Public Accounts and Audit (Joint Statutory)

Public Accounts and Audit (Joint Statutory)

1 July 2007 to 17 October 2007


Pursuant to Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951.

Committee name

Joint Statutory Committee of Public Accounts and Audit


Members Senators
Mr Phil Barresi (from/elected Chair, 6.2.07)  
  Senator Mark Bishop
(from 11 May 2006)
Ms Sharon Grierson MP (Deputy-Chair) Senator John Hogg
Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP Senator Gary Humphries
Mr Russell Broadbent MP Senator Andrew Murray
Dr Craig Emerson MP Senator Grant Chapman
(from 23.3.07)
Dr Dennis Jensen MP (from 29 May 2006) Senator John Watson
Hon Jackie Kelly MP  
Ms Catherine King MP  
Mr Andrew Laming MP  
Mr Lindsay Tanner MP  

Former members

Mr Tony Smith MP (to 6.2.07)(Chair) (to 6.2.07)
Hon Alex Somlyay (to 12.8.05)
Senator Nigel Scullion (to 7.9.05)
Ms Jackie Burke (to 12.9.05)
Mr Bob Baldwin MP (Chairman to 7.2.06)
Senator Claire Moore (to 11.5.06)
Mr Ken Ticehurst MP (to 29.5.06)
Senator Fiona Nash (to 23.3.07)

Current inquiries

1 July 2007 – 17 October 2007

  • Review of Auditor General's Reports Nos. 21 (2006/07) to 3 (2007/08)
  • Review of Auditor General's Reports Nos. 1 to 20 (2006/07)
  • Review of Auditor General's Reports Nos. 35 to 52 (2005/06)
  • Review of Auditor General's Reports Nos. 7 to 34 (2005/06)
  • Review of Auditor General's Reports Nos. 43 (2004/05) to 6 (2005/06)
  • Inquiry reviewing 'Certain Taxation Matters' within Australia
  • Inquiry into financial reporting and equipment acquisition at the Department of Defence and the Defence Materiel Organisation

Reports presented

1 July 2007 – 17 October 2007

  • Nil

Government responses received

1 July 2007 – 17 October 2007

  • Report 407 – Review of Auditor-General's Reports tabled between 18 January and 18 April 2005: Response by the Department of Finance and Administration (Rec'd 3 September 2007)


1 July 2007 – 17 October 2007

Full committee: 5hrs (5 meetings)
Sectional committees: 5hrs (4 meetings)
Total hours: 10 (9 meetings)             

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