Treaties (Joint)

Treaties (Joint)

1 July 2007 to 17 October 2007


Pursuant to resolution agreed to by the House of Representatives and the Senate on 18 November 2004.


Dr A Southcott MP (Chair), Mr K Wilkie MP (Deputy Chair), Senator Bartlett, Senator Brown, Senator Mason (to 23 Mar 07), Senator Macdonald (from 23 Mar 07), Senator Sterle, Senator Trood (to 20 June 07), Senator Birmingham (from 20 June 07), Senator Wortley, Senator McGauran, Hon D Adams MP, Mr M Johnson MP, Mr M Keenan MP, Mrs M May MP, Mrs S Mirabella MP (to 14 Feb 07), Mr A Laming MP (from 14 Feb 07), Mr B Ripoll MP, Hon B Scott MP.


Mr James Rees
Phone (02) 6277 4642
Fax (02) 6277 2219

Current inquiries

1 July 2007 – 17 October 2007

  • Treaties tabled on 15 August 2007
  • Treaties tabled on 11 September 2007
  • Treaties tabled on 18 September 2007

Documents tabled

1 July 2007 – 17 October 2007

  • Report 86: Treaties tabled on 27 March and 9 May 2007 (Tabled 16 August 2007)
  • Report 87: Treaties tabled on 13 June 2007 (Tabled 16 August 2007)
  • Report 88: Treaty tabled on 7 August 2007 (Tabled 16 August 2007)
  • Report 89: Treaties tabled on 7 August 2007 (Tabled 20 September 2007)


1 July 2007 – 17 October 2007

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