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Table of contents
start of business
selection committee
Slipper, Peter, MP
ministerial statements
Smith, Stephen, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
Smith, Stephen, MP
hmas success
Smith, Stephen, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
orders of the day
Smith, Stephen, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
private members' business
meals on wheels
white ribbon day
surf lifesavers
Secker, Patrick, MP
exceptional circumstances exit grants program
Stone, Dr Sharman, MP
organ donation
Entsch, Warren, MP
publications joint committee
Hayes, Chris, MP
ministerial statements
global economy
Swan, Wayne, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
social security and other legislation amendment (income support and other measures) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Shorten, Bill, MP
members of parliament (life gold pass) and other legislation amendment bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Gray, Gary, MP
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
third reading
Gray, Gary, MP
fairer private health insurance incentives bill 2011, fairer private health insurance incentives (medicare levy surcharge) bill 2011, fairer private health insurance incentives (medicare levy surcharge—fringe benefits) bill 2011
second reading
Dutton, Peter, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
building and construction industry improvement amendment (transition to fair work) bill 2011
second reading
Briggs, Jamie, MP
Mitchell, Rob, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
Andrews, Karen, MP
Lyons, Geoff, MP
Kelly, Mike, MP
Tudge, Alan, MP
Smyth, Laura, MP
Jones, Ewen, MP
statements by members
brisbane electorate: australia day awards
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
media ownership
Murphy, John, MP
infrastructure employment projects program
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
fraser electorate: north canberra
Leigh, Andrew, MP
ovarian cancer awareness month
Griggs, Natasha, MP
organ donation
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
cowan electorate: australia day awards
Simpkins, Luke, MP
bell, mr cyril
Danby, Michael, MP
joice, dr paul
Christensen, George, MP
sulzberger, mr jake
Lyons, Geoff, MP
questions without notice
carbon tax (Abbott, Tony, MP)
economy (O'Neill, Deb, MP)
carbon pricing (Bishop, Julie, MP)
economy (Leigh, Andrew, MP)
carbon pricing (Hockey, Joe, MP)
distinguished visitors
Slipper, Peter, MP
questions without notice
hospitals (Wilkie, Andrew, MP)
distinguished visitors
Slipper, Peter, MP
questions without notice
infrastructure (Livermore, Kirsten, MP)
prime minister (Bishop, Bronwyn, MP)
health (Georganas, Steve, MP)
distinguished visitors
Slipper, Peter, MP
questions without notice
member for dobell (Ley, Sussan, MP)
education funding (Smyth, Laura, MP)
member for dobell (Bishop, Julie, MP)
mining (Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP)
member for dobell (Bishop, Julie, MP)
employment (D'Ath, Yvette, MP)
member for dobell (Pyne, Christopher, MP)
prime minister
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Bishop, Julie, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
personal explanations
Roxon, Nicola, MP
queen elizabeth ii: diamond jubilee
report from main committee
nuclear terrorism legislation amendment bill 2011
report from main committee
third reading
Albanese, Anthony, MP
selection committee
Slipper, Peter, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
auditor-general's reports
reports nos 25 and 26
Slipper, Peter, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
personal explanations
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
matters of public importance
Slipper, Peter, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
Emerson, Craig, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
Slipper, Peter, MP
alpine national park
Chester, Darren, MP
petition: hrl coal fired power station
Thomson, Kelvin, MP
leichhardt electorate: far north queensland
Entsch, Warren, MP
bass electorate
Lyons, Geoff, MP
cook community classic, mitochondrial disease
Morrison, Scott, MP
Grierson, Sharon, MP
main committee
start of business
constituency statements
paid parental leave
Billson, Bruce, MP
holt electorate: 2011 community spirit and leadership awards
Byrne, Anthony, MP
bennelong electorate: australia day awards
Alexander, John, MP
queensland floods
Rudd, Kevin, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
isaacs electorate
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
digital television
Gash, Joanna, MP
national aged care alliance
Hall, Jill, MP
Van Manen, Bert, MP
lindsay electorate: housing developments
Bradbury, David, MP
nuclear terrorism legislation amendment bill 2011
second reading
Keenan, Michael, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Hawke, Alex, MP
Danby, Michael, MP
Simpkins, Luke, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Griggs, Natasha, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
