Details of Reports tabled in the Senate and other related matters

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Committee-related activity in the chamber

Details of Reports tabled in the Senate and other related matters

Legislation Committees:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 32 reports. The details are as follows:


Legislation Committees tabled 24 reports on bills. Bills can be referred either by the Senate's adoption of a report by the Selection of Bills Committee or by Senate resolution. The following bills were the subject of reports (unless otherwise indicated these bills have been referred through the Selection of Bills Committee process):

Committee Bills Tabled
EWRE Provisions of the Skilling Australia's Workforce Bill 2005 and the Skilling Australia's Workforce (Repeal and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2005 9.8.05
EWRE Provisions of the Higher Education Support Amendment (Abolition of Compulsory Upfront Student Union Fees) Bill 2005 10.8.05
LC Provisions of the Copyright Amendment(Film Directors' Rights) Bill 2005 10.8.05
LC Provisions of the Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Serious Drug Offences and Other Measures) Bill 2005
(presented out of session on 15.8.05)
EWRE Provisions of the Australian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia's Skills Needs) Bill 2005 18.8.05
EWRE Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment Bill 2005 18.8.05
RRAT Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Mutual Recognition with New Zealand) Bill 2005 5.9.05
CA Provisions of the Health Insurance Amendment (Medicare Safety-nets) Bill 2005 5.9.05
RRAT Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Maritime Security Guards and Other Measures) Bill 2005 5.9.05
ECO Provisions of the Trade Practices Amendment (National Access Regime) Bill 2005 8.9.05
ECITA Telstra (Transition to Full Private Ownership) Bill and the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Issues) Bill 2005, and the provisions of related bills
(by resolution of Senate)
EWRE Provisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Workplace Relations Requirements) Bill 2005 10.10.05
EWRE Provisions of the Student Assistance Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 13.10.05
LC Provisions of the Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Video Link Evidence and Other Measures) Bill 2005
(presented out of session on 1.11.05)
CA Provisions of the Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 7.11.05
CA Provisions of the National Health Amendment (Budget Measures – Pharmaceutical Benefits Safety Net) Bill 2005 7.11.05
CA Provisions of the Therapeutic Goods Amendment Bill 2005 7.11.05
EWRE Bills relating to the establishment of Carnegie Mellon University 2005 -
Provisions of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No.4) Bill 2005 and
Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment Bill 2005
ECO Provisions of the Tax Laws Amendment (National Access Regime) Bill 2005 10.11.05
ECO Provisions of the Energy Efficiency Opportunities Bill 2005 10.11.05
EWRE Provisions of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) Bill 2005
(by resolution of Senate)
(presented out of session on 22.11.05)
LC Provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No.2) 2005
(by resolution of Senate)
CA Provisions of the Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work and Other Measures) Bill 2005 and the Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work) Bill 2005
(by resolution of Senate)
EWRE Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Bill 2005 and Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Related Amendments) Bill 2005
(by resolution of Senate)



Legislation Committees tabled 1 report on the following matters:

Committee Report Tabled
RRAT Regulatory framework under the Maritime Transport Security Act 2005 10.8.05


Estimates reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled nil reports.


Annual Report reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 7 reports.


References Committees:

During the reporting period, Senate References Committees tabled 9 reports (plus 2 reports that did not discharge a reference; plus two reports that discharged one reference). The details are as follows:

Committee Report Tabled
ECITA Performance of the Australian Telecommunications Regulatory Regime 10.8.05
FADT Duties of Australian personnel in Iraq 18.8.05
FADT Mr Chen Yonglin's request for political asylum 12.9.05
FADT #Interim report – The removal, search for and discovery of Ms Vivian Solon 15.9.05
FPA Regional Partnerships and Sustainable Regions Programs 6.10.05
ECO Consenting adults deficits and household debt: Links between Australia's current account deficit, the demand for imported goods and household debt 13.10.05
FPA Matters relating to the Gallipoli Peninsula 13.10.05
RRAT Operation of the wine-making industry 13.10.05
EWRE Workplace Agreements (presented out of session on 31 October 2005) 7.11.05
FADT *First report – Opportunities and challenges: Australia's relationship with China 10.11.05
FPA Government advertising and accountability 6.12.05
FADT #The removal, search for and discovery of Ms Vivian Solon – Final report 8.12.05
LC * Administration and operation of the Migration Act 1958 (presented out of session) 21.12.05

*Reports that did not discharge a reference
#Reports tabled that discharged one reference


Joint Statutory/Select Committees:

During the reporting period, 2 reports (plus 1 report that did not discharge a reference, plus 1 report for a completed reference) were tabled by the Joint Statutory/Select Committees.

Committee Report Tabled
ACC ^Supplementary report to the Inquiry into the trafficking of women for sexual servitude 11.8.05
CFS Timeshare: The price of leisure 5.9.05
ACC Review of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 10.11.05
CFS *Statutory oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission
(presented out of session on 19.12.05)

*Report that did not discharge a reference
^Report for a completed reference


Government Responses to Committee Reports

The following table shows 16 Government responses to Senate Committee Reports:

Government response Date Committee
Annual reports referred to legislation Committees – Report No.1 of 2005 11.8.05 FPA (Leg)
Voting on trade - General Agreement on Trade in services and an Australia-US Free Trade Agreement 8.9.05 FADT (Ref)
The Effectiveness of Australia's Military Justice System 5.10.05 FADT (Ref)
Corporate Insolvency Laws: a Stocktake 13.10.05 CFS (Joint)
Taking stock: Current health preparation arrangements for the deployment of Australian Defence Forces overseas 7.11.05 FADT (Ref)
Nursing: The patient profession: Time for action 10.11.05 CA (Ref)
Forgotten Australians: A report on Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children – First report 10.11.05 CA (Ref)
Protecting vulnerable children: A national challenge: Inquiry into Australians who experienced institutional or out-of-home care as children – Second report 10.11.05 CA (Ref)
Office of the Chief Scientist 10.11.05 EWRE (Ref)
Effectiveness of the National Native Title Tribunal 10.11.05 NT (Joint)
19 th Report – Native Title Act 1993 – Inquiry under section 206(d) – Second interim report 10.11.05 NT (Joint)
Duties of Australian personnel in Iraq 28.11.05 FADT (Ref)
Australian Accounting Standards tabled in compliance with the Corporations Act 2001 on 30 August and 16 December 2004 1.12.05 CFS (Joint)
Planning for retirement 1.12.05 SUPER (Select)
Exposure draft of the Corporations Amendment Bill (No.2) 2005 8.12.05 CFS (Joint)
Beyond Cole: The future of the construction industry: Confrontation or co-operation?
(presented out of session)
22.12.05 EWRE (Ref)

A complete list of Government responses is produced in the Business of the Senate published half yearly by the Senate Table Office.

Dissenting Reports/Additional Comments/Supplementary Reports/Further Comment/Supplementary Comments/Minority Reports/Reports/Additional Comments and Points of Dissent and Dissenting/Minority Report

(Note: These statistics record the signatory to the reports)

Legislation: ALP AD AG FFP
Additional Comments 11 3    
Dissenting/Minority Report 3 1 1  
Reports 12 8    
Dissenting Reports 13 2 7 3
Minority Reports 3 4    
Supplementary Comments 3      
Additional Comments And Points of Dissent   1    


References: LP ALP AD AG
Additional Comments     3 1
Supplementary Report     1  
Dissenting Reports 2      
Further Comment       1
Report 5      
Minority Report 5      


Extension of Time to present Reports

During the reporting period, 16 extensions of time (under a week) and 20 extensions of time (over a month) were granted to Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office to present reports.


Leave to Meet while the Senate is in session

During the reporting period, Senate Committees were granted to meet while the Senate was in session on 19 occasions.


Change of Membership of Committees

During the reporting period, there were 271 membership changes of Committees.

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