National Broadband Network (Joint)

National Broadband Network (Joint)

1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013


Pursuant to Resolution of the House of Representatives of 2 March 2011 and agreed to by the Senate on 3 March 2011.

Current members

Mr Oakeshott MP (Chair), Mr Husic MP (Deputy Chair), and Senators Birmingham, Cameron, Gallacher, Ludlam, the Hon Macdonald, Smith and the Hon Thorp and Mr Fletcher MP, Mr Hartsuyker MP, the Hon S Ley MP, Mr Mitchell MP, Ms Rowland MP, Mr Symon MP, the Hon M Turnbull MP

Former members

Senator Fisher, Senator Brown, Ms Rishworth MP

Participating members

Senators Abetz, Back, Bernardi, Bilyk, Bishop, the Hon Boswell, Boyce, the Hon Brandis, Brown, Bushby, Cash, the Hon Colbeck, Cormann, Crossin, Eggleston, the Hon Faulkner, Fierravanti-Wells, Fifield, Furner, the Hon Heffernan, Humphries, Johnston, Joyce, Kroger, Lines, Marshall, the Hon Mason, McEwen, Moore, Nash, Parry, Payne, Polley, Pratt, the Hon Ronaldson, Ruston, Ryan, Scullion, Sinodinos, the Hon Stephens, Sterle, Williams and Xenophon, and Mrs D’Ath MP, Mr Neville MP and Mr Scott MP


Mr Peter Banson Phone: (02) 6277 2322 Fax: (02) 6277 8594

Reports presented
1 January 2013–30 June 2013

Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fifth Report

Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report

Government responses
1 January 2013–30 June 2013

1: To Rollout of the National Broadband Network: Fourth Report

1 January 2013–30 June 2013

Private: 8        
Public: 1         
Briefings: 0    
Total: 9         

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