharon, MP
paid parental leave and other legislation amendment (dad and partner pay and other measures) bill 2012, passenger movement charge amendment bill 2012
returned from senate
tax laws amendment (investment manager regime) bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
King, Catherine, MP
social security legislation amendment (fair incentives to work) bill 2012
Ley, Sussan, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
statements on indulgence
asylum seekers
Gillard, Julia, MP
social security legislation amendment (fair incentives to work) bill 2012
second reading
Griggs, Natasha, MP
suspension of standing and sessional orders
Abbott, Tony, MP
statements by members
suspension of standing and sessional orders: migration legislation amendment (the bali process) bill 2012
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
suspension of standing and sessional orders: migration legislation amendment (the bali process) bill 2012
Abbott, Tony, MP
5 lands walk
O'Neill, Deb, MP
asylum seekers
Morrison, Scott, MP
asylum seekers
Bandt, Adam, MP
education funding
Symon, Mike, MP
asylum seekers
Keenan, Michael, MP
statements on indulgence
asylum seekers
Gillard, Julia, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
Gillard, Julia, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
migration legislation amendment (the bali process) bill 2012
consideration in detail
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
Bowen, Chris, MP
Keenan, Michael, MP
Turnbull, Malcolm, MP
Dutton, Peter, MP
Clare, Jason, MP
Ruddock, Philip, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Andrews, Kevin, MP
Robb, Andrew, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
Hunt, Greg, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
Mirabella, Sophie, MP
Billson, Bruce, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Bishop, Julie, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Baldwin, Bob, MP
Danby, Michael, MP
Ley, Sussan, MP
Crean, Simon, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
Snowdon, Warren, MP
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Owens, Julie, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Champion, Nick, MP
Wyatt, Ken, MP
Bird, Sharon, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Simpkins, Luke, MP
Windsor, Tony, MP
Hawke, Alex, MP
Laming, Andrew, MP
Southcott, Dr Andrew, MP
Jenkins, Harry, MP
Randall, Don, MP
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
Briggs, Jamie, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
Bowen, Chris, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
Neville, Paul, MP
Moylan, Judi, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Slipper, Peter, MP
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
Gillard, Julia, MP
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
migration legislation amendment (the bali process) bill 2012
consideration in detail
Morrison, Scott, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
third reading
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
requests for detailed information
main committee
start of business
constituency statements
gippsland electorate: carbon pricing
Chester, Darren, MP
british commonwealth occupation force
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
Alexander, John, MP
vocational education and training, workers compensation
Hall, Jill, MP
ryan electorate: carbon pricing
Prentice, Jane, MP
national school chaplaincy and student welfare program
Zappia, Tony, MP
fitzgerald, mr paul, am
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
lindsay electorate: queen's birthday honours
Bradbury, David, MP
little league baseball, australian student prize
Keenan, Michael, MP
welcome to australia
Leigh, Andrew, MP
tax laws amendment (investment manager regime) bill 2012
second reading
Smith, Tony, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Buchholz, Scott, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
questions in writing
sustainability, environment, water, population and communities: training (question no. 984) (Ferguson, Laurie, MP)
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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