Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings

Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings

(Joint Statutory)

43rd Parliament (28 September 2010 to 31 December 2010)


Pursuant to Parliamentary Proceedings Broadcasting Act 1946.

Current members

The Speaker (Mr Harry Jenkins MP) (Chair), the President (Senator the Hon John Hogg) (Vice Chair) and Senator Carol Brown, Senator Stephen Parry, Mr Mark Coulton MP, Mr Chris Hayes, The Hon John Murphy MP, Wyatt Roy MP and Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP

Former members

Mr Hale MP, The Hon D Hawker MP, The Hon P Lindsay MP and the Hon R Price MP


Ms Siwan Davies


(02) 6277 4888


(02) 6277 4204

Reports presented

28 September 2010–31 December 2010


28 September 2010–31 December 2010

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