Roxon, Nicola, MP
D'Ath, Yvette, MP
public accounts and audit committee
D'Ath, Yvette, MP
public accounts and audit committee
D'Ath, Yvette, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
macquarie electorate: blue mountains healthcare
Markus, Louise, MP
wilson, mr michael
Hayes, Chris, MP
cystic fibrosis
Matheson, Russell, MP
Ripoll, Bernie, MP
victorian bushfires
Smith, Tony, MP
national emergency medal
Mitchell, Rob, MP
gippsland electorate: fishing licence fees and regulations
Chester, Darren, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
media ownership
Murphy, John, MP
questions in writing
broadband (question no. 360) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
broadband (question no. 491) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
broadband (question no. 492) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
healthdirect australia (question no. 623) (Southcott, Dr Andrew, MP)
afghanistan: united states blackhawk helicopter crash (question no. 655) (Katter, Bob, MP)
broadband (question no. 731) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
tourism australia: airline marketing campaigns (question no. 733) (Baldwin, Bob, MP)
resources, energy and tourism: travel expenses (question nos 734 and 735) (Baldwin, Bob, MP)
fair work australia: modern awards (question no. 736) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
communications, electrical, electronic, energy, information, postal, plumbing and allied services union: operating report (question no. 738) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
centrelink: concession cards (question no. 740) (Oakeshott, Robert, MP)
commonwealth debt (question no. 744) (Robb, Andrew, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme: pradaxa (question no. 746) (Alexander, John, MP)
warfarin (question no. 747) (Alexander, John, MP)
atrial fibrillation (question no. 748) (Alexander, John, MP)
strokes (question no. 749) (Alexander, John, MP)
prospective marriage visas (question no. 750) (Morrison, Scott, MP)
prospective marriage visas (question no. 751) (Morrison, Scott, MP)
prospective marriage visas (question no. 752) (Morrison, Scott, MP)
partner visas (question no. 753) (Morrison, Scott, MP)
superclinics (question no. 754) (Southcott, Dr Andrew, MP)
superclinics (question no. 755) (Southcott, Dr Andrew, MP)
defence capability projects (question no. 757) (Robert, Stuart, MP)
national alliance for action on alcohol (question no. 758) (Chester, Darren, MP)
national alliance for action on alcohol (question no. 759) (Chester, Darren, MP)
australian national preventive health agency (question no. 760) (Chester, Darren, MP)
australian national preventive health agency (question no. 761) (Chester, Darren, MP)
australian national preventive health agency (question no. 762) (Chester, Darren, MP)
prime minister and cabinet: corporate credit cards (question no. 763) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
broadband, communications and the digital economy: corporate credit cards (question no. 764) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
defence: corporate credit cards (question no. 765) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
health and ageing: corporate credit cards (question no. 766) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
sustainability, environment, water, population and communities: corporate credit cards (question no. 768) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
finance and deregulation: corporate credit cards (question no. 769) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
innovation, industry, science and research: corporate credit cards (question no. 771) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
attorney-general's: corporate credit cards (question no. 772) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
resources, energy and tourism: corporate credit cards (question nos 773 and 774) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
climate change and energy efficiency: corporate credit cards (question no. 775) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
foreign affairs and trade: corporate credit cards (question nos 779 and 782) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
immigration and citizenship: corporate credit cards (question no. 780) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
taxation: zone tax offset (question no. 783) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
defence: travel (question no. 785) (Robert, Stuart, MP)
tourism research australia: international and national visitor surveys (question no. 786) (Baldwin, Bob, MP)
gympie road: aj wyllie bridge upgrade (question no. 787) (Truss, Warren, MP)
chronic disease management (question no. 789) (Southcott, Dr Andrew, MP)
agriculture, fisheries and forestry: corporate credit cards (question no. 791) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
Questioner :
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