

Community Affairs (Legislation)

[1]               Replaced Senator Carol Brown for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Social Security
                and Other Legislation Amendment (Welfare Reform and Reinstatement of Racial Discrimination Act)
                Bill 2009 and related bills

[2]               Replaced Senator Furner for the consideration of the 2009–10 supplementary Budget estimates on 22
                October and 23 October 2009

[3]               Replaced Senator Carol Brown for the committee's consideration of the 2009–10 additional estimates
                from 10 February to 12 February 2010

[4]               Replaced Senator Boyce for the consideration of the 2010–11 Budget estimates on 4 June 2010

[5]               Replaced Senator Furner for the consideration of the 2009–10 supplementary Budget estimates on 21
                October 2009

[6]               Replaced Senator Bilyk for the committee's inquiry into the implementation of recommendations of committee reports on child
                migration and Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children.

[7]               Replaced Senator Carol Brown from 10 February to 12 February 2010

Economics (Legislation)

[1]               Replaced Senator Joyce for the inquiry into the Car Dealership Financing Guarantee Appropriation Bill 2009

[2]               Replaces Senator McGauran for the committee's inquiry into the role of liquidators and administrators

[3]               Replaced Senator Pratt for the committee's inquiry into the Australian dairy industry

Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (Legislation)

[1]               Replaced Senator Hanson-Young for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Building and Construction Industry
                Improvement Amendment (Transition to Fair Work) Bill 2009

[2]               Replaced Senator Hanson-Young for the committee's inquiry into the Fair Work Amendment (State Referrals and Other
                Measures) Bill 2009 [Provisions]

[3]               Replaced Senator Hanson-Young for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety and
                Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009

[4]               Replaced Senator Hanson-Young for the inquiry into the tender process for employment services contracts.

[5]               Replaced Senator Hanson-Young for the inquiry into Australia's research and training capacity in the area of climate change.

Environment, Communications and the Arts (Legislation)

[1]               Replaced Senator Troeth from 26 March 2010 to 12 April 2010

[2]               Replaced Senator Lundy on 27 May 2010

[3]               Replaced Senator Lundy on 25 May 2010

[4]               Replaced Senator McEwen on 15 June 2010

[5]               Replaced Senator Lundy on 24 May 2010

[6]               Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Water (Crisis Powers and Floodwater
                Diversion) Bill 2010

[7]               Replaced Senator Troeth from 6 October 2009 to 23 October 2009

[8]               Replaced Senator Lundy on 26 May 2010

[9]               Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Renewable Energy
                (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2010 and related bills

[10]             Replaces Senator Boswell for the committee's inquiries into sustainable management by the Commonwealth of water resources,
                and the administration and effectiveness of the Green Loans Program

[11]             Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into sustainable management by the Commonwealth of water resources

[12]             Replaced Senator Troeth from 26 March to 12 April 2010

[13]             Replaced Senator Boswell for the committee's inquiry into the Energy Efficient Homes Package

[14]             Replaced Senator Wortley for the committee's inquiry into forestry and mining operations on the Tiwi Islands

[15]             Replaced Senator Troeth from 06 October 2009 to 23 October 2009

[16]             Replaced Senator Wortley on 29 and 30 June 2010

[17]             Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the impact of mining operations on the Murray-Darling Basin

[18]             Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into Australia Post's treatment of injured and ill workers

Finance and Public Administration (Legislation)

[1]               Senator Polley stood down as Chair for the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearings on 19 & 20
                October 2009 and was re-appointed on 21 October 2009

[2]               Senator Collins was elected Chair for the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearings on 19 & 20
                October 2009

[3]               Replaced Senator Hanson-Young for the committee's inquiry into the Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2008

[4]               Replaced Senator Siewert for the inquiry into the Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill 2008

[5]               Replaced Senator Kroger for the committee's inquiry into the Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes
                Bill 2010 [Provisions] and related bills

[6]               Replaced Senator Siewert for the inquiry into the National Security Legislation Monitor Bill 2009

[7]               Replaced Senator Polley for the Supplementary Budget Estimates hearings

[8]               Replaced Senator Polley for the inquiry into the relationship between the Central Land Council and Centrecorp Aboriginal
                Investment Corporation Pty Ltd

[9]               Replaced Senator Siewert for the inquiry into the Independent Arbitration of Public Interest Immunity Claims

Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Legislation)

[1]               Replaced Senator Marshall for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and
                Organised Crime) Bill 2009

[2]               Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Citizenship Test Review and
                Other Measures) Bill 2009

[3]               Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2009

[4]               Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Immigration Detention Reform) Bill 2009

[5]               Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Anti-People Smuggling and Other Measures Bill 2010 [Provisions]

[6]               Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Migration Amendment (Complementary
                Protection) Bill 2009

[7]               Replaced Senator Feeney for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and
                Organised Crime) Bill 2009

[8]               Replaced Senator Crossin on 19 and 20 October 2009

[9]               Replaced Senator Marshall for the committee's consideration of the 2009–10 additional estimates on 8
                February and 9 February 2010

[10]             Replaced Senator Marshall for the consideration of the 2010-11 Budget estimates from 24 May to 26
                May 2010

[11]             Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Native Title Amendment Bill (No. 2)
                2009 [Provisions]

[12]             Replaced Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Migration Amendment
                (Visa Capping) Bill 2010

[13]             Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the review of government compensation

[14]             Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into donor conception practices

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport (Legislation)

[1]               Replaced Senator Heffernan for the committee's consideration of the 2009–10 additional estimates on 8
                February 2010

[2]               Replaced Senator Siewert for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Nation Building Program (National Land
                Transport) Amendment Bill 2009

[3]               Replaced Senator Heffernan for the committee's inquiry into rural and regional access to secondary and tertiary
                education opportunities

[4]               Replaced Senator Heffernan for the committee's inquiry into the management of aircraft noise by Airservices Australia

[5]               Replaced Senator Heffernan for the committee's inquiry into public passenger transport in
                Australia for 9 and 10 June 2009

[6]               Replaced Senator Heffernan for the committee's inquiry into the establishment of an Australian Football League team in

[7]               Replaced Senator McGauran for the committee's inquiry into the removal of the fee rebate for the Australian Quarantine
                and Inspection Service export certification functions

[8]               Replaced Senator Milne for the committee's inquiry into rural and regional access to secondary
                and tertiary education opportunities

[9]               Replaced Senator Milne for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Social Security and Other Legislation
                Amendment (Income Support for Students) Bill 2009

[10]             Replaced Senator Milne for the committee's inquiry into the management of the Murray-Darling
                Basin system

[11]             Replaced Senator Milne for the committee's inquiry into natural resource management and
                conservation challenges

Corporations and Financial Services (Joint Statutory)

[1]               For the duration of the committee's inquiry into financial products and services in Australia.

Finance and Public Administration (Legislation)

[1]               Replaces Senator Siewert for the committee's inquiry into the exposure drafts of Australian privacy amendment legislation

[2]               Replaced Senator Stephens from 18 to 19 October 2010

[3]               Replaced Senator Polley from 18 to 19 October 2010

Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Legislation)

[1]               Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation
                Amendment Bill 2010

[2]               Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the provisions of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 2010
                and a related bill

[3]               Replaces Senator Ludlam for the committee's inquiry into the Commonwealth Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill