Selection of Bills (Standing)

Selection of Bills (Standing)

1 July 2007 to 31 December 2007


Pursuant to Standing Order 24A.

Current members

The Government Whip (Senator Parry) (Chair), the Opposition Whip (Senator Campbell), the Nationals Whip (Senator Nash), the Australian Democrats Whip (Senator Bartlett), the Australian Greens Whip (Senator Siewert), Family First Whip (Senator Fielding) and Senators Abetz, Ludwig, McGauran and Webber.


Richard Pye
Phone (02) 6277 3020
Fax (02) 6277 3098/6277 3099

Reports presented

1 July 2007 – 31 December 2007

  • Report Nos 12 to 16 of 2007

Meetings – All meetings held at Parliament House, Canberra

1 July 2007 – 31 December 2007

Private: 5

Total: 5

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