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start of business
parliamentary representation
Hayes, Chris MP
Buchholz, Scott MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Hawke, Alex MP
privileges and members' interests committee
Broadbent, Russell MP
joint standing committee on foreign affairs, defence and trade
Andrews, Kevin MP
ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas management amendment (miscellaneous measures) bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Evans, Trevor MP
ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (import levy) amendment bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Evans, Trevor MP
ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas (manufacture levy) amendment bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Evans, Trevor MP
australian research council amendment bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Taylor, Angus MP
higher education support amendment (2021 measures no. 1) bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Taylor, Angus MP
social services and other legislation amendment (pension loans scheme enhancements) bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Taylor, Angus MP
statements on indulgence
commonwealth integrity commission
Haines, Helen MP
Alexander, John MP
public works joint committee
approval of work
Taylor, Angus MP
industry, innovation, science and resources committee
Conaghan, Pat MP
Bird, Sharon MP
Conaghan, Pat MP
reference to federation chamber
Conaghan, Pat MP
public accounts and audit committee
Wicks, Lucy Elizabeth MP
Hill, Julian MP
Wicks, Lucy Elizabeth MP
delegation reports
australian parliamentary delegation to the 142nd inter-parliamentary union assembly
Wicks, Lucy Elizabeth MP
defence legislation amendment (discipline reform) bill 2021
returned from senate
australian commission for law enforcement integrity joint committee, human rights committee, implementation of the national redress scheme joint select committee
Bird, Sharon MP (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
electoral legislation amendment (political campaigners) bill 2021
consideration of senate message
Marino, Nola Bethwyn MP
Bandt, Adam Paul MP
Steggall, Zali MP
Marino, Nola Bethwyn MP
Bandt, Adam Paul MP
Marino, Nola Bethwyn MP
autonomous sanctions amendment (magnitsky-style and other thematic sanctions) bill 2021
first reading
second reading
Gillespie, David MP
O'Connor, Brendan Patrick John MP
Watts, Tim MP
Hill, Julian MP
Burns, Josh MP
Gillespie, David MP
third reading
Gillespie, David MP
human rights committee, social media and online safety select committee
Freelander, Mike MP (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Hogan, Kevin MP
religious discrimination bill 2021, religious discrimination (consequential amendments) bill 2021, human rights legislation amendment bill 2021
second reading
Dreyfus, Mark MP
Joyce, Barnaby MP
statements by members
newcastle electorate: morrison government
Claydon, Sharon MP
bass electorate: education
Archer, Bridget MP
solomon electorate
Gosling, Luke MP
gold coast: industry
Bell, Angie MP
eden-monaro electorate: reboot in bermagui
McBain, Kristy MP
member for bennelong
Broadbent, Russell MP
morrison government
Burns, Josh MP
road safety
Chester, Darren MP
hills radio
Sharkie, Rebekha MP
boothby electorate: beach safety
Flint, Nicolle Jane MP
dobell electorate: headspace
McBride, Emma MP
parkes electorate: volunteers
Coulton, Mark Maclean MP
national broadband network joint committee
Templeman, Susan MP
nicholls electorate: volunteers
Drum, Damian MP
dunkley electorate: community
Murphy, Peta MP
member for leichhardt: staff
Entsch, Warren MP
commonwealth integrity commission
Jones, Stephen MP
green, mrs louise
Zimmerman, Trent MP
morrison government
Husic, Ed MP
cowper electorate
Conaghan, Pat MP
statements on indulgence
minister for education and youth
Morrison, Scott MP
questions without notice
quarantine services australia (O'Connor, Brendan Patrick John MP)
covid-19: vaccination (McIntosh, Melissa MP)
covid-19: quarantine (O'Connor, Brendan Patrick John MP)
covid-19: regional australia (Drum, Damian MP)
covid-19: quarantine (O'Connor, Brendan Patrick John MP)
agriculture industry: south australia (Sharkie, Rebekha MP)
covid-19: economy (Flint, Nicolle Jane MP)
commonwealth integrity commission (King, Catherine, MP)
covid-19: health care (Liu, Gladys MP)
morrison government (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
covid-19: international travel (van Manen, Bert MP)
prime minister (Marles, Richard Donald MP)
australian defence force (Andrews, Kevin MP)
morrison government: economy (Coker, Libby MP)
australian natural disasters (Coulton, Mark Maclean MP)
national disability insurance scheme (Shorten, Bill MP)
national disability insurance scheme (Leeser, Julian MP)
national disability insurance scheme (Shorten, Bill MP)
australian women (Wicks, Lucy Elizabeth MP)
personal explanation
Albanese, Anthony, MP
personal explanation
Shorten, Bill MP
Dutton, Peter Craig MP
leave of absence
Dutton, Peter Craig MP
government response to report
Wallace, Andrew MP (The SPEAKER)
commonwealth ombudsman
Wallace, Andrew MP (The SPEAKER)
parliamentary representation
Hunt, Greg MP
Morrison, Scott MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Morrison, Scott MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Joyce, Barnaby MP
Wallace, Andrew MP (The SPEAKER)
intelligence and security joint committee
Wallace, Andrew MP (The SPEAKER)
Gee, Andrew MP
national health amendment (enhancing the pharmaceutical benefits scheme) bill 2021, health insurance amendment (enhancing the bonded medical program and other measures) bill 2021, electoral legislation amendment (assurance of senate counting) bill 2021, electoral legislation amendment (contingency measures) bill 2021, veterans' affairs legislation amendment (exempting disability payments from income testing and other measures) bill 2021, electoral legislation amendment (annual disclosure equality) bill 2021, territories stolen generations redress scheme (facilitation) bill 2021, territories stolen generations redress scheme (consequential amendments) bill 2021
returned from senate
assange, mr julian
Wilkie, Andrew MP
Bandt, Adam Paul MP
matters of public importance
morrison government
Wallace, Andrew MP (The SPEAKER)
Payne, Alicia MP
morrison government
Phillips, Fiona MP
cowper electorate: apprenticeships
Conaghan, Pat MP
morrison government
Coker, Libby MP
minister for health and aged care, valedictory
Hamilton, Garth MP
morrison government
Templeman, Susan MP
morrison government
Goodenough, Ian MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
morrison government
Hill, Julian MP
reid electorate: community services
Martin, Fiona MP
new south wales: light rail
King, Catherine, MP
neuroendocrine cancer
Conaghan, Pat MP
prime minister
Keogh, Matt MP
ginger meggs
Leeser, Julian MP
indigenous health
Husic, Ed MP
lindsay electorate
McIntosh, Melissa MP
morrison government
Claydon, Sharon MP
big farmer andy, pointing, mr laurie
O'Brien, Llew MP
whitlam electorate: covid-19, whitlam electorate: hospitality industry
Jones, Stephen MP
brisbane electorate: christmas
Evans, Trevor MP
macquarie electorate: go local first campaign, australian broadcasting corporation, special broadcasting service
Templeman, Susan MP
capricornia electorate: infrastructure
Landry, Michelle MP
werriwa electorate
Stanley, Anne MP
layton, ms donna, ryan, ms michelle, hodges, dr james
Hogan, Kevin MP
commonwealth integrity commission
Murphy, Peta MP
climate change
Wilson, Tim MP
bom funk dance studio, eden-monaro electorate: small business
McBain, Kristy MP
windaroo valley state high school, marsden state high school
van Manen, Bert MP
macnamara electorate: childcare and early education services
Burns, Josh MP
chisholm electorate: volunteer grants
Liu, Gladys MP
women's economic security
Murphy, Peta MP
morant, lieutenant harry (breaker), handcock, lieutenant peter, witton, lieutenant george
Christensen, George MP
coalition government
Zappia, Tony MP
higgins electorate: volunteers
Allen, Katie MP
climate change
Wilkie, Andrew MP
gippsland electorate: bushfire recovery
Chester, Darren MP
commonwealth integrity commission, electoral legislation amendment (voter integrity) bill 2021
Aly, Anne MP
new south wales: regional services, wyangala dam
McCormack, Michael MP
summit for democracy
Watts, Tim MP
Conaghan, Pat MP
griffith electorate: schools
Butler, Terri MP
Broadbent, Russell MP
parkes electorate: local council elections
Coulton, Mark Maclean MP
bendigo electorate
Chesters, Lisa MP
queensland: tourism industry
Entsch, Warren MP
blaxland electorate: covid-19
Clare, Jason Dean MP
fairfax electorate: fairfax award
O'Brien, Ted MP
Questioner :
